Hydradenitis, commonly referred to as bough udder, is an acute inflammatory disease affecting the sweat glands. As you know, the sweat glands of the human body are heterogeneous, they have different types in their localization and structure.
General information
Considering what hydradenitis is, it should be noted that in this case we are talking about dangerous glands. They are located in the area of the genital organs, the auditory canal, the anal external opening, but they are most affected and concentrated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits. These are rather large formations that produce a matte liquid, which contains a large amount of lipids, in particular cholesterol. The secreting active cells of these glands often find themselves in this fluid on their own. So, let's take a closer look at what hydradenitis is, what are the symptoms of this disease. ExceptIn addition, in this article you can find information on how to cure the disease.

What is hydradenitis?
Hydradenitis is a purulent deep inflammation of the sweat apocrine glands. In most cases, the disease occurs during puberty, as well as in women during menopause, during which they experience a hormonal imbalance.
Answering the question of what hidradenitis is, it should also be noted that most often the disease is unilateral, but there is also a bilateral form of the disease. Basically, inflammation develops in the area of the armpit, less often - near the nipples, as well as in the area of the anus or genitals.
Reasons for appearance
The main reason for the development of hydradenitis under the arm, the photo of which is presented in this article, is the presence of white and Staphylococcus aureus. When they enter the excretory ducts of the sweat gland, these bacteria multiply. The ducts of the sweat glands are clogged with a corneal plug. A secret is also produced that does not have an outlet, so it stretches the gland. The entire accumulated secret is considered an ideal nutrient medium in which bacteria can multiply. The sweat glands become inflamed, causing the duct to burst. As a result, the infection spreads to nearby tissues, forming fistulous tracts.

But the ingestion of staphylococci is observed only under conditions of predisposing factors, where should be attributed:
- Increasedsweating.
- The presence of microtraumas of the skin, which were obtained due to careless combing or shaving.
- Weakened immune system.
- Poor personal hygiene.
- Endocrine diseases, which should include exogenous constitutional obesity, diabetes mellitus.
In the photo of hydradenitis under the arm, you can see how it is localized in this area. Most often it occurs in the fairer sex. In old age, the development of the disease almost never occurs, because during this period the sweat glands do not function well.
Disease types
In the field of medicine, several forms of axillary hidradenitis are distinguished. Consider them separately.
So, acute purulent hydradenitis develops due to blockage of the apocrine sebaceous and sweat glands. Among patients with this form of the disease, people who poorly care for their armpits are recorded. Also, this form of the disease can occur in the groin. Hidradenitis occurs as a typical inflammation in the human body with an increase in body temperature, which can sometimes reach 38 degrees, malaise, discomfort, which develops into soreness in the affected area. The purulent form is very life-threatening for the patient if he does not seek treatment from a specialist.

Chronic hydradenitis
Chronic hydradenitis in the groin or armpits is often called a recurrent form, characterized by a purulent process. howTypically, this process takes a long time. The disease most often manifests itself at certain intervals with a purulent acute phase. The area of those apocrine glands that were affected by inflammation begins to increase. If there is no therapy for the purulent process, then this can provoke septic consequences that threaten the life of the patient.
Hydradenitis nodosa
If the patient provides sufficient care for their armpits, but the skin is injured due to inaccurate shaving, wounds and scratches become open for staphylococcal or other types of pathogenic microflora to enter there. In this case, nodular hidradenitis begins to develop, which can develop into a purulent form if left untreated.
Symptoms of the disease
Symptoms of hidradenitis (in the ICD-10 code of which is L73) begin to manifest themselves gradually. In places of inflammation, there is a feeling of the presence of a goiter, and a painful swelling, dense to the touch, is formed, the diameter of which ranges from a few millimeters to a couple of centimeters. Over time, the size of this swelling increases, as does the pain. The skin becomes purple-red. In the center of the neoplasm, the tissues soften, open, and purulent contents are released through this hole. The cycle of development of such an infiltrate lasts from 10 to 15 days. As a result, hydradenitis formation ends with the appearance of a scar. Quite often, nearby sweat glands are also involved in the entire inflammatory process.
With successive defeatnew sweat glands inflammation can drag on for a month or more. Hidradenitis (ICD-10 L73) is often accompanied by signs of general intoxication, cephalgia, hyperthermia, leukocytosis.

Possible consequences
If the disease is left to chance or treated inappropriately, then hidradenitis will cause the patient a number of complications. First of all, such complications of axillary hidradenitis should include:
- Lymphadenitis, which is an inflammatory process of the lymph nodes that are located in the armpit area. Lymphadenitis develops due to the pathogen entering the lymph nodes. Further, a lesion in the lymph node system is fraught with lymphostasis.
- Generalization of the process. In this case, the pathogens go beyond the boundaries of the sweat glands, after which they spread to nearby tissues (both far and wide). This happens through connective tissue jumpers, tendons. It is especially dangerous when the purulent process affects the bone tissue and periosteum. This disease is called osteomyelitis. It is very difficult to treat.
- In advanced cases, sepsis, that is, blood poisoning, may occur.
Before treating hydradenitis, it is necessary to carry out a number of some diagnostic procedures. Diagnosis begins with an oral questioning of the patient, as well as an examination. This disease is indicated by the characteristic area of localization of the neoplasm, the appearance of puffiness, as well as possible accompanying signs. The doctor must distinguish the lesionsweat glands from other diseases that have a similar clinic. These include:
- Furuncle, which has a purulent core.
- Carbuncle, which is an accumulation of several boils in a limited area.
- Phlegmon, which is a purulent inflammation of the deep layer of the skin.
- Complicated atheroma, infection of the sebaceous gland.
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes, lymphadenitis.
It is also necessary to carry out diagnostic procedures for another form of hidradenitis, the ICD code of which will be different - opposite. It develops against the background of severe acne. The existing seal in the duct of the sebaceous gland compresses the sweat gland, which provokes the onset of the inflammatory process. This type of disease is characterized by a relapsing course, and therapy is based on the elimination of the main cause. During lactation, seals at the initial stage of development with hydradenitis also look like areas of milk accumulation due to blockage of the ducts on the nipple.

Features of treatment
Hydradenitis at home can be successfully treated. However, this must be done at the stage of seal formation. In addition, in parallel with the use of traditional medicine recipes, specialists prescribe the use of medications.
If there is soreness and a small nodule in the armpit, the specialist prescribes local therapy. To do this, the affected area and the skin around the infiltrate are carefully treated with alcohol several times a day to destroypathogenic bacteria present on the surface of the skin. This will also prevent the spread of the inflammatory process to the nearby sebaceous glands.
What else needs to be done?
2 times a day, a compress with "Dimexide" should be applied to the site of the lesion. During treatment, the patient must exclude stress, physical activity, carefully monitor hygiene, eat foods rich in protein.
As for already mature hidradenitis, its treatment is carried out with the help of surgical intervention. A simple opening of the purulent form of the disease, as well as drainage, will not bring a positive result. At the same time, a large number of microabscesses will remain in the lesion, which will mature in the future. Surgery involves a wide incision that passes through the infiltrate up to he althy tissues.
Please note that with the development of a purulent form of hidradenitis, you can not do without the use of antibiotics. Speaking about which antibiotics are used for hydradenitis, it is worth noting that only a doctor should prescribe them, based on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, age, course of the disease and other factors. The duration of therapy lasts at least a week. To speed up the maturation of the abscess, special dressings are applied with ointment from hydradenitis, for example, "Ichthyol" or Vishnevsky.

Recipes of traditional medicine
In parallel with the use of medications, a specialistmay prescribe the use of traditional medicine prescriptions for the treatment of this disease. Consider the most effective of them:
- Fresh celery leaves should be washed under warm water, kneaded, and then applied to the affected area several times a day.
- Knead the leaves of fresh plantain thoroughly in your hands so that they begin to secrete juice. After that, they should be applied to the resulting hydradenitis in the armpit for about 20 minutes. This procedure is carried out 4 times a day. Also pay attention to the fact that freshly squeezed psyllium juice has excellent efficiency.
- Aloe tree leaf plates are thoroughly washed under warm water, cut lengthwise, and then applied to the affected area. By themselves, the leaf plates of this plant cannot cure the disease, but they have a pronounced bactericidal effect and go well with other therapies.
- One teaspoon of chamomile, eucalyptus, sage or calendula flowers should be poured with one glass of boiling water. After that, the solution is filtered, during the day it is infused. The inflamed area is washed with the resulting product several times a day.
If you have been diagnosed with hidradenitis, then traditional medicine recipes can successfully replace surgical methods, but before using such therapy, you should definitely consult your specialist, as there may be contraindications.
When treating hydradenitis, it is imperative to adhere to a certain diet. To do this, all flour, sweet, smoked and spicy dishes, alcoholic beverages are excluded from the diet: after all, these products increase blood sugar. In addition, they increase the inflammatory process, leading to various complications.

A disease such as hidradenitis can also be cured with physiotherapy. As a rule, the following events are assigned:
- Ultra-high-frequency therapy, which helps to eliminate inflammation and the disappearance of infiltrate. This procedure is prescribed in cases where the neoplasm is surrounded by a dense infiltrate, and its center is not prone to softening. In this case, physiotherapy should be accompanied by antibiotics prescribed by a doctor.
- Sunbathing for 30 minutes. They can also be replaced by heating with a special blue lamp, which is used for 5 minutes. At the same time, it is placed at a distance of about 20 cm from the neoplasm. The fact is that dry heat improves blood circulation, and also contributes to the resorption of existing seals.
- Cimeter wave therapy will improve microcirculation, relieve puffiness, reduce signs of the inflammatory process, and also increase the protective properties of the skin.
- X-ray therapy is carried out in order to destroy the inflammatory process in the sweat glands in case of recurrent hidradenitis.
- Local ultraviolet irradiation provokes the death of bacteria, and also increases local immunesystem, skin resistance to infections.
Please note: if cavities filled with pus have formed inside the focus of the inflammatory process, then the above described warming procedures are strictly prohibited.