The manufacturer of the MMR vaccine (the Swiss company Merck Sharp and Dome Idea) presents its pharmaceutical product as an effective means of preventing several serious and widespread diseases at once: mumps, measles, rubella. All these pathologies are among the most dangerous, they spread rapidly among people who do not have immunity. With a high degree of probability, diseases can provoke the status of a disabled person or even cause death. This is observed in underdeveloped countries, where the population does not receive the necessary immunization. Consider the features of these diseases and the rules for using the vaccine.
Basic information
Studies involving 3,104 people were conducted to determine the value of the MMR vaccine (2 doses). Vaccination using a single dose has prevented the manifestations of measles in preschool children. The efficiency level was estimated at 95%. In adolescence, one administration of the drugprevented 98% of the cases. To fix such results, laboratory tests were carried out, which made it possible to confirm infection with measles. For re-infection, one injection of the vaccine helps to reduce the risk by 92%, double - by 95%.
Studies on the prevention of measles, rubella and mumps have shown that a single administration of the drug in question prevents mumps with a probability of 69-81%. 1,656 people were involved in the study. Studies have been conducted on cases where parotitis was confirmed by laboratory tests. Persons of childhood, teenagers participated.
The effectiveness of administration varies between 64-66% for a single dose and reaches 88% when using two doses. Protection against reinfection is estimated at 73%.

Efficiency features
Given that the MMR vaccine has a three-year shelf life, the duration of the effect of the received injection, when administered correctly according to the immunization schedule, is 11 years, and the likelihood of side effects is only a few weeks after the application of the composition, it seems that the vaccination is - it is a reasonable method of preventing dangerous diseases. Some believe that the use of such a pharmaceutical product is unreasonable and unjustified, because centuries ago people did not have any vaccines. Parents who are responsible for their children must make an informed decision, keeping in mind not only the possible risks and side effects, but also the consequences of infection, which is likelyto a high degree if injections are abandoned.
As you can see from the description of the MMR vaccine, this drug is designed to eliminate diseases that are deadly to humans. Vaccination reduces the likelihood of infection, and this occurs due to a natural reaction. Having received the drug, the human body adapts to the pathological agent and forms a defense reaction against it. To understand how this happens, you need to understand the nuances of the immune system. Consider them in general terms.
Natural Protection
When the human body is attacked by viruses penetrating inside, disease begins. The immune system has red blood cells, white blood cells that can eliminate infection. The latter are subdivided into macrophages and cells of types T, B. Macrophages can absorb pathological microorganisms. They detect antigens, so that during penetration, the hazard is identified as quickly as possible. Antibodies fight antigens. Type B leukocytes are responsible for their production. Type T cells are responsible for attacking infected cells in their own body.
At the initial meeting with a dangerous microflora, it takes several days to form an effective toolkit that will help to cope with the infection. After a successful victory, the body retains the memory of what happened at the cellular level, and in the future, protection from the disease requires less effort. In the human body there are T-lymphocytes responsible for memory. When re-invasion, they are the first to begin the fight against infection. As soon as the antigens are identified,antibodies are generated to neutralize them.
For the price of the MMR vaccine (about 500 rubles) you can buy the body's unique ability to defend itself against deadly diseases. The introduction of the drug simulates infection, while the actual disease does not occur, only the immune system is activated and antibodies are produced. After receiving the drug, a person may have a slight fever, there are other minor symptoms that signal the formation of immunity.

Development of the situation
The MMR vaccine introduced in Russia allows the recipient of the drug to recover from an imaginary infection. As a result, the body receives a supply of cells responsible for recognizing dangerous life forms. They already know how to quickly deal with the virus when they meet again. It takes several weeks to produce all the necessary cells. If a person comes into contact with a carrier of the infection shortly before receiving the drug or shortly after this procedure, there is a high probability of becoming seriously ill.
Risks and their absence
The notion that natural, naturally-derived immunity is better has been gaining momentum in society in the past few years. When making the final decision, one should take into account the severe complications that mumps, measles, and rubella can cause. There are frequent cases of death. Of course, the vaccine can provoke side effects, but most patients tolerate them easily. The likelihood of developing severe complications is much lower,than in the case of a natural manifestation of the disease.
Vaccination: technical information
In the documentation accompanying the drug, the manufacturer describes in detail the composition of the MMR vaccine. Live forms of measles, mumps and rubella have been used in the manufacture of this pharmaceutical product. The product is presented in the form of a lyophilisate intended for dilution with a solvent. Immediately after mixing, the medication must be injected under sterile conditions under the skin of the patient. One ampoule contains a volume of the drug sufficient for a single injection. Normally, the powder in the ampoule has a light yellowish tint. Each ampoule contains a thousand units of measles virus, the same amount of rubella virus, five times more than mumps. Neomycin, sucrose, cow serum were used as additional ingredients. The manufacturer used sodium compounds, gelatin and sorbitol. Contains human albumin. No preservative additives.
Studies have shown increased immunogenic qualities of a pharmaceutical product. Single use allows to achieve among susceptible people the formation of measles antibodies in 95%, for mumps the figure is one percent higher, for rubella the probability is estimated at 99%. Immunity obtained with a single administration of the drug persists for 11 years and even for a longer period. The introduction of women in the reproductive period, in the absence of protection against rubella, can prevent the occurrence of this disease during childbearing. Consequently, the risk of infection of the fetus is reduced andformation of deviations against this background.

Terms of Use
According to the instructions for use for the MMR vaccine, the drug must be used in accordance with the immunization calendar. It is indicated with the simultaneous administration of vaccines to children under one year of age, as well as to older persons. It is necessary to use the remedy if there is a possibility of human infection with mumps, measles, rubella. For those who have not been immunized and have not previously undergone a natural form of rubella, the drug is indicated if the child is older than a year, as well as in case of pregnancy with increased susceptibility to the virus. If there is no immunity against rubella, the vaccine is recommended for all women of reproductive age. For some people, the likelihood of infection is estimated to be particularly high. This includes students in educational institutions and employees in the army who work in the field of he alth care. Such people are advised to get vaccinated regularly.
To prevent mumps (mumps), measles and rubella, it is necessary to inject a preparation developed for vaccination under the skin. Optimal site: upper shoulder area. Single volume: 0.5 ml. Equal dosages are indicated for patients of any age group.
If the drug is given to a child who is less than 15 months of age, there is a chance that there will be no response to the measles virus. This is due to the presence of antibodies obtained from the mother's body. Seroconversion is less likely if the baby is smaller. If the child was administered the drug before one year, at 15 months it is necessary to repeatprocedure. Sometimes the need to use a drug arises in geographically remote, isolated areas, in limited populations, access to which is difficult. There is a possibility of increased risk of infection in certain social groups. In any of these situations, it is allowed to administer the medication ahead of schedule, followed by a repeat of the event.
Nuances of safe use
The MMR vaccine should only be administered at a licensed he althcare facility. To dissolve the powder and introduce the prepared drug into the human body, a sterile syringe is used. Do not use products with traces of antiseptics, detergents or preservative additives that can neutralize the active components of the drug. As a solvent, you can use only the liquid that the manufacturer supplies with the medicine. This is specially purified water prepared for injection. It contains no additional compounds or substances capable of killing viruses.
Before use, the pharmaceutical product is carefully examined visually so that there are no suspended elements or areas of discoloration. The liquid should be clear with a slight yellowish tint. When administering the mumps (mumps), measles, rubella vaccine, only separate needles and syringes should be used. All such items are used only once. It is required to strictly observe aseptic conditions. You can only use the product that has been stored under the right conditions. Importantobserve the rules of dilution and subsequent use of the drug.

Step by step
First, the solvent is drawn into a sterile syringe and the liquid is poured into the MMR vaccine vial, then the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The resulting solution is taken into a syringe and completely injected under the patient's skin in one procedure.
Neither the powder nor the liquid for its dissolution include preservative components, therefore, it is very important to minimize the possibility of contamination of the pharmaceutical product. When using the drug, special attention is paid to the aspects of ensuring its sterility. The vaccine must be administered as soon as the product is prepared.
Possible consequences
Of course, many people wonder what side effects the MMR vaccine might cause. The manufacturer notes that they do not differ from the reactions provoked by monovalent formulations, combined pharmaceutical solutions. It is noted that most often the drug initiates discomfort in the injection area. The patient noted that at the injection site there is a burning sensation of pain, but soon everything passes. In rare cases, the area thickens, erythema forms, the skin becomes especially sensitive. A small number of those who received the vaccine had skin rashes. More often they are insignificant, they form 5-12 days after the administration of the drug, there is a risk of a generalized phenomenon.
As you can see from the reviews, the MMR vaccine provoked mumps in some, others vomited and vomited, there is a possibilitythe appearance of loose stools. Receiving an injection is accompanied by a risk of thrombocytopenia and purpura, lymphadenopathy. An allergic response of the body is possible in the form of blisters on the skin, redness in the injection area. There is a possibility of an anaphylactic reaction, angioedema, as well as urticaria and bronchial spasm. The use of the composition is associated with the risk of arthritis, arthralgia, myalgia.

Features of phenomena
It is noted that the MMR vaccine in children very rarely leads to a reaction from the articular system. Such consequences are atypical, and if formed, they soon disappear. The risk of such negative consequences is higher in females. For women, the probability of this reaches 20%, while for children it does not exceed 3%. Joint female syndromes sometimes develop according to a severe scenario and last for a long time, worrying for months and years. Among female adolescents, the danger of such a reaction of the body is greater than in children, but less than in adults. In people over 40 years of age, the vaccine is often well tolerated, does not provoke joint reactions, or they have little or no effect on a person's life.
With a probability of one in three million, the use of the drug is accompanied by encephalopathy, encephalitis. None of the cases observed in medicine has a clear evidence-based relationship with the administration of the drug. The likelihood of severe neurological problems while receiving measles vaccine is currently estimated to be much less than with natural disease, when severe consequences occur on average inevery 2,000 patients.
Can it or not?
The MMR vaccine should not be given if neomycin has previously caused an anaphylactic reaction in a person. The drug is not used for active tuberculosis, if a person does not receive treatment, with acute infection and febrile syndrome. You can not use the remedy in case of diseases of the respiratory system, fever, malignant pathologies of the blood, lymphatic system, diseases that disrupt the functioning of the bone marrow. It is forbidden to administer the drug in case of immunodeficiency (primary, secondary), impaired immune system at the cellular level, lack of gamma globulins or the absence of such structures.
Vaccination is not carried out during pregnancy and with immunodeficiency in a hereditary form, until the immune status of a person is detected. Injections are contraindicated in persons receiving drugs that depress the immune system. An exceptional case is substitution treatment, in which the patient is prescribed corticosteroids. It is forbidden to use the composition if a high level of susceptibility of any substance that is part of the drug is detected.

Should I use it?
As can be inferred from preventive parotitis, rubella, measles vaccination reviews, many modern parents decide in favor of such a drug. It is noted that children get sick for some time after receiving the remedy, but the symptoms are relatively well tolerated. Many admitted that the baby was in a fever, the stool was disturbed, and his appetite worsened. Some are worried because soon afterreceiving funds the child is sick and vomits.
It is impossible not to admit that the reviews that tell about the prevention of mumps, measles, rubella vaccination usually do not include information about the further development of the situation, that is, whether outbreaks of the disease were observed later in children who received injections. It remains only to trust the official reports proving the reliability of vaccination. If we compare the manifestations that accompany the period after the introduction of the drug with the symptoms of diseases in their natural course, one cannot but admit: injections are much safer.
What the vaccine protects against: mumps
It is parotitis that causes the greatest concern for many parents. Let's consider what are the key manifestations of this disease, which can be protected from by the timely administration of a vaccine to a child. Usually, the duration of the incubation period for infection is at least a couple of weeks, it can reach 23 days. More often, the period varies within 15-19 days, after which the primary typical symptoms of the disease occur in children. Mumps is initially manifested by pain in the head and joints. Some are shivering, others feel the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are parched. If the manifestations bother a very young child who is unable to communicate in words about his condition, the only symptom is capriciousness, a tendency to cry for no obvious reason.
As the disease progresses, the symptoms of mumps in children are complemented by a rapid rise in temperature and a general lethargic state. The patient loses his appetite, vomits, the baby looks weak. The duration of the heat for some is a week or more, and the means for removing the temperineffective. If the infection is mild or the child has a strong immune system, there may be no fever, but this is rare.

What to look out for?
One of the manifestations of mumps is the state of the salivary glands, the specialist will check them first of all for suspicion of mumps. With mumps, these areas quickly become inflamed, and often the process extends to the glands under the jaws and under the tongue. Inflammation leads to severe pain syndrome, localized in the behind-the-ear region.
Swelling may occur near the auricle. During the first week after infection, the symptom may cover the neck. The earlobes move forward and upward, it was this feature that became the reason for the appearance of the popular name of the disease. The swelling may not go away within a week, you should not panic in this case. Usually this symptom disappears on its own and gradually.
Before you refuse to vaccinate your child, weigh the pros and cons very carefully, because the he alth of the baby always comes first for parents.