Allergy to the sea, sea water: consequences and methods of treatment

Allergy to the sea, sea water: consequences and methods of treatment
Allergy to the sea, sea water: consequences and methods of treatment

Of course, not too often, but still it happens that there are such unusual people who are allergic to the sea. Against this background, it is important to be aware of the symptoms that can appear with any contact with sea water, in addition, you should know how you can help the body with such a seemingly non-standard type of allergy. Such intolerance to sea water can manifest itself in the soil of flowering algae or trace elements, as well as sea s alt, they can cause the corresponding reaction of the body.

allergy to the sea
allergy to the sea

Signs of a seawater allergy

During contact with sea water, a certain rash may be localized on the body of a person, which, as a rule, appears on the arms, neck, abdomen or knees. This rash, among other things, can still be accompanied by urticaria, although in some cases it passes independently and separately.from her. The main difference between urticaria and rash is that the first is accompanied by redness with lighter centers of localization. Also on its soil there is a very strong itching and unpleasant burning sensation. This is the allergy to the sea.

If there are no applied treatment measures, then the area that is affected by the rash begins to grow and spread. Urticaria can also be accompanied by the manifestation of blisters, which are of different sizes, from small millimeters to large ones, reaching several tens of centimeters. For this reason, in case of any allergy to the s alty sea, you should immediately consult a doctor who will have to choose the right treatment.

How is it different from other types of allergies?

It should be said that this type of allergic reaction is not accompanied by coughing or sneezing at all, and neither fever nor swelling is typical for it. The only thing to be emphasized is that at the moment there are no data on anaphylactic shock. An allergy to sea s alt water can go away on its own in just a few hours, but in any case, this is not a reason for self-medication at all, but you should definitely consult a specialist. It is important to note that such an allergy can be aggravated by direct interaction of the body with the sun's rays.

s alt sea allergy
s alt sea allergy

Causes of an allergic reaction to s alt water

According to many doctors, an allergy to the sea can be caused by an extremely weak human immune system. Most strongly to hersusceptible are people who have some problems in the proper functioning and functioning of the adrenal glands, the liver, in general, all those organs that should be responsible for processing any incoming substances into the human body.

In addition to the listed he alth problems, an allergic reaction can also occur due to other types of pathogens such as:

  • water temperature, usually urticaria mainly occurs due to contact with cold water;
  • significant s alt content in the water, which, by the way, is typical for our Black Sea;
  • the flowering period of various marine plants and algae;
  • poisons secreted by jellyfish;
  • any production waste that ends up in seawater.
  • sea s alt water allergy
    sea s alt water allergy

Seawater allergy treatment

At the moment, this type of allergic reaction of the body has not yet been fully studied, for this reason there are no unambiguous methods of treatment for absolutely any of its manifestations. It is obvious that people who are prone to reaction to sea water have a significant amount of histamine in their body, as well as immunoglobulin "E". That is why specialists prescribe drugs that reduce their level in people. Allergy prescriptions usually include regular creams and various pills.

Determine the cause

But before proceeding with the treatment of allergies to the sea (the photo is presented below), it is still necessary to establish the cause of a particularpathogen. An allergic reaction may occur due to swimming in the sea in cold water, in which case it would be logical to dip only in warm or at least slightly warmed reservoirs. If, however, a reaction to the level of s alt in the water constantly appears, then, most likely, you will have to choose a resort where this microelement will practically not be. In addition, during the flowering period of all kinds of marine plants, it is also not recommended to plan your vacation.

allergy to the sea photo
allergy to the sea photo

Could there be an allergy to the sea? As we have already found out, maybe.

Narrow profile specialists

Nevertheless, despite the insufficient study of the reaction of some people to sea water, there is still a kind of highly specialized specialists in medicine who are able to determine the diagnosis of the disease more accurately than anyone else, and, accordingly, prescribe the necessary, perhaps even complex treatment. Of course, we are talking about an allergist. It happens that he may need the help of other colleagues, such as, for example, a dermatologist or a gastroenterologist, because against the background of any allergic reactions, most likely there is a violation of any other organs in the activity of the human body.

is it possible to be allergic to the sea
is it possible to be allergic to the sea

Taking antihistamines

As a treatment for sea allergies, it should also be taken into account that the intervals between dives in s alt water during rest should be long enough, against this background, taking antihistamines is also extremely important. As a rule, it is better to give preference to medicines in the form of gels, ointments andvarious creams. Thanks to their use, histamine production will be blocked, which will allow you to enjoy your rest to the fullest without the occurrence of any allergic force majeure.

Antiallergic drugs prescribed by doctors block special receptors in the human body that are caused by the activity of the so-called histamine. This is a special substance, which is a chemical biologically active element. In those situations when its action is significantly enhanced, allergic reactions develop. When the effects of histamine weaken under the influence of certain medications, the influence and manifestation of allergies also become less pronounced, as a result of which it completely disappears. Against the background of reactions of intolerance to foreign elements, blockers of histamine receptors "H1" are widely used.

What else to treat an allergy to s alt water in the sea.


In addition to antihistamines, antioxidants, as well as vitamins of groups "B", "C" and "E" are perfect as internal medicines.

child allergic to the sea
child allergic to the sea

Of course, any use of medicines should be strictly controlled by the treating specialist. As a rule, the doctor selects the most effective drug only after a study of the body. After all, it is immediately unknown whether a person has an allergy to water or not. It is likely that this or that negative reaction appears due to the impact of othernegative factors.

Most often, an allergy to the sea on the legs manifests itself in the form of urticaria.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

The most common symptoms of a seawater allergy are usually:

  • sometimes there is swelling of the lips;
  • nausea, even vomiting and diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • slight tingling on the tongue;
  • abdominal cramps.

Very rare cases when allergies were accompanied in people by fainting or bouts of confusion.

Features of allergy to sea water

If a rash suddenly appears among tourists resting on the sea, not everyone will compare such a reaction of the body with swimming in sea water. Often, people can cite their diet or the presence of dust in a hotel room, as well as blooming exotic plants, as reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to distinguish one or another type of allergic reaction, which is quite simple to do with regard to intolerance to marine elements, here are the main differences:

sea s alt water allergy
sea s alt water allergy
  • Against the background of an allergy to sea water, there are no standard symptoms characteristic of other types of reactions, except for redness;
  • there is a practical impossibility of occurrence of anaphylactic shock;
  • with an allergy to s alt water in the sea (photo available), there is no respiratory depression, the attacks of which can sometimes torment patients suffering from a response to dust or other relevant substances-exciters.

The main feature of this type of allergy is that due to the lack of study of this type of pathology, drugs that would guarantee a complete cure for it have not yet been developed.

Thus, to the question of whether water can cause an allergic reaction, unfortunately, any specialist will answer positively. This is especially true in conditions of severe pollution of the human environment, and during prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as various other factors that will contribute to the occurrence of such a reaction to the sea. But this does not mean at all that you cannot plan a vacation on the warm southern shores, rather, on the contrary, it will be very useful for any person to relax, you just need to pay attention to the characteristics of your body and take into account all the factors that will help reduce the risk of allergies to the sea. In a child, it can manifest itself especially strongly.


Allergists and dermatologists around the world advise choosing vacation spots where there are few people on the beach and there are no seaports. You should also choose the season for swimming in the sea when the water is already well warmed up, it is desirable that its temperature is at least twenty degrees. And it is important to remember that these are just recommendations aimed at reducing the risk of allergies, because, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease with a specialist in order not to complicate it even more.
