In the article, we will consider instructions and reviews for the Isofra preparation.
One of the most popular remedies in the fight against the common cold is the French drug Isofra. It is effective for sinusitis, as well as nasopharyngitis, which are of bacterial origin. Symptoms of the disease stop already on the third day of use. This drug is most often prescribed in pediatrics, as it is safe and can be used in children from a very early age. The drug has a minimum number of contraindications, it does not cause systemic side effects.
Reviews about "Isofra" abound.

Instructions for use
The undoubted effectiveness of the drug is evidenced by the fact that it is often prescribed by pediatricians. Against the background of the use of the drug, painful symptoms quickly disappear, the congestion of the nasal passages disappears, and full recovery occurs record-breaking quickly. In connection with this, the regularthe question that arises is whether Isofra, like most antimicrobial medicines, belongs to the group of antibiotics or not?
The answer to this question is yes. Yes, Isofra is an antibiotic that is part of the aminoglycoside group. Refers to neomycin derivatives. The drug can be used exclusively locally in otolaryngology, or in combination with other drugs in proctology and ophthalmology.
According to reviews, Isofra is also suitable for children.
But due to the fact that the remedy is an antibiotic, it should be used with caution, after consulting with a specialist.
Pharmacological group, composition of the drug
"Isofra" refers to aminoglycosides. The main component in its composition is framycetin, which is a structural component of the antibiotic agents of the first generation of aminoglycosides. ABP is intended exclusively for topical use in otorhinolaryngology.

As already noted, the main active ingredient in Isofra is the bactericidal substance framycetin. Framycetin is a derivative of the aminoglycoside antibiotic neomycin. It is able to destructively affect pathogens by damaging their cell membrane, as well as disrupting the metabolic process that occurs inside the cell. Pathogenic microorganisms such as penicillin-resistant staphylococci, gram-positive streptococci, gram-negative salmonella, shigella, klebsiella are sensitive to the drug.
To framycetintreponemas, anaerobes and some strains of streptococci are immune. Resistance in pathogens to this drug is formed extremely slowly.
This is confirmed by the instructions for the Isofra spray. Check out the reviews below.
Issue Forms
The drug "Isofra", designed to combat the common cold and some infections of the ENT organs, is produced by the manufacturer in only one pharmacological form - in the form of a spray. The medicine is packaged in plastic bottles of 15 ml, equipped with a special dispenser for spraying the product. Each bottle is additionally packed in a cardboard box.
Each milliliter of "Isofra" contains 12.5 mg of the main component - framycetin. In addition, the nasal spray contains some excipients: matilparaben, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, citric acid, distilled water.
According to reviews, Isofra spray is quite affordable. On average, the cost of one package in Russian pharmacies fluctuates around 300 rubles.
Most of the funds aimed at combating the common cold, effective due to the ability to constrict blood vessels, thereby reducing the production of mucus and preventing nasal congestion. "Isofra", in turn, does not have vasoconstrictors in its composition, therefore, it does not have a vasoconstrictor effect and is intended to eliminate the cause of the common cold - infection.
If the patient is indicated for the use of a medicated spray, the doctor must issue a prescription form, otherwise it will not be possible to purchase the drug at the pharmacy.
Reviews and analogues of "Isofra"are of interest to many.
Indications for use
Quite often, colds of a viral nature are complicated by the parallel addition of infections of a bacterial nature. Such situations are typical for children, since the anatomy of their respiratory system contributes to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Doctors prescribe a nasal spray if there is a green mucous purulent discharge from the nose. The reason for such discharge may be:
- Nasopharyngitis (runny nose with bacterial etymology).
- Chronic rhinitis.
- Sinusitis (inflammation in the paranasal sinuses), if there is no curvature of the nasal septum.
In adult patients, Isofra is often used to treat sinusitis, chronic or acute rhinitis. There is no other form of the drug containing a larger amount of the active substance. Therefore, adults should simply spray the drug into the nose more often than small patients.

Contraindications for use
Like any medical product, Isofra should not be used by patients who have individual sensitivity to any component that is part of the drug. In addition, experts do not recommend the use of a nasal spray for women at any stage of pregnancy. Do not use the product during lactation.
Drug dosage
The action of the medicine is local. That is, the active component does not penetrate into the systemic circulation, but actsdirectly on the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs. This is the reason for the possibility of using this antibiotic in the field of pediatrics - there is no harmful effect on the child's body. Cases of overdose or negative interactions with other drugs used orally or parenterally have not been reported for the same reason.
Reviews about "Isofra" for children will be presented at the end of the article.
For small patients, the medication is most often prescribed if thick green mucous discharge is observed, which indicates an attached infection of bacterial origin. In such cases, before injecting the drug, it is necessary to wash the nose of the child. You can use a simple saline solution or special s alt solutions that are available at the pharmacy. The washing procedure will more effectively clear the mucous membranes and enhance the therapeutic effect of the nasal antibiotic.
This is indicated in the instructions for "Isofra". According to reviews, it is completely safe for children. But you still need to be careful.
When injecting, the bottle with the drug must be held vertically. In each nasal passage, one injection is required. This should be done no more than three times a day. In general, the duration of the course of treatment should not exceed one week. Most often, the unpleasant symptoms of the disease against the background of the use of Isofra disappear after three days. If the effectiveness of the use of the drug is not observed after a week, it is necessary to stop using it andconsult with your doctor about changing the medicine.
In the treatment of adult patients, the injection scheme is similar to that of children. It is also recommended to pre-rinse the nasal cavity in order to cleanse the mucous membranes. Injections are made one at a time in each nasal passage, the duration of use is no more than a week. The only difference in the treatment regimens for children and adults is that the latter need to make up to 6 injections per day.

Side Effects
When used locally, recommended by the instructions for the drug, the active ingredient does not penetrate into the systemic circulation. Accordingly, there is no systemic effect on the body, side effects characteristic of antibiotic therapy (such as dyspepsia, dysbacteriosis, disorders of the NS activity) do not develop. According to reviews of Isofra, in rare cases, only local allergic manifestations, such as redness or burning, may occur.
Use by pregnant and lactating women
Large clinical studies on the penetration of framycetin into breast milk and its effect on the fetus have not been conducted. Thus, medicine does not have reliable data. Despite the fact that the antibiotic does not penetrate into the bloodstream and is not theoretically dangerous, the manufacturer in the instructions for use does not recommend using the drug throughout the entire pregnancy, as well as during the entire period of breastfeeding.
So it says ininstructions for use. Reviews about Isofra for children and adults are mostly positive.
Compatibility with alcoholic beverages
Treatments designed to fight infections and intended for local use do not enter the bloodstream and, accordingly, do not mix with ethanol. This allows us to conclude that it is possible to combine treatment with alcohol, but it will be erroneous. Alcoholic drinks contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, causing a strong rush of blood to the tissues. As a result, mucus secretion increases, swelling worsens, and the patient's general condition worsens. Among other things, alcohol has an extremely negative effect on the body weakened by the disease.
We reviewed the instructions for use for Isofra. Reviews and analogues are presented below.

French nasal antibiotic is quite expensive - a small bottle of 15 ml will cost the consumer 300 rubles. Despite the fact that one package is enough for the entire course of treatment, situations often arise when the patient needs to change the drug. Isofra has no structural analogues based on framycetin. Therefore, to choose a replacement, you should contact your doctor. The most commonly recommended medications are:
- "Protargol". It is a 2% solution of the active ingredient. Prepare this drug in a pharmacy according to a doctor's prescription. The cost of such a medication does not exceed 100 rubles. Quite often, pharmacists suggest replacing Protargol with the factory Sialor,the cost of which is approximately the same as that of Isofra.
- Okomistin. This drug, in essence, is eye drops, but can be used in otorhinolaryngology. The average cost for a 10 ml bottle of the drug fluctuates at the level of 130 rubles.
- "Kollargol". It is an antiseptic drug with a bactericidal effect. Prepare this drug directly in the pharmacy. Its average cost is up to 15 rubles.
- Miramistin. It is an antiseptic in the form of a spray. The average price in pharmacies is 200 rubles for a bottle of 50 ml.
- Chlorophyllipt oil solution. Effective in the fight against the common cold, if used together with systemic drugs. Approximate cost is 140 rubles for 20 ml.
There are other medicines on sale, the action of which is similar to the action of Isofra. A very popular drug is Rinofluimucil. However, it is important to consider that it is not an antibiotic and is only able to fight the symptoms, and not the cause of the disease. That is, "Rinofluimucil" has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effect, like many other similar drugs.
It also has a more extensive list of contraindications, and there are much more adverse reactions associated with its use. Some of them are associated with heart rhythm disturbances. If we compare "Rinofluimucil" with "Isofra", then the first should not be prescribed to children.

"Isofra" and "Polydex"
Both drugs have the formspray for nasal use, their cost is approximately the same, the action is local, the indications for use are identical. The main difference between medicines is the qualitative and quantitative composition. It is he who determines the list of contraindications for the use of each and drugs.
Polydexa combines two antimicrobial substances - polymyxin and neomycin. Thanks to this combination, the spectrum of activity of the drug is significantly expanded. Also in the composition is phenylephrine and dexamethasone, which provide anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive effects. In general, Polydex is more effective than Isofra, but it is not recommended for people with kidney failure and children under 30 months.
According to reviews, Isofra for the nose people trust more.
Isofra and Derinat
"Derinat" is an immunostimulating drug effective in ENT infections. It can be prescribed to children from birth.
The main active ingredient in its composition is sodium deoxyribonucleate. The substance is effective when used in combination with other medicines, it does not directly affect pathogens. Accordingly, the possibility and expediency of replacing Isofra with Derinat should be determined by an otorhinolaryngologist or pediatrician.
Reviews about "Isofra"
Most of the reviews about the drug are positive. Patients report that the drug is very effective in the initial stages of the disease, which is caused by bacteria. If the disease has a viral etiology, then the drops willuseless. Many patients managed to get rid of a runny nose in just a couple of days, but they note that after treatment they had to restore the microflora in the nasopharynx.
What other reviews about Isofra are there?
High efficiency of the drug is noted when it is used against sinusitis. Already on the third day there is relief. If it is absent, then it is better to refuse the use of this antibiotic. Some patients note that they managed to completely cure sinusitis, which had been in a chronic form for a long time.

According to reviews, Isofra drops are effective in the treatment of bacterial diseases in children. It is important to remember that a nasal antibiotic should be prescribed by a doctor and only to children older than 12 months. Parents of young patients testify that the drug is highly effective against sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoids, rhinitis. If you use the medicine as prescribed by the doctor, do not self-medicate, follow the recommendations in the instructions, then the risk of side effects is extremely low.
The article presented instructions and reviews for Isofra.