Hypoglycemia is a disease that occurs due to a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood. As a result, there is a violation of the activity of the central nervous system. Pathology is one of the complications of diabetes. Lack of adequate therapy leads to sad consequences. The article talks about hypoglycemia in a child, its causes, symptoms, ways to help.
Mechanism of development of pathology
Glucose is an important element that is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes. Thanks to this substance, the tissues and cells of the human body are nourished. In order for all organs to work properly, the blood must contain a certain amount of this compound. Hypoglycemia in a child is a pathology in which the glucose level becomes too low.

This phenomenon leads to a sharp deterioration in well-being. In addition, the result of the disease is a coma. If athe child often experiences weakness, he has profuse sweating and dizziness, parents should not leave such signs unattended. Hypoglycemia can lead to serious consequences very quickly. This statement applies to both adult and juvenile patients.
Factors contributing to the development of the disease
Hypoglycemia in a child sometimes occurs as a result of external factors (errors in the diet, prolonged fasting, physical and emotional overload). In addition, pathology appears due to genetic disorders, disorders of the organs. A sharp decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood is especially dangerous for infants. The main causes of hypoglycemia in children are:
- Lack of important substances (fiber, various vitamins), which contributes to increased insulin production. The same violation may be due to an excess of fast carbohydrates in the diet.
- Drinking too little liquid. Water is an important element that contributes to the proper processing of lipids and glucose entering the body.
- Psychological upheavals.
- Long-term drug use.
- Insulin dosage too high in diabetic patients.
- Infectious pathologies, intoxication with spoiled foods.
- Illnesses associated with the deterioration of the activity of the urinary organs and the liver.
- The use of alcohol-containing beverages by persons of transitional age.
- Bad heredity.
- Enhanced production of insulin. This pathology can develop due to diseases of the pancreas. These include neoplasms that are benign and malignant. The first type is removed surgically. The second type refers to cancerous pathologies and is intractable. Fortunately, it is extremely rare.

Such circumstances contribute to the intensive activity of the central nervous system. Under stressful situations, the organs of the body require more sugar than usual.
Basic forms of the disease
There are several common types of the disease. One of the varieties is associated with diabetes mellitus or inadequate treatment of this pathology. Another form of the disease occurs in infants a few days after birth. It often develops in babies who were born prematurely, suffered from hypoxia or impaired carbohydrate metabolism. Often there is a so-called ketotic hypoglycemia in a child. This phenomenon is due to the deterioration of the patient's well-being due to a short period of complete starvation. Experts believe that the pathology is associated with a poor ability of the body to produce glucose. Such children, as a rule, are characterized by short stature and a thin physique. A regular and he althy diet helps to avoid attacks of the disease.

Drinking a liquid containing sugar also prevents the condition from developing. With age, the symptoms of ketotic hypoglycemia disappear on their own.yourself. There is also a type of disease associated with impaired functions of the urinary organs. This form of the disease can lead to serious malfunction of the kidneys.
Symptoms of pathology
Hypoglycemia in a child is a dangerous condition that can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of its signs in order to take timely measures to provide assistance. The main manifestations of pathology include the following:
- Anxiety and irritability. The emotional background of the patient becomes changeable. Sometimes a child feels overwhelmed, loses interest in the world around him.
- Pale skin tone. Even after outdoor games, the patient does not develop a he althy blush on the surface of the cheeks.
- Profuse perspiration.
- Desire to sleep during the day and increased activity at night.
- Tremor of the limbs, muscle spasms, feeling of numbness in certain parts of the body.
- Disorders of the digestive system (vomiting attacks, loose stools).
- Pain in the head.
- Decrease in body temperature and blood pressure.
- Deterioration of attention.
- Intense hunger.
- High heart rate.
- Loss of consciousness.

The presence of the above signs indicates the possible development of hypoglycemia in children. Symptoms of this kind should not be ignored. You need to consult with a specialist as soon as possible. Diagnostic measures in a medical institution will accuratelydetermine the cause of the ailment.
Manifestations of illness in newborns
Hypoglycemia in infants has all the signs of pathology. However, it can also occur without symptoms. Then the disease is difficult to identify. Its presence is indicated only by the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia in a child under the age of one year occur in the form of attacks and disappear only after feeding or an injection of glucose. In infants, this pathology manifests itself in the form of respiratory disorders, muscle tremors, confusion, fatigue, or anxiety. Often the condition leads to the development of formidable complications, such as coma. Hypoglycemia is common in babies who are born prematurely. In these babies, the symptoms of the disease are pronounced. It manifests itself in the following violations:
- Excitability.
- The onset of seizures.
- Disorders of physical development.
- Loss of appetite.
- Apathy.
- Bluish tinge of the skin.
- Difficulties with breathing process.
Physicians tend to pay a lot of attention to the he alth of premature babies. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of hypoglycemia in premature babies is more effective than those who were born in time.
Methods of treating illness in babies up to a year
If the pathology has been diagnosed, the doctor prescribes glucose in the form of a solution. It is given to an infant as an injection or mixed with water. Toimprove the process of perception of the substance by the body, a specialist may recommend insulin. It is known that children suffering from hypoglycemia are most often born in patients with diabetes mellitus. In this case, specialists need to carry out a laboratory blood glucose test within half an hour after birth and repeat tests every 3 hours for three days.
Prevention of disease in infants
For babies who were born on time, natural feeding is a good preventive measure. Substances contained in mother's milk ensure the normal functioning of the body. Hypoglycemia in this situation is possible only against the background of malnutrition or hypothermia of the child. An infant who has been prescribed insulin or glucose solution should be closely monitored by he althcare professionals.
Stages of development of pathology
There are several stages of the disease, for example:
- The first degree of illness. This is the least serious condition, which, however, indicates the development of disorders in the body. At the same time, the child has intense sweating, bouts of crying, pallor of the skin, and a decrease in temperature.
- Second stage. It is characterized by the appearance of vomiting, slurred speech and deterioration of visual functions.
- Third degree of illness. Manifested by loss of consciousness, seizures.
- Coma. This is an extremely severe form, which, in the absence of timely medical attention, can lead to the death of the patient.
Howmake the patient feel better?
If the child's condition deteriorated sharply, he developed dizziness, pallor of the skin and heavy sweating, we must try to find out what could cause the malaise. Probably, these symptoms indicate a decrease in blood glucose. To measure the level of sugar, you need to use a special device. What is emergency care for hypoglycemia in children? When an attack occurs, the following measures should be taken:
- Place the patient in the supine position.
- Call an ambulance.
- Give baby water and some sweet food.
- Place a damp cloth on the forehead.
In addition, "Hematogen" helps to alleviate the condition of a patient with an attack of hypoglycemia. This product helps to increase the level of sugar and iron in the blood. Also, before the ambulance arrives, you can give an injection of glucose if the drug is at hand.
Hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia in children
The above concepts should be clearly distinguished. The first is associated with a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels, and the second, on the contrary, is the result of its increase. Symptoms of hyperglycemia include constant thirst, frequent urination, and headaches. This condition often develops after infectious pathologies and stress. In addition, an increase in blood sugar levels is due to an excess of carbohydrates in the diet. Such nutrition leads to excess kilograms and malfunctions in metabolism.

Proper diet is one of the conditions for preventing disease.
How to avoid an attack?
Hypoglycemia in a child is treated with regular injections of insulin, which normalizes sugar levels. To prevent the development of an exacerbation, you need to follow these tips:
- Parents should teach their son or daughter how to give injections. In addition, the child should be taught how to monitor their glucose levels with the meter.
- Tell the patient about the symptoms of low blood sugar. He should be taught the correct actions to take if his condition worsens (for example, to eat sugary foods or ask adults for help).
- Eat the right diet.
- Avoid overloading.
- Regularly show the patient to the doctor.
- Make sure your baby always has something sweet in his pocket.

Parents of the patient need to know as much as possible about such an ailment as hypoglycemia, symptoms, causes. Treatment in children should also be aimed at combating comorbidities.