Many people have experienced joint or muscle pain in their lives. Some have sore legs in the weather, in others the joints make themselves felt after overwork. In any of these cases, the drug "Finalgon" will come to the rescue. Basically, only positive reviews are heard about this drug.
"Finalgon" is a combined drug used exclusively externally. The ointment has a locally irritating, analgesic and warming effect. The drug in a short time is able to relieve pain without any systemic effects. Often this remedy is used to increase blood flow and anesthetize the inflamed area of the body.

Description of the drug and its composition
The main active ingredients of Finalgon are nicoboxyl (25 mg) and nonivamide (4 mg). Also, the composition of the drug includes additional substances, such as colloidal silicon dioxide, diisopropyl adipate, sorbic acid, petroleum jelly and citronella oil.
About the configuration of this tool only positive feedback. "Finalgon" is released inin the form of an aluminum tube, 50 or 20 g each. A big plus is the applicator, with which you need to apply the ointment. This little detail makes patients very happy, as it provides the main safety when applying the gel. This kit is in a carton box.
The ointment is colorless, sometimes brownish. It has a transparent or translucent appearance, this is reported by the instructions attached to the Finalgon preparation. Reviews have shown that the absence of color and the transparency of the gel provide ease of application of the drug, as it is absorbed without leaving marks on the skin.

Pharmacological action and pharmacodynamics
"Finalgon" has a local irritating effect, and also improves local blood circulation, dilates blood vessels and removes pain. The main active substances have an analgesic property, which manifests itself after the substance penetrates the skin. Due to this drug, the rate of enzymatic reactions increases, and metabolism is also activated. A few minutes after applying the drug, redness appears on the skin, and its temperature rises. This is normal. This is how "Finalgon" (ointment) works. Reviews show that as soon as redness sets in, the pain begins to gradually go away. And it completely disappears after half an hour.
Indications for use

"Finalgon" is recommended for pain in muscles and joints after overexertion. Also ointmentcan be used for impaired peripheral circulation. Diseases for which this remedy is used:
- myalgia, arthralgia, arthritis;
- sprains, bruises and sports injuries;
- sciatica, neuritis, lumbago;
- tenosynovitis, bursitis.
The fact that this ointment is used for these diseases is evidenced by the instructions for use available for the Finalgon preparation. Reviews of many patients also show that the ointment is used for other purposes. For example, in the treatment of prostatitis or in order to get rid of cellulite. It is worth considering that the instructions for such treatment do not provide. Such treatment with "Finalgon" arose by itself, since the remedy has a good warming effect. But the instruction does not allow the treatment of prostatitis with Finalgon. Patient reviews on this score are contradictory. Some claim that the drug helps, and some warn that this drug has done harm to the body.

Gel "Finalgon" is prohibited for patients who have very sensitive skin, as well as people with intolerance to certain components of the drug. It is contraindicated to apply the drug to any areas of the skin with damage, for example, to wounds or irritations. It is also unacceptable to use "Finalgon" on any mucous membranes. Skin diseases are a contraindication for drug treatment. Children are also prohibited from using "Finalgon" (gel). Reviews have shown that if applied incorrectly on the skin, it canremain a chemical burn, so children should be protected from this product. Patients with sensitive skin should pay attention to the fact that it is undesirable to take hot baths before and after using the drug. The instruction does not advise the use of the ointment for pregnant and lactating women, since this drug has not been fully studied, and it is not known whether the gel components penetrate into breast milk.
Adverse reactions

Mostly the side effects of the drug are very scarce reviews. "Finalgon" is well tolerated by patients when used correctly. But the instruction provides for such side effects as allergic reactions. For example, facial swelling, skin rash, or hives. It is also possible reddening of the skin, slight burning or itching, which appear immediately after applying the gel and soon disappear. Most often, such phenomena occur due to the application of an excessive amount of the drug.
With an overdose of "Finalgon", itching and burning of the skin is possible. In order to reduce the intensity of such phenomena, you can use any nourishing cream.
Before applying the drug, it is necessary to open the tube, piercing the aluminum membrane with the sharp end of the cap. The initial use of "Finalgon" should begin with a minimum dose. The extruded gel from the tube, having a length of 0.5 cm, should be applied to an area of skin the size of a human palm. But such an amount of ointment will be superfluous if you use "Finalgon" againstprostatitis. Reviews of people who have been helped by this treatment show that ointments should be applied no more than the size of a match head.

The ointment should be effortlessly rubbed onto the painful area of the body, using the applicator that comes with the kit. By covering the treated area with a woolen cloth, the therapeutic effect can be enhanced. To achieve a positive effect, the ointment must be applied a couple of times a day until the symptoms disappear, but not longer than 10 days. After using the gel, wash your hands well. The drug should be used carefully so as not to touch the painless areas of the skin.
Special Instructions
In order not to cause unpleasant, albeit harmless, burning sensations, it is necessary to carefully use "Finalgon" (ointment). Reviews have shown that with one inaccurate movement, the remedy may be in front of the eyes, in the nose and on other parts of the body that are contraindicated in applying the drug. You can remove the ointment using vegetable oil, nourishing cream or petroleum jelly.
The storage location must be kept out of the reach of children in the first place. The temperature should not exceed 28 degrees. It is forbidden to use the gel after the expiration date, which is 48 months.
Please note that this drug has one manufacturer. And the price differs due to logistics processes, transportation and mark-ups by a specific network of pharmacies. On average, a 20 g tube of Finalgon costs from 200 to 300 rubles.
Using "Finalgon"off-label

Many people, given the composition and pharmacological action of this drug, try to use it for their own purposes, bypassing the prescription instructions. So, many girls are trying to get rid of cellulite, and men from prostatitis. To some extent, this is possible, since Finalgon has a warming and vasodilating effect. But you need to pay attention that doctors do not prescribe the treatment of prostatitis with Finalgon. Patient reviews can be positive, but if you overdo it a little with the dosage, you can not only not cure yourself of the disease, but also acquire a new one.
In many forums, women are advised to smear skin areas with cellulite with a thin layer of Finalgon. According to them, the result will be visible after the third application. Many even confirm that this is so. This is quite possible, since this drug increases blood circulation, thereby killing fat cells. But it is impossible to accurately answer the question of whether Finalgon helps with cellulite. Reviews of many girls show that after using this medication, apart from redness and allergic skin reactions, nothing was observed. Moreover, it is very difficult to withstand such a burning sensation on a large area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
It must be remembered that the use of the drug for other purposes may lead to undesirable results. If you apply the product to a large area of \u200b\u200bthe body, for example, on the legs, to get rid of cellulite, you can get another problem - a burn. Often girls suffer an incredible burning sensation, thinking that in an hour their legs will becomeideal, and then do not know how to deal with the problem that has arisen. First of all, in this case, you need to wash off the ointment, and then lubricate the affected areas with alcohol. It will dry and disinfect the skin, thereby relieving discomfort. To avoid such phenomena, it is necessary to apply the ointment in accordance with the instructions, and periodically monitor the skin reaction to this drug. In this case, only positive reviews will be left about this drug. "Finalgon" is a rather dangerous drug, so you should not try either the drug or fate.