Hepatitis C: how can you get infected? Answer to current question

Hepatitis C: how can you get infected? Answer to current question
Hepatitis C: how can you get infected? Answer to current question

Many people are very worried and afraid of hepatitis C. How you can get infected is one of the main questions, but first you need to figure out what this virus is. It is interesting that it was discovered quite recently, in 1989, by American scientists, before that it was called "hepatitis neither A nor B." Hepatitis C is a very common disease, affecting about 500 million people worldwide. As drug addiction grows, so does the number of people infected with this type of hepatitis. Usually it is a disease of young people, but gradually it “gets old”, also hepatitis C is the main reason why people need a liver transplant. Keeping statistics on this disease began much later, compared with other hepatitis. The virus itself enters the liver cells, where it begins to multiply intensively.

How and where can infection occur

Now that we have looked at hepatitis C in more detail, how you can get infected becomes an even more pressing issue. Let's consider it in more detail. Infection occurs by contact with infected blood, such contact can occur in many places. The main risk group isdrug addicts who use one syringe, medical workers and people in prisons. Infection in hospitals occurs during blood transfusion, surgery, during a visit to the dentist. But the risk is greater in developing countries, where there is less emphasis on sterility and sanitation. Tattoo and piercing parlors are no less risky. Infection during sex and at home is possible, but occurs less often.

Infection in the family

Hepatitis C virus
Hepatitis C virus

Let's consider another aspect - the family, which is also affected by hepatitis C. How can you get infected in the family? The possibility of infection during sex is very small, only 3-5%, but this is if you have a permanent partner. With a large number of partners and promiscuity, the risk of infection increases. To protect yourself, you need to use a condom. From a mother with hepatitis C to a child, the virus can be transmitted exclusively during childbirth, and then only in 5% of cases. Such a mother is advised to stop breastfeeding. If there is a sick person in the family, then you can not use shared towels, razors, toothbrushes, manicure sets, etc. If such a person is injured, the dressing should be done with gloves, the places where the blood has got should be thoroughly disinfected. The virus dies in 2 minutes of boiling, or 30 minutes at 60 degrees.

Consequences of infection

Patients with hepatitis C
Patients with hepatitis C

It has already become clear why you should be afraid not to get hepatitis C. We have already learned how you can get infected, but what happens if a person does not save himself? Symptoms may not be10 to 40 years, which is why the hepatitis C virus is called a silent, or gentle, killer. Then most people develop chronic hepatitis and suffer from cirrhosis or liver cancer. The only thing people with hepatitis C may feel is chronic fatigue, although there are other symptoms. Some people simply become carriers of the infection. There is also a small chance of getting hepatitis, and, accordingly, to recover. But it won't give you absolutely no immunity. You need to be very careful, because most people still suffer from chronic hepatitis C.
