Rhinitis is the most common symptom of illness. It can be bacterial or viral, acute or chronic. A person at any age can suffer from this symptom. Irrigation sprays, sinus rinses, and other forms of drugs are often prescribed to treat pathology. This article will tell you about what Protargol is (nosal drops). You will learn about the method of using this remedy and the indications for using this drug. It is also worth mentioning what the price of Protargol is.

Composition of the drug and its release form
The drug "Protargol" has the following composition. The main active ingredient is silver proteinate. An additional component is purified water.
Some pharmacies make their own medicine. In this case, "Protargol" composition has the following: a tablet with silver and pure water. At home, you can prepare such a medication yourself by mixing these ingredients. Similar and no less popular is the drug "Sialor".

When should I use the product?
The drug "Protargol" (drops in the nose) should be prescribed by the attending physician. The remedy is absolutely powerless in the fight against viruses and chronic rhinitis. However, the solution does an excellent job with many pathological microorganisms that begin to form in the sinuses in the absence of timely treatment or due to reduced immunity. Indications for the use of Protargol (nosal drops) are as follows:
- nasopharyngitis of various forms;
- otitis media;
- acute and chronic sinusitis;
- sinusitis or pharyngitis;
- various purulent discharge from the sinuses and so on.
Often, a solution of protargol is used to treat gynecological diseases in women and men, with inflammation of the skin, during eye diseases.

Are there any contraindications for the use of the drug?
Can everyone use Protargol? Instructions for use for children prohibits its use until the child reaches the age of five years. However, many pediatricians prescribe the drug much earlier.
It is worth abandoning this treatment during childbearing and breastfeeding. Also, you can not use "Protargol" (drops in the nose) with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.
How to use the mortar?
If you have purchased a finished product, you can starttreatment immediately. When buying Sialor, you must first mix the ingredients and wait for the tablet to dissolve completely.

Adult patients and children after six years of age are prescribed 2-3 instillations of the drug in each nasal passage. The procedure is repeated 3 to 5 times a day. It all depends on the severity of the course of the disease.
How much to drip "Protargol" to infants? As you know, the instruction prohibits the use of medicine in children under five years of age. However, if prescribed by a doctor, the average dose is one drop in each nostril three to five times a day.
Treatment with this solution should not last more than two weeks. The average course is from five to seven days.
Before using the drug, a child and an adult must definitely clear the nasal passages. This can be done using a special device and a purchased solution or ordinary s alt water. Turn your head to the side and inject the flushing compound into the opposite nostril. Wait for the remedy to pour out and blow your nose well. Repeat the procedure on the other side. You need to inject drops into the nose slowly, throwing your head back. After that, it is recommended to remain in the same position for one minute.
For newborn babies, the solution can be used in the form of lubrication. In this case, the risk of side effects is significantly reduced. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and roll a tube out of it. Insert the device into the baby's nostril andmake lubricating spiral movements. Repeat the procedure no more than three times a day.

How does the solution work?
Getting on the mucous membranes of the nose, the drug immediately takes effect. The product has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, drying and regenerating effect.
The drug is immediately introduced into the cells of pathological microorganisms and blocks their reproduction and growth. After that, the solution inhibits the vital activity of microbes and removes them along with the accumulated mucus. In addition to the destruction of harmful bacteria, the elimination of fungal foci occurs. That is why the drug prevents the development of dysbiosis and thrush.
On the damaged areas of the nasal passages, the agent forms the thinnest film. It is not visible to the naked eye, but living microbes are unable to penetrate through it. As a result, pathogenic microorganisms are deprived of a nutrient medium for reproduction and die. Also, the protective film promotes healing of the nasal mucosa.
The drug acts on the adenoids, removing inflammation from them. Due to this, complications do not develop, which are often expressed in the form of otitis media, sinusitis, adenoiditis, and so on. Already from the first day of using the product, the anti-inflammatory effect is clearly noticeable, which reaches its maximum after a few days of correction.
The tool quite effectively dries the nasal passages. As a result, there is a decrease in mucous secretions. It is worth noting that it is this environment that is nutritious forvarious bacteria.
The drug has a slight vasoconstrictive effect. After use, swelling and itching are removed from the nasal mucosa. As a result, the person can breathe normally.

Adverse reactions
Like any other drug, drops "Protargol" have a number of negative reactions of the body. Often there is a burning sensation and dryness in the nose after the first dose of the remedy. However, doctors do not attach much importance to this, since the symptoms disappear after a few minutes.
In case of an overdose of the drug, allergic reactions may occur. Most often it is a skin rash and itching. Less commonly, there are complications in the form of Quincke's edema. Typically, such a reaction occurs with intolerance to the components of the drug. That is why it is so important to read the instructions before using the product.
With prolonged use of the drug, the skin of the mucous membranes may change its shade. Most often it becomes bluish or even black. It should be noted that this side effect is very rare. However, in this case, it is worth canceling the treatment as soon as possible and consult a doctor.

Features of drug storage
The remedy must be kept in the refrigerator. The temperature range for storing the medicine is from two to eight degrees. Be sure to take into account the period in which you need to use the drug.
If you opened the package, then the drops can be stored for only 30 days. After that, it is forbidden to usedrug.
Drops "Protargol": price
The cost of this tool may vary slightly depending on the place of purchase of the composition. For the drug "Protargol" the average price is from 50 to 100 rubles. In this case, you can buy a ready-made solution.
If you prefer to make your own medicine from the Sialor kit, then be prepared to pay about 300 rubles for it.

Summarizing and a small conclusion of the article
You now know everything about Protargol. From what age, and also in what dosage the remedy is used - described above. You also learned about some indications and contraindications for the use of the drug. Be sure to take into account all the information provided in the instructions. Especially when you are going to use the drug without a doctor's prescription.
For the treatment of childhood diseases, the remedy "Protargol" is prescribed quite often. It has become an excellent substitute for antibacterial drugs, most of which lead to dysbiosis and disruption of the microflora of the mucous membranes of the body.
Do not use the solution beyond the stated time. Otherwise, negative reactions to the active substance may occur. Treatment with Protargol should not be course or prophylactic. Use it only as needed. If you have any further questions, please contact your doctor. Be always he althy!