In this article, consider the drug "Eutiroks" (instructions, side effects and reviews).
This medication is a synthetic hormonal agent similar to the hormone produced by the thyroid gland, that is, thyroxin. The active ingredient of the drug is levothyroxine sodium. In the human body, Euthyrox affects the metabolic process, and, in addition, growth with the development of tissues. The drug is used to compensate for the deficiency of thyroid hormones. Next, consider in detail the instructions for "Eutiroks".

Medication description
Small doses of the drug act in such a way that they accelerate the synthesis of fats with proteins. Medium doses of the drug can enhance the development and growth of tissues along with their need for oxygen. In addition, the drug enhances metabolism (that is, proteins, carbohydrates andfats). In parallel, the stimulation of the work of the nervous, cardiac and vascular systems is carried out. Large dosages of the drug contribute to the inhibition of the work of the endocrine glands, that is, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. According to the instructions for Euthyrox, side effects are not limited to this.
Therapeutic effect, as a rule, occurs after twelve days of taking the medicine. In the event that the patient has a lowered level of thyroid hormones, the effect of the drug comes much faster after five days of treatment. As part of the treatment of diffuse goiter, the therapeutic effect is noted only after a five-month course. From the human body, the metabolic products of the drug are excreted along with the bile directly through the intestines, a certain proportion is excreted in the urine. After the treatment is completed, the drug works for another two weeks.
Medication forms
According to the instructions, Euthyrox is produced in tablets that contain 25, 75, 125, and 150 micrograms of the main active ingredient of levothyroxine sodium. Tablets are packaged in twenty-five pieces in a blister. In one package, fifty or one hundred tablets are sold. Next, consider the cases in which the drug is prescribed.
Indications for use
According to the instructions, the drug "Eutiroks" is prescribed to patients in the following cases:
- The development of hypothyroidism - a condition that is formed with a deficiency of thyroid hormone. The remedy is prescribed to patients in the presence of a primary or secondary form of pathology. The medicine is prescribedfor substitute purposes.
- Formation of euthyroid goiter - an enlarged thyroid gland with a deficiency of thyroid hormones. In this case, the medicine is used to compensate for the deficiency of this hormone.
- Development of diffuse toxic goiter. The agent is used to achieve a euthyroid state, in which there are no thyroid dysfunctions. This is confirmed by the instructions for use attached to Euthyrox 50 mcg.
- Conducting replacement therapy after surgical interventions on the thyroid gland, including regarding its oncological disease.
- During treatment with thyreostatic drugs that block thyroid function.
- In cases of partial or complete removal of the thyroid gland. In this case, the drug is prescribed in order to prevent the recurrence of the disease.
- The development of autoimmune thyroiditis - a chronic disease caused by exposure to the thyroid gland of antibodies that are produced directly in the patient's body. This drug is used as part of complex treatment according to the instructions for use for "Eutiroks" (50 mcg, etc.).
- The appearance of Graves' disease or toxic goiter. In addition, in the event of a mixed goiter. In these cases, Euthyrox is used as part of complex treatment.
- The presence of cretinism - a congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones. This disease is accompanied by mental retardation, and, in addition, physical development. In this case, the drug is prescribed with a substitution purpose.
- Testing forthyroid suppression. In this case, Euthyrox is used as a diagnostic tool.
The drug "Eutiroks" according to the instructions has many different contraindications, we will consider them further.

Contraindications for use
There are a number of contraindications for the use of this medicine as follows:
- Having an untreated pituitary deficiency.
- Presence of insufficiency of adrenal cortex hormones, for which treatment was not carried out.
- Presence of untreated thyrotoxicosis. In this case, excessive production of thyroid hormone occurs.
- Development of acute myocardial infarction. The appearance of acute myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle.
- The appearance of acute pancarditis - inflammation of all the membranes of the heart.
- The presence of individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug.
As the instructions for use indicate, Euthyrox should be used with caution in the presence of coronary heart disease, for example, it should not be taken in the event of the development of pathologies such as atherosclerosis, previous myocardial infarction and angina pectoris. Also, it is not suitable for use in cases of heart rhythm disturbances, the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption of nutrients).
Caution is also recommended whenprolonged presence of severe hypothyroidism, and, in addition, in the absence of proper therapy in patients with insufficient adrenal function. The medicine is also not suitable for treatment when using thyreostatics - drugs that suppress thyroid function. It is also worth noting that in case of any controversial issues regarding the use of this drug, medical consultation and careful dose adjustment are required. If the correct dosage is not observed, as well as in a number of other cases, various side effects may occur. Instructions for use, reviews of "Eutiroks" confirm this.
Side effects of drug use
In the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the presented drug, an allergic reaction is likely. Other side effects "Eutiroks" subject to the correct selection of dosage, as a rule, does not cause. In the case of an incorrect, for example, underestimated dosage, a manifestation of hypothyroidism is likely, which will manifest itself in a decrease in working capacity, slowness, puffiness of the face and edema, weight gain, constipation, memory loss and drowsiness. This is indicated in the instructions for use for Euthyrox. Reviews of side effects will be discussed at the end of the article.
In case of an overdose of the drug, symptoms of thyrotoxicosis may appear, which are expressed in the manifestation of pain in the heart, arrhythmias, palpitations, anxiety, sleep disturbance, trembling in the body, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, excessive sweating, convulsions and menstrual irregularities. Atthe appearance of such symptoms during therapy, you should consult a doctor for a second consultation.

Drug treatment: how should Euthyrox be taken?
In accordance with the instructions for "Eutiroks", the daily dose of the drug is taken on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. The tablet is swallowed whole and not chewed, but washed down with water. The daily dose is selected strictly individually, which depends on the immediate purpose of the appointment, and, in addition, on the nature of the disease, concomitant diseases and the age of the patient. Patients with the development of euthyroid goiter are prescribed therapeutic daily doses of 75 to 200 micrograms. The prophylactic dose after surgery is also 75-200 micrograms per day.
For patients who suffer from thyrotoxicosis, the daily dose of the drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy individually from 50 to 100 micrograms. The duration of the treatment course, doctors select in each case on an individual basis. After surgery associated with thyroid cancer, in order to prevent relapse, patients are prescribed from 50 to 300 micrograms of Euthyrox per day. The drug dosing schedule for performing thyroid suppression testing is as follows:
- Patients start daily medication one month before the test.
- Four weeks before the day of the test, Euthyrox is prescribed in a daily dosage of 75 micrograms.
- Two weeks before the test, the daily dose is 150 to 200 micrograms.

Given that "Eutiroks" is absolutely identical to the natural thyroid hormone, with an overdose of the drug, symptoms occur that are characteristic of thyrotoxicosis. Thus, the main signs of an overdose of this drug are various manifestations of the work of the heart and blood vessels, which will manifest itself in increased heart rate, cardiac arrhythmias, and, in addition, some pain may occur. In addition to these side effects, reactions in the form of decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, sleep disturbances, menstrual irregularities, tremors in the limbs, seizures, severe sweating and restlessness are also observed.
If overdose symptoms appear, the doctor may reduce the daily dose of Euthyrox or even stop the drug for a certain period of time, depending on the severity of the side effects. Restarting therapy should start at a lower dosage.
Drug withdrawal
"Eutiroks" - a drug that should be used and canceled solely as directed by a doctor. After stopping therapy with the drug, its effect continues for another twelve days. Whether to cancel the drug at once or gradually reduce the dose is up to the doctor.
What else does the instruction manual for Euthyrox tell us?
Drug for children
The drug is also used in pediatrics as part of the treatment of congenital hypothyroidism. The dosage is selected depending onbody weight and age of the child. Thus, the instructions for using the drug for children are as follows:
- Children in their first six months of life are given 15 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. The daily dose is up to 50 micrograms.
- At the age of six to twelve months, 8 micrograms per kilo of body weight is prescribed. The daily dose is up to 75 micrograms.
- At the age of one to five years, 6 micrograms per kilogram of body weight is prescribed. The daily dose is up to 100 micrograms.
- At the age of six to twelve, doctors usually prescribe 5 micrograms per kilo of body weight. Daily dose of 150 micrograms.
- Children who are over twelve years of age, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 3 micrograms per kilo of weight. The daily dose at this age is 200 micrograms.
Before giving a baby, a tablet of the drug is dissolved in plain water until a fine suspension appears. Then the received medicine is given to the child half an hour before feeding.
Eutirox during pregnancy
In the event that a woman received "Eutiroks" before pregnancy in order to treat hypothyroidism, then it is required to continue taking this drug during the period of gestation, and, in addition, when breastfeeding the baby. But the dose of Euthyrox should be reviewed by the doctor. This is important, because during pregnancy, the level of globulin increases, which is one of the protein fractions of blood plasma, it binds thyroxin.
The amount of drug that passes into breast milk is negligible even in the case of taking high doses of the drug,thus, the drug will not be able to cause any disturbances in the baby's body.
This is confirmed by the instructions for use attached to Euthyrox.
Medication for hypothyroidism
The starting daily dose in the presence of hypothyroidism for women under the age of fifty-five years is 100 micrograms, and for men of the same age group - 150 micrograms. The dose is selected at the rate of 1.8 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. For patients over fifty-five with comorbidities of the heart, the initial daily dose should be 25 micrograms.
In the presence of significantly pronounced obesity, the dosage is calculated on the so-called "ideal weight", that is, normal body weight for concomitant growth. The initial dose is gradually increased by 25 micrograms per day at intervals of a couple of months until a normal level of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the blood is obtained. In cases of negative dynamics on the part of the activity of the heart and blood vessels, an adjustment in the therapy of cardiac pathology is required.
Against the background of severe and prolonged course of hypothyroidism, the initial daily dose is 12.5 micrograms. Increase the dose, taking into account the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone. The drug in the presence of hypothyroidism is usually taken throughout life.
Reception after removal of the thyroid gland
Instructions for use for "Eutiroks" contains other information. After surgical therapy for euthyroid goiter, this drug is usually prescribed in a daily dose of up to 200 micrograms for prevention.relapses of the disease. In cases of partial or complete removal of the thyroid gland, the daily dose will be up to 300 micrograms. In such situations, replacement therapy with Euthyrox is carried out for life.
Eutiroks and weight loss

According to the instructions for use, "Eutiroks" in small dosages can accelerate protein synthesis. If you use it in medium doses, it will stimulate the exchange of carbohydrates with proteins and fats. Such an effect of the drug on the metabolism will certainly lead to a quick decrease in body weight. True, it is worth noting that in the instructions for use "Eutiroks" for weight loss is not recommended. Self-use of this medication for weight loss can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it must be borne in mind that taking a hormonal drug that is not controlled by a doctor can certainly lead to malfunctions in the work of various endocrine glands. The instructions warn about this. It is even dangerous to use Euthyrox for weight loss.
The state of prolonged hyperthyroidism leads to an acceleration of metabolism, and, in addition, to an increase in appetite. In such a situation, instead of the expected weight loss, you can, on the contrary, increase your body weight. With incorrect dosages, a number of adverse reactions from the normal functioning of the nervous system are inevitable. The skeletal, cardiac, and vascular systems may also be affected. Euthyrox, like any other hormonal drug, should be used only under strict indications, and,moreover, under medical supervision. Thus, it is undesirable to take it for weight loss.
Drug Interactions
In accordance with the instructions for use for "Eutiroks", you need to consider the following nuances of its interaction with other medicines:
- The drug may increase the effects of indirect anticoagulants, which are drugs that reduce blood clotting. In this regard, the dosage of the anticoagulant should be adjusted by the doctor.
- The drug is able to increase the effects of a number of different antidepressants, so patients should always tell their doctors which drugs they are constantly taking.
- Eutirox may reduce the effectiveness of insulin, and, in addition, hypoglycemic tablets.
- Cardiac glycosides may lose their effectiveness when used simultaneously with Euthyrox.
- "Cholestipol" with "Cholestyramine" and aluminum hydroxide can inhibit the absorption of "Eutiroks" in the intestine and thus reduce the concentration of the drug in the blood plasma. In this regard, Euthyrox should be taken five hours earlier than the above medicines.
- The level of levothyroxine, which is not bound to blood proteins, increases when used simultaneously with Dicumarol, Clofibrate, Phenytoin, Furosemide and salicylates.
- Medicines that contain estrogens, which are female sex hormones, can increase thyroxine-binding globulin, and therefore it may be necessary to increase the dose of Euthyrox as part oftheir simultaneous use.
- Increasing the dose of the drug may be necessary while using it with drugs such as Rifampicin, Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital. These drugs increase the excretion of levothyroxine from the body.
- Anabolic hormones in the form of Tamoxifen and Asparaginase can interfere with the activity of levothyroxine.
- Simultaneous therapy of "Eutiroks" with "Somatotropin" can lead to an accelerated cessation of epiphyseal growth in the bones.
This confirms the instructions for use.

Analogues of "Eutiroks"
Synonyms are such drugs as "Levothyroxine" along with "Thyroxine". Its structural counterparts in terms of the active ingredient are Bagotiroks, L-Tyrok, Tiro-4, Novotiral and Tireot. Thyreoidin should be attributed to drugs with a similar effect.
"Eutiroks" or "Thyroxine"?
Despite the fact that both of these drugs have the same active ingredient - levothyroxine, each of them has its own characteristics. Auxiliary components included in their composition are different. There is also a difference in the way the funds work. For example, the therapeutic effect of "Thyroxin" is felt after five days, and "Eutiroks" - after two weeks. With regard to the cure of goiter or reduction of its manifestations, such effects occur after a six-month course of treatment with both of these drugs.
"Eutiroks" if used correctly does not have any side effectsreactions. "Thyroxine" in rare cases can lead to adverse reactions in the form of increased appetite and weight gain. In more rare cases, allergic dermatitis may develop along with impaired kidney function and hair loss. Undesirable effects can occur even with minor changes in the dosage of Thyroxin.
In children with seizures, as well as in those who suffer from epilepsy, the use of "Thyroxin" may cause an additional deterioration in the condition. In cases of treatment with Euthyrox, no such deterioration was recorded.
Doctors, depending on the individual he alth status of patients, select both the drug and the dosage. In no case should you change the medicine or the prescribed dosage on your own, since such medicines have a powerful effect on the body with its hormonal background. Alternating medications is also not recommended, as this can distort the results of treatment.
We reviewed the instructions for use for "Eutiroks". We got acquainted with the side effects.

Reviews about the drug
In some reviews of patients who took Euthyrox, you can find various comments about the appearance of side effects during treatment with this medicine. Basically, people name undesirable effects in the form of weight gain, hair loss and numbness of the limbs. But it should be noted right away that such reactions from the body occur as a result of incorrectly selected dosages of the drug. Instructions for use side effects of "Eutiroks" describes in great detail.
There are also many positive reviews about the effectiveness of this medicine. At the same time, people, on the contrary, report that they did not notice any side effects. In some reviews there is a warning regarding the self-cancellation of this medication, since in this case serious consequences are not excluded. In this regard, it should be borne in mind that the appointment, along with taking, just like the withdrawal of the drug, should be made exclusively with the consent and under the supervision of the attending physician.
The article presented instructions and reviews for "Eutiroks".