Means "Trilon B". Description

Means "Trilon B". Description
Means "Trilon B". Description

Means "Trilon B" (disodium s alt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) is a crystalline white powder. The drug is soluble in water, almost insoluble in ether and alcohol.

trilon b
trilon b

Trilon B drug in medicine

The agent can form various complex compounds with a number of cations, including calcium ions. These properties allow the drug to be used in pathologies complicated by excessive accumulation of calcium s alts in the body (including in internal organs, muscles, venous walls), against the background of ossification of the skeleton, with arthritis, scleroderma. The remedy in some cases is prescribed to eliminate certain types of ectopic arrhythmias, especially those provoked by an overdose of cardiac glycosides. Due to its ability to bind calcium ions, it is also used as an anticoagulant in blood preservation.

trilon b application
trilon b application

Drug "Trilon B". Application

The main indication for prescribing the drug are pathologies with manifestations of calcification. These include, in particular, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, and myositis ossificans. Introductionfunds are administered intravenously. Before infusion, the drug is diluted with sodium chloride (isotonic solution) or glucose solution (5 percent). The introduction of the drug "Trilon B" is carried out at a rate of up to 12 drops / min. Patients from ten years old are recommended 10 milliliters of a five percent solution, diluted with 200 ml of a solvent. The drug is administered in cycles. Patients under 10 years of age are prescribed 5 ml of the drug diluted in 100 ml of a solvent. The course of therapy includes fifteen injections. The drug is administered once a day for five days with weekly breaks. Thus, the course includes three five-day cycles with seven-day intervals.

trilon b in medicine
trilon b in medicine

Contraindications and side effects

The drug "Trilon B" is not recommended for reduced blood clotting, hemophilia, pathologies of the liver or kidneys. Contraindications include hypocalcemia. During administration at a high rate, tetany is likely to develop. In this case, the infusion should be stopped. Some patients, when Trilon B is injected into a vein, feel a burning sensation that can spread throughout the body and persist for one or two hours after the injection.

Special Instructions

During therapy, it should be taken into account that the effectiveness of the drug without the manifestation of negative consequences is possible at a low rate of introduction into the blood stream. Under such conditions, a slow interaction of the drug with blood serum calcium occurs. As a result, the Ca content does not decrease.essential, since its loss is compensated by the mobilization of the compound from the tissues (bone, in particular) and excessive accumulations in the organs. Against the background of the rapid administration of the drug, physiological mechanisms are not able to quickly eliminate the decrease in serum calcium levels. As a result, acute tetany may develop.

How else is Trilon B used?

The tool is used not only for medicinal purposes. The drug is used in analytical chemistry, for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of metal s alts. This becomes possible due to the ability of a substance to form complexons of different colors with ions. Ammonia solution "Trilon B" is used to restore batteries. This method is characterized by efficiency and high efficiency. First, you should charge a discharged battery, then drain the electrolyte from it and rinse it with water two or three times. After that, it is necessary to fill in the ammonia solution, which includes two weight percent of the product and five percent of ammonia.

trilon b ammonia solution
trilon b ammonia solution

Duration of desulfation is about forty to sixty minutes. The process is accompanied by gas emissions and the appearance of small splashes on the surface. With strong sulfation, the procedure can be repeated. At the end of the process, the evolution of gas stops. After processing the battery using Trilon B, it is recommended to rinse the unit with distilled water at least three times. After it is filled with electrolyte with a normal density and charged. An aqueous solution of TrilonB is also used for cleaning pipelines. The connection is poured into the system and pumped through it for one and a half to two hours. The processing temperature is 70-80 degrees. The spent solution is drained, and the system is washed with water about three times. As a result of these actions, rust or scale deposits. In addition, the compound provides protection for rubber and plastic pipeline elements, since the product does not interact with them and does not change their pH. Similarly, the drug is used to clean the car cooling system. As a separate agent or mixed with washing powdered substance is used to protect washing machines from the formation of plaque.
