Cream "Unna" is a well-known drug for the treatment of skin diseases. Despite the apparent simplicity of the composition and relative cheapness, this tool is quite effective for many problems. In addition to improving the condition of the skin with various dermatitis, eczema and urticaria, Unna ointment is good for infectious skin diseases. For some people, it has become a salvation from itching and inflammation, returning the body to a normal he althy look.
Treatment of skin diseases
Various dermatological problems cause people not only physical suffering, but also psychological discomfort. In addition, the skin is the largest organ of the human body, and if something is wrong with it, this is reflected in the general state of he alth. The problem is that there are a lot of drugs for the treatment of skin diseases, but not all of them are as effective as we would like. In addition, they all act differently on all people. Therefore, patients with dermatological diseases choose their drug for themselves, often after a long search.
Someone prefers expensive imported drugs on a synthetic basis, someone prefers natural remedies. But many stop at proven cheap drugs that are alreadyhelp with skin problems for many years. One of them is Unna cream. It's so easy to make, and the ingredients are so simple and safe, it's amazing why it's so effective.

The advantage of ointment over other means
This drug is quite cheap, you can buy it at any pharmacy. In addition, the cream has other benefits:
- has a simple and safe composition without hormones and synthetic substances;
- acts not on the symptoms, but on the cause of the disease;
- not only relieves itching and inflammation, but also destroys the infection;
- The peculiarity of the drug is also that it contains water, which, evaporating from the surface of the skin, cools it, providing an anti-inflammatory effect, after which the cream begins to act as an ointment.

Cream "Unna": composition
The drug used to be made in the prescription department of pharmacies. There it could be bought in a glass jar. And he had several options, differing in consistency and percentage of components. Now Unna cream can be purchased in a special tube. So it is more convenient to use them. All variants of the drug have the same set of components:
- gelatin;
- glycerin;
- lanolin;
- olive oil;
- zinc oxide;
- vitamin A.
To give the preparation a consistency suitable for application to the affected skin, specially purified water is used. Sometimes to enhance effectiveness and aromatizationadd a few drops of essential oils.

What effect does
"Unna" is a drug known in dermatological practice for a long time. It is with its help that many doctors treat eczema, viral dermatosis and even psoriasis. Many patients note that they unsuccessfully tried to use other means, but managed to get rid of problems only after applying this ointment. Here is the effect of Unna cream:
- relieves itching and irritation;
- reduces inflammation and swelling;
- softens and moisturizes the skin, removing dryness and flaking;
- dries out inflamed areas, stimulating faster wound healing;
- improves blood supply to the skin;
- accelerates cell regeneration;
- stimulates local immunity;
- destroys viruses, fungi and bacteria.

Indications for use of the drug
This cream is not cosmetic, but medicinal. There are certain diseases in which Unna ointment is especially effective. These include:
- psoriasis;
- lupus erythematosus;
- lichen planus;
- eczema;
- neurodermatitis;
- burns;
- condition after radiotherapy.
In addition, the drug is very effective in various allergic skin reactions: atopic dermatitis, diathesis, urticaria, rash, insect bites. You can also use it to get rid of cosmetic problems: seborrhea, dandruff, acne. speci althe advantage of the cream is that its components penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, destroying the infection and preventing its spread. By covering the skin with a protective film, the drug also prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses to other people.

To whom the ointment is contraindicated
Despite the fact that the components of the drug do not have a toxic effect and very rarely cause allergic reactions, it is still worth consulting a doctor before treatment. This ointment does not help with all diseases. For example, lichen and viral dermatosis are amenable to its action, but more serious infectious skin diseases, such as tuberculosis, are not. Therefore, before treatment, you need to undergo an examination and determine the cause of skin problems.
In addition, it is not recommended to use Unna cream during pregnancy and lactation, as its components quickly penetrate into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. In some cases, individual intolerance to the components of the drug is also possible.
Treat psoriasis with this ointment
This disease has been known since ancient times. It can hit anyone and cause a lot of trouble. And getting rid of it is very difficult. Now psoriasis is considered incurable, but the process can be suspended for a while. This requires an integrated approach. Be sure to strengthen the immune system and eat right.
And the Unna ointment will help improve the condition of the skin. It softens the upper keratinized layer of the epidermis, removes peeling and itching. ithelps prevent the spread of psoriatic plaques. The drug also helps in that it effectively heals wounds and cracks, preventing infections from spreading. Already after 7-10 days of applying the Unna ointment, the skin softens. Redness and peeling disappears, psoriasis becomes less noticeable.
Cream "Unna": instructions for use
Treatment with the drug is very simple. A small amount of ointment is applied to the affected surface and rubbed with light movements. It is necessary to warm up the drug in warm water before use. It is convenient to do this if the ointment is released in an aluminum tube, which can simply be immersed in warm water. After that, it will be easier to apply, and it will immediately penetrate the tissue. After application, the drug will gradually harden, forming a protective film on the skin. It is needed to prevent the evaporation of moisture and improve the absorption of the components of the product. This film protects the affected area from moisture and bacteria, and also prevents the disease from spreading to he althy areas of the skin.
Depending on the severity and characteristics of the disease, Unna ointment is used for 5 to 15 days. Treatment should continue until the symptoms disappear completely, and after that for another 2-3 days. If after 2 weeks there is no improvement, you need to consult a doctor about replacing the drug. But in some cases, for example, to cure psoriasis or lichen planus, the course of therapy can be continued.

Analogues of the drug
In fact, Unna ointment is available to everyone. You can buy it at any pharmacy at a low price - for30-40 rubles. But if the drug for some reason did not fit, you can use any of its analogues with a similar composition and action:
- Zinc ointment.
- Radevit.
- Terbinafine.
- "Lakoid".
- Thermicon.
- Terbix.
Ointment reviews
Despite the lack of advertising, this drug is still popular. Especially among patients of the dermatology department. Many use a cream to get rid of acne, normalize the fat balance of the skin. Others like it because of its ability to quickly relieve itching and redness from an allergic reaction or after insect bites. But most of the positive feedback about the Unna ointment comes from people with psoriasis. Many do not even believe that such a simple and cheap drug helped stop the spread of the disease and improved the condition of their skin.