It hurts the big toe near the nail: possible causes, methods of treatment

It hurts the big toe near the nail: possible causes, methods of treatment
It hurts the big toe near the nail: possible causes, methods of treatment

It happens when it is simply impossible to put on model shoes or just take a quick step due to severe pain localized on the finger near the nail. In some cases, a similar symptom prevents people from just walking or even sleeping. In the best case, the soreness can go away on its own in a week, and in the worst case, it can provoke the need for surgical intervention. In this article, we will analyze why the big toe hurts near the nail, and also how to get rid of this symptom.


There are many reasons for this condition. Some of them, however, are far from harmless. In any case, if your big toe hurts near the nail, you should consult a doctor, as such a symptom can be caused by very serious reasons. Not worth itself-medicate, as you can get inflammation that requires future surgical intervention. When the big toe hurts near the nail, it causes severe discomfort while wearing shoes. So, let's look at the possible causes of such soreness:

  • Injury to the nail.
  • Harb.
  • Ingrown toenail.
  • Systemic disorders and diseases.
  • Local inflammatory process.

Now it's worth taking a closer look at the reasons why the big toe hurts near the nail.

big toe swollen and sore
big toe swollen and sore

Nail injury

Regardless of the main cause of injury, the process in the area around the nail will proceed in the same way, that is, it will be accompanied by severe pain. Consider the stages and consequences of injury, in which the nail on the big toe hurts:

  1. Severe impact or other damage to the nail.
  2. Rupture of blood vessels, as well as a violation of nerve endings near the nail.
  3. The formation of a bruise, as well as a violation of the metabolic process.
  4. Changing the shade of the nail plate, as well as the area of the skin nearby.
  5. Complete extinction.
  6. Growth of another nail plate.

If the injury was severe, the shade of the damaged area changes immediately, and pain will be felt constantly. In addition to the fact that the nail hurts on the big toe, swelling and redness also appear. If the swelling spreads to the foot, then there is a possibility of damage andphalanges.

Treatment for injury

In this case, if you have pain near the big toe, then the specialist should prescribe a treatment that can get rid of the pain, as well as speed up the regeneration of the nail. If the matrix under the nail plate is not protected, then an area nearby will also begin to cause serious discomfort. When it hurts near the big toe, the specialist prescribes bandages, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs that will alleviate the condition.

thumb bone hurts
thumb bone hurts

Ingrown toenail

Quite often, the area around the toenail hurts due to an ingrown toenail. There are many different factors that provoke this phenomenon. These include the following:

  1. Incorrectly performed pedicure procedure, in particular, improper treatment of the corners of the nail.
  2. Wearing shoes with a too pointed toe that presses on the toe area near the nails. In addition, this can be the reason why the joint of the big toe hurts.
  3. Incorrect position of the foot due to flat feet. This may also be the reason why the bone around the big toe hurts.
  4. Overweight, puffiness.
  5. Foot fungus.

Ingrown toenail treatment

If the big toe is swollen and hurts due to an ingrown nail, then you can get rid of this ailment by treating the problem area with a laser beam. Also, very often at present, a similar problem is treated by the method of exposure to radio waves. ATthe most advanced cases require complete removal of the damaged nail plate.

However, if it hurts near the big toe due to an ingrown toenail, you can cope with a similar symptom yourself with the help of traditional medicine recipes and a conservative method. First of all, you should change your shoes to more comfortable ones. The use of antifungal and antibacterial drugs is mandatory. Feet should be kept clean. If you want to get a pedicure, it is best to seek the help of a professional. If you follow these rules constantly, then the likelihood of pathology near the fingernail will be minimized.

pain in toe
pain in toe


We continue to consider why the big toe hurts. The reason may lie in the formation of a burr. A small open wound, mechanical damage, and vitamin deficiency can cause this phenomenon. When an infection gets under the skin, an inflammatory process begins near the nail plate on the finger, and an abscess forms. In the most serious forms, the inflammatory process flows into various kinds of foot diseases.

The burrs are mainly affected by those people who work with household chemicals without the use of gloves, as well as those with very dry skin.

There is a chance of getting an infection under the skin, as well as starting to feel serious discomfort in the area of large toenails during a pedicure with non-sterile instruments.

Treatment for hangnails

Very often, barbs on the skin around the nails hurt due to skin injury. At the initial stage, iodine and brilliant green can be used for treatment. But if an abscess has formed, then special ointments are used, for example, Levosin or Levomekol. After treatment, the finger heals in just a couple of days. If a tumor appears in the nail area, and there is also severe pain that does not go away even after treatment, you should consult a doctor.

pain in big toe nail
pain in big toe nail

To avoid possible inflammation from hangnails on the skin, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Use only sterile pedicure supplies.
  2. Always have antiseptics on hand.
  3. The place of burr formation should be sealed with an antiseptic plaster.
  4. The skin of the feet should be moisturized and nourished to prevent the appearance of burrs near the nails.

In case of formation of purulent contents, its discharge, you should seek help from a dermatologist, because this fluid is a sign of serious illness.

Systemic diseases

If the leg is swollen and the big toe hurts, then the reason may lie in the presence of some serious disease in the body. A similar symptom can occur with the following ailments:

  • Arthritis.
  • Arthrosis.
  • Violation of the cardiovascular system.

If the big toe hurts on the side, top or elsewhere, then it can also give off blue or turn white. Such diseases bring great inconvenience to the patient. In addition, diabetes is a common cause of this symptom. The disease in the form of additional signs causes cracks, burning, and pain in the feet.

If the bone of the big toe hurts, what should I do? In a situation where this happened due to a systemic disease, the symptom can be eliminated only if the main ailment is cured. And this is carried out only after a full examination by a doctor.

why does my toe hurt
why does my toe hurt

Local inflammation

So, we continue to consider why it hurts near the big toe. Often this is observed in case of local inflammation. In the most serious form of panaritium, damage to the bones of the phalanx of the finger is observed. It is customary to distinguish 2 infections that provoke the development of such a process. This happens for the reason that if the tissue gets:

  1. Infections of the Enterococcus group, Staphylococcus aureus.
  2. Intestinal infection, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

At risk are those people who have been diagnosed with a pathology of the immune system, beriberi, as well as those who have had infectious diseases. You should be very careful in case of damage localized near the nail plates on the fingers.

Treatment of local inflammation

If you do not start treatment in time, the inflammatory process can affect the joints and bones of the toe. In this case, the disease will already be difficult to cure, and the patient will feel severe pain in the limbs. Therapy consists in the use of antibiotics, antibacterial drugs. In addition, for external treatment of problem areas, the specialist prescribes gels and ointments that prevent the development of infection. In the most advanced cases, treatment requires surgery to remove the abscess. This is necessary in situations where the toe is very reddened, and the pain is already unbearable.

Before starting the main treatment, the doctor must identify the main cause, relieve pain near the fingernails, and also eliminate the main source of its manifestation.

Other reasons

In some cases, soreness in the fingers near the nails is provoked by specific causes. This should include skin cracks, peeling, where, when an infection enters, an inflammatory process appears, accompanied by redness and severe pain. Even if the infection has not got under the skin, this process causes a very unpleasant feeling.

Quite often, an abscess on the toe is the result of a simple splinter. Even a small splinter that has fallen under the nail will not hurt until the inflammatory process begins. To avoid this, you should remove the splinter, treat the area near the finger with an anti-inflammatory agent.

Inflammatory process, soreness in the area of the nails, as well as on the toes, is also caused by a fungus that provokes injuries on the skin, near the nails, and also on the entire surface of the fingers. Toes outwardly look damaged, ugly, especiallytheir nails. Self-medication in this case is inappropriate. If you have the first suspicions of a skin infection with a fungus, you should consult a doctor. Mycosis is a rather insidious disease, and if it proceeds in an advanced form, it will be very difficult to get rid of it. In addition, the fungus is dangerous to others.

pain in the joint of the big toe
pain in the joint of the big toe

Folk recipes

If you have a festering finger near the toenail, then you can use procedures, home remedies that you can prepare yourself. The most effective of them are the following:

  1. Foot baths. To prepare such a bath, you will need table soda and tincture of iodine. The fact is that s alty components help get rid of the inflammatory process, and iodine effectively copes with microbes. To prepare one bath, you will need 1 liter of boiled warm water, where one tablespoon of soda is added, as well as a few drops of iodine.
  2. Compress. One leaf of a plantain or coltsfoot plant must be kneaded, and then a compress should be made from the resulting slurry on the area near the finger. It must be kept at the site of inflammation for about 10 hours. That is why it is best to do this procedure at night.
  3. Compress of vegetables. To prepare this home remedy, you will need a mixture of raw onions, beets, carrots. All vegetables are rubbed on a fine grater, a small amount of aloe plant juice is added there. All ingredients are mixed, after which the resulting mixtureapplied to the damaged area, fixed with a bandage on top. The compress stays on the problem area for several hours.
  4. A rather effective remedy is a flatbread made from boiled potatoes with a little honey.
  5. Baked onions. To do this, the vegetable is divided into two identical slices, baked in the oven for 15-20 minutes. After that, the bow is applied as a compress to the affected area. You should pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to use the vegetable only when warm.
  6. Tincture based on Japanese Sophora. It is best to purchase a ready-made product at a pharmacy, and you should use it according to the instructions that are attached.

In any case, before treating an abscess near the fingernail, it is necessary to objectively assess the development of the process. If suppuration in this area is very common, then it is better not to waste time and immediately seek help from a doctor.

foot massage
foot massage

How to help the body?

In most cases, the causes of soreness on the toe near the nail indicate a decrease in the body's immune system. To strengthen the defenses of your body, you must:

  1. Eat well. The diet should be such that it contains a biologically sound combination of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  2. Perform vitamin therapy and mineral therapy. This suggests that the diet should be dominated by a sufficient amount of foods with a highthe content of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.
  3. It is advisable to get rid of bad habits, in particular, from smoking, drinking alcohol, and visiting fast food establishments.
  4. Be active.
  5. Respect the regime of rest and work.


If you follow the rules of personal hygiene, control the condition of your fingers and toes, you can avoid possible unpleasant diseases affecting the area around the nails. If the nail plates and toes hurt, and symptoms of the inflammatory process appear, then in such situations a consultation with a dermatologist is simply necessary. Only in this way can you avoid complications.
