Udjala eye drops are a drug used in ophthalmology. Such a drug was created on the basis of numerous Ayurvedic recipes. The drug belongs to the group of tonics for the eyes. However, Ujal drops are not registered in drug registries.

Pharmacological properties of the drug
Udjala eye drops are an Ayurvedic tonic, which includes a combination of potassium s alts, alkaloid compounds and a plant element - diffuse burchavia. Due to the presence of such components, the drug has unique properties. The tool has an anti-inflammatory effect, can reduce the intensity of pain, reduce tearing, improve some metabolic processes, including those affecting cellular nutrition, and also slow down the development of a disease such as cataracts. This is only part of what the drug we are considering is capable of. It should be noted that potassium nitrate, which is part of the drops, is able toantimicrobial and analgesic action.
Features of the drug
Indian eye drops "Ujala" do not contain synthetic components, as well as chemical compounds. This allows the drug to be taken by those who have contraindications to taking traditional medications, as well as those who are prohibited from surgical intervention. The latter category of patients includes patients with diabetes mellitus, with serious heart pathologies, as well as the elderly.
Udjala eye drops, the composition of which is indicated in the article, are most effective in the middle and early stages of cataracts. With a more mature form of the disease, the drug is also able to clear the lens. However, it takes more time to get such a result. It is worth noting that when using such drops, vision partially improves, but not completely.

Composition of drops and release form
To find out what properties Ujala eye drops have, reviews of which are mostly positive, it is worth analyzing their composition in detail. This product contains:
- glycerin;
- potassium nitrate;
- Berhavia diffuse.
This drug is produced in small vials, the volume of which is not more than 5 milliliters. Such a container is made of plastic, and is also equipped with a special dispenser, which greatly facilitates the process of using drops. The bottle should be stored closed for no more than 36 months, and open - 30 days.

What properties does
Ayurvedic preparations seem useless to many. However, this is not the case. Drops of "Udjala" have many therapeutic effects, among which it is worth highlighting:
- Almost complete restoration of lens transparency.
- Slowing down the development of cataracts.
- Restoration of metabolism in the eyes at the cellular level.
- Decrease in the formation of tear fluid resulting from the development of pathology.
- Analgesic effect.
- Anti-inflammatory effect.
Thanks to these properties, Udjala eye drops are simply indispensable in the treatment of many diseases of the organs of vision.
For what ailments is prescribed
This drug was created on the basis of the recipes of such teachings as Ayurveda. Eye drops "Ujala" are used in the development of many pathological processes in the tissues of the organs of vision. Most often, this drug is recommended:
- For the treatment of glaucoma.
- For trachoma.
- Corneal clouding.
- Myopia.
- Conjunctivitis.
- To slow down the degenerative processes occurring in the tissues of the organs of vision.
- With inflammation of the eyes.
Ayurvedic preparations such as Ujal drops are often used as a soothing, tonic and eye cleanser. However, the age of the patient is not a limitation. However, the use of such drugs is not recommended for those who have ophthalmic disorders.

"Ujala", eye drops: instructions
Any drug, including Ujala eye drops, should not be used without expert advice. In some cases, such tools can either harm or interfere with the detection of a serious eye disease. In addition, the patient reviews describe a number of rules that must be observed when using Ujala drops:
- Before starting the procedure, thoroughly wash off the cosmetics. The patient should take a horizontal position, lie down on his back. After that, 1-2 drops of the drug are dripped into each eye. The patient should close his eyes and not open them for 10-15 minutes. After the procedure, you should refrain from visual stress for at least a few hours.
- After using the drug, the patient should blink a little. This will allow the eye drops to be evenly distributed throughout the conjunctiva.
- There should be several such procedures throughout the day: immediately before going to bed, and immediately after waking up.
- When instilling drops into the eyes, do not touch the tissues of the organs of vision with a dropper. This can infect the contents of the vial.
Main stages of therapy
Treatment of diseases with Indian eye drops "Ujala" should be carried out in several stages:
- The first stage lasts approximately 60 days. During this period, there is an improvement in all metabolic processes occurring in the tissues of the organs of vision, as well as cleansing of blood vessels.
- The second stage lasts at least 12 months. Over this timethe drug allows you to partially or completely get rid of cataracts, as well as restore the transparency of the lenses.
It is worth noting that some doctors recommend starting therapy for eye diseases with Udjala drops gradually. To begin with, you should use the drug once every 2-3 days. The dosage should be increased slowly. Otherwise, you can only do harm.

Who should stop using Indian drops
As described in the reviews of doctors, Udjala eye drops, like most drugs, have contraindications. Despite the presence of many positive properties, the use of such a drug should be abandoned in cases where:
- There is an increased sensitivity to certain components of the composition. Such an occurrence is extremely rare. However, experts recommend taking an individual intolerance test before starting therapy.
- The patient is under 12 years of age.
- In addition to the underlying disease, there is a viral lesion of the cornea or conjunctiva of the organs of vision.
- Mycoses have arisen in ophthalmology.
- The patient is in postoperative condition. Especially if the surgery was performed to remove a foreign body from the cornea of the eye.

Are there side effects
Each drug, even plant-based, has some side effectseffects. Indian eye drops "Ujala" are no exception. The development of discomfort may limit the use of this drug. The main side effects that may occur when using Ujala eye drops include:
- Burning and itching sensation. This side effect may appear immediately after the first use of the drug.
- Redness of the tissues of the organs of vision.
What to do in case of unwanted consequences
If side effects occur, experts recommend:
- Intensively lower and raise the eyelids several times.
- Do not rinse eyes with water.
- Stop using the drug and consult your doctor.
Special Instructions
If the doctor has prescribed any other drops in addition to Ujala, then a short break should be taken between the use of the drugs: at least 20 minutes. This will prevent the medicines from mixing.
It is worth noting that Ujal eye drops do not affect the ability to drive a vehicle. Before using the drug, you should be prepared for the development of such unpleasant phenomena as constipation. To avoid this, you should observe the drinking regimen. During therapy, the patient is recommended to consume at least 2 liters of fluid during the day. In addition, it is necessary to normalize nutrition by increasing the amount of fiber in the diet, as well as practically abandoning carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body.

As the reviews of experts show, drops of "Udzhal", the price of which is 250-350 rubles per bottle, have no analogues. However, there are drugs that can replace this drug. Such medicines have a similar effect and can help the patient in the treatment of many diseases of the organs of vision, including cataracts. The difference lies only in the composition, as well as in the mechanism of their action. These drugs should include:
- "Vita-Yodurol".
- "Taufon".
- "Khrustalin".
- "Emoxipin".
- Quinax.
- "Katachrome".
- "Catalin".
The cost of these drugs depends on the manufacturer, as well as on the pharmacy chain where they are sold. Basically, these medicines are sold only by prescription.