Asthma usually occurs with the development of exacerbations and remissions. Quite a few drugs are being created to stop an attack. One of the most commonly used agents is Salbutamol. Reviews about it are mostly positive, which allows us to judge its high efficiency. What is this drug?
What is this medicine?
"Salbutamol" is a drug used to relieve asthma attacks, as well as shortness of breath in the initial stages of COPD.
This medicine is a synthetic beta-2-adrenergic agonist. Has a specific effect on these structures (located in the bronchi).

"Salbutamol" for inhalation is included in the list of medicines used for emergency medical care.
It is produced mainly in the form of an aerosol. When the valve is pressed, one dose of the drug is released, which is usually enough to stop an attack of shortness of breath.
Currently, it is not always possible to buy pure"Salbutamol". Its analogues are much more common, but doctors prescribe mostly the usual drug.
What is the effect of this medicine, and why is it so appreciated by both patients and doctors?
Pharmacological effect
As mentioned above, "Salbutamol" has a specific effect on beta-2-adrenergic receptors, located in large numbers in the bronchial mucosa.
By binding to these structures, the drug helps to relax the smooth muscles located under the mucous membrane. Due to this, the spasm is eliminated and the bronchi expand.

It also stimulates the ciliated epithelium lining the surface of the bronchi, resulting in improved synthesis and discharge of sputum from the respiratory tract, as well as their purification from foreign bodies.
What other effects does Salbutamol have? Analogues of it are able to have some effect on the cells of the pancreas. Due to this, an increase in the concentration of sugar in the blood is observed (in patients with diabetes, this is extremely important, since the use of the drug can contribute to a significant deterioration in the condition and the development of hyperglycemic or ketoacidotic coma).
In addition, when using the drug "Salbutamol" there is a decrease in the concentration of potassium in the blood plasma.
In what cases can "Salbutamol" be prescribed (including analogues)? The main purpose of using thisdrugs - relief of an attack of bronchial asthma. The drug is prescribed for a mild form of this disease as a monodrug, as well as for a moderate disease in combination with some other drugs.
In addition, the described medicine can be used at a high risk of developing bronchial obstruction syndrome with allergies of any genesis (if there are no respiratory dysfunctions and asthma is not diagnosed).

In older patients, "Salbutamol" can also be used to relieve shortness of breath in chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Analogues of the drug should be prescribed only after agreement with the attending physician, since they may contain additional components that can cause complications.
In rare cases, you can use "Salbutamol" to prevent premature birth and miscarriage (it has been proven that beta-2-adrenergic receptors are also present in the uterus).
Despite the large number of effects that develop when taking the drug "Salbutamol", there are contraindications to its use. In what cases it is impossible to appoint "Salbutamol" (aerosol)? Instructions for use of the medicine describes the following conditions:
- Children under 4 years old. In no case should you prescribe an inhaled form of the drug to children, as there is a high risk of developing arrhythmias.
- Individual intolerance to the drug. It occurs quite rarely. Such patients instead of "Salbutamol" are shown taking inhaled glucocorticoids.
- Irregular heart rhythm. The use of the drug in these conditions contributes to the aggravation of the disease to the point that the arrhythmia becomes intractable.
- Decompensated diabetes mellitus
- Parallel use of non-selective (affecting all beta-adrenergic receptors) blockers (the effect of both drugs is inhibited).
Side effect
The main paradox in pharmacology is that whatever the drug, its intake will somehow cause the development of side effects. Salbutamol (aerosol) is no exception. Drug analogues, depending on their structure, may not have one or another negative effect.
What are the side effects of taking "Salbutamol" and its synonyms? First of all, it should be noted the development of tremor (trembling) in the limbs.

When exposed to the cardiovascular system, it is possible to develop such effects as tachycardia (increased heart rate), arrhythmia, vasodilation of the brain (in general, this is a positive effect, as it improves its blood supply, but it poses a significant danger if you suspect intracranial hemorrhage, as it contributes to an increase in the size of the hematoma). Quincke's edema, dizziness, and vomiting develop much less frequently.
With frequent use of the drug, it is possible to develop tolerance to it (i.e., proper clinic althe effect will not develop, resulting in the need to increase the dose).
In some cases, an overdose may develop (if the recommended doses are not observed and increased). How does this manifest itself?
First of all, there are symptoms of overexcitation of the central nervous system. These include a pronounced agitated state of the patient, convulsions are possible.
The greater effect of "Salbutamol" appears on the organs of the cardiovascular system. In case of an overdose, tachycardia of more than 140 beats may occur (which can lead to the development of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation), an increase in blood pressure. Against the background of a rapid rhythm, atrial or ventricular flutter often develops, which is a life-threatening condition and requires emergency medical intervention.
Dangerous overdose of "Salbutamol" for patients with diabetes mellitus, as it increases the concentration of glucose in the blood, which can lead to the development of hyperglycemic coma in a diabetic.
Like any other drug, "Salbutamol" can be found on the shelves of pharmacies under completely different names. This is due to the fact that many companies, in order to earn money, produce and patent their drug, although it is based on the same Salbutamol. Synonyms and analogues of the drug are quite common, so you should be aware of what can be purchased and what is undesirable.

What medicines contain"Salbutamol"? The most famous drugs are Aloprol, Ventokol, Volmaks, Salben and many others.
Each of these funds is produced in a certain form and contains a different concentration of the main active ingredient. They have their own indications and contraindications for use, but they are almost always similar in action to the main drug.
What are the advantages of analogues over the original medication, how do they work and how can they differ?
Inhalation drugs
The main analogues of "Salbutamol" for inhalation use are "Ventolin salbutamol", "Salamol", "Salbutamol-Teva". All of them are produced in different countries and have their own dosage.
"Ventolin" is produced in two main types - a solution for inhalation and an aerosol. Countries such as Germany, Great Britain and France are engaged in the production of this drug. The cost of drugs practically does not differ from each other - the average price is about 200 rubles. For 120-130 rubles you can buy the usual "Salbutamol". A prescription must be obtained from a doctor, as the drug is not sold without it.
"Salamol" as an inhalation form of the drug is more expensive (on average, about 400 rubles), but if you study the numerous reviews about this tool, then the price justifies itself.
"Salbutamol-Teva" of all the listed medicines is the best ratio of price andquality. The drug costs as usual, domestic production, but somewhat more effective than the original one.
"Salbutamol" in tablets is used much less frequently than an aerosol. This is due to the fact that during an attack, when a spasm of the airways occurs, it is quite difficult to swallow a pill. Therefore, such drugs are used more with a preventive purpose than with a curative one.
Among the tablet forms, Salbutamol Hemisuccinate, Salgim, Cibutol Cyclocaps, S altox are the most widely used.
As with the aerosol, these tablets require a written permission from the doctor to take the medication "Salbutamol". The prescription is issued either by the attending physician or a pulmonologist in the hospital department.
In addition to preventing an attack of bronchial asthma, these pills are often used to get rid of excess body weight. Tablets help to speed up the metabolism, due to which their effect develops. They should be used with care by hypertensive patients, given the possible side effects and overdose effects.
Restrictions on the use of the drug "Salbutamol" and its analogues
Some forms of medication have been banned or discontinued. These drugs include "Salbutamol Semashko". Analogues are still being produced, however, the drug itself has been discontinued and is not allowed for use.
This medication was banned due to the fact that as a resultproduction, in addition to the pure agent, the aerosol also contained some volatile substances - chlorofluorocarbons, which, when released into the atmosphere, contributed to the destruction of the ozone layer and the formation of ozone holes. Because of this, the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology issued an order not to produce "Salbutamol Semashko" anymore. The analogues of the drug do not contain CFCs, so there are no restrictions on their production and use.

There is a restriction on the use of the drug in sports, as "Salbutamol" is recognized as doping in some of its types. Athletes with asthma may have permission to use it, while others are prohibited from using this remedy.
What do they say about the analogues of "Salbutamol"? It has been proven that the drug is better for some people, worse for others, and for others it does not produce any effect at all. So how to choose the most suitable Salbutamol for a particular patient? Drug reviews can help a lot with this.

Factors such as age and gender should be considered. For example, drugs with a small dosage of the active substance help women well, while men may not have enough of this volume. That is why you will need to focus on reviews of the treatment with this drug.
In rare cases, feedback can be negative. The drug does not always help in stopping the attack, however, in such cases, many pharmaceutical companiesare trying to carefully monitor and eliminate drug deficiencies in a timely manner.
Basically, all patients speak quite good-naturedly about the drug that helped them. Based on this, we can conclude that both pure "Salbutamol" and its analogues are quite effective.
Should I buy this drug?
This question has probably been asked by every person who has an established diagnosis of bronchial asthma.
Many have the opinion that domestic drugs are ineffective, and preference should be given to foreign drugs. According to the majority, it is better to purchase a foreign substitute for Salbutamol, which is supposedly better and more effective.
In a number of cases, this theory is confirmed, as some pharmaceutical companies are quite reverent about the purification of their drugs, due to which their therapeutic effect improves. But we can say with confidence that our drugs are no different from foreign ones in terms of quality. Therefore, when buying a foreign substitute for "Salbutamol", the patient often overpays for the trade name, although for the same money he could buy a regular medication and use it much longer.
Which drug is better?
Due to the variety of products, it is difficult to decide which one is better. Doctors most often write simply the following on prescription forms: "Salbutamol" for inhalation. That is why there is confusion with analogues of the drug, when there is no pure aerosol instock.
Only one thing can be said: you need to try several proposed options in order to decide for yourself whether it is better to buy a pure drug or still take some substitute for Salbutamol. The difference is known only in comparison, however, as practice shows, most patients still prefer pure Salbutamol. If it comes to its analogues, then the best substitute is likely to be Ventolin, since it is considered somewhat more effective and has fewer side effects.
Given that asthma medications are available by prescription only, it is best to check with your doctor and ask them to prescribe a certain medication.