How I want to be able to purchase a drug that could once and for all solve all existing he alth problems. But so far this is not possible. And therefore, everyone is forced to spend a lot of time, money and effort to maintain their physical condition at the level necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Finding a high-quality highly specialized drug sometimes takes an incredible amount of time. This article is written to help you save some money. Below we will consider a detailed description of a drug called "Hydrocortisone-Richter", which is actively used in modern medicine to combat a number of diseases. And in all these cases, this amazing remedy is effective, as you can see in the course of reading. Who is shown "Hydrocortisone-Richter"? How should it be applied? What are the contraindications to its use? How safe is it? Do I need to see a doctor or is my own knowledge enough to draw up an individual treatment regimen? Are there any substitutes for the drug in question? Allyou can find out this and some other nuances of using the drug "Hydrocortisone Richter" by reading this article.

The main active ingredients that make up the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" are hydrocortisone acetate in the amount of one hundred and twenty-five milligrams, as well as lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate in the amount of twenty-six and a half milligrams. Auxiliary components for the drug in question are polysorbate 80; povidone; sodium phosphate; tpropyl parahydroxybenzoate; sodium dihydrogen phosphate; methyl parahydroxybenzoate; sodium chloride; dimethylacetamide; water for injection.

Pharmacological properties
The drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" is a glucocorticosteroid agent. The main effect that the drug in question has on the patient's body is anti-inflammatory.
"Hydrocortisone-Richter" must be administered intra- or periarticularly or intramuscularly.
Lidocaine is an effective pain reliever (local anesthetic) that has an effect on the desired area of the body in a very short time. The substance also has a membrane-stabilizing effect.
In the event that this agent is administered intra-articularly or periarticularly, the active substances enter the systemic circulation within a short time. Active ingredientsdemonstrate a high level of protein binding (it exceeds ninety percent). In the patient's liver, the drug breaks down into the following substances: tetrahydrocortisone and tetrahydrocortisol. The latter in a conjugated form are excreted from the body with the help of the kidneys.
Important! The drug freely crosses the placental barrier, so it can affect the fetus.
Lidocaine also passes into breast milk, which poses a risk to the baby during breastfeeding.
The half-life is about one to two hours.

The main diseases in which the use of the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" is indicated are scapulohumeral periarthritis, tendovaginitis, osteoarthritis, subject to the presence of synovitis (does not apply to infectious arthritis), as well as bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis and epicondylitis.
Today, the drug in question is increasingly used to combat various diseases of the respiratory tract, larynx and nasopharynx (laryngitis, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, runny nose, etc.), as well as ears (otitis media of varying severity).
In order to cope with ENT diseases, use "Hydrocortisone-Richter" for inhalation. Instructions for using the tool in question, therefore, is extremely simple. It is important to first contact a competent specialist who could prescribe the minimum dose of the drug that would be effective in this particular case. itit is necessary for the use of the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" for inhalation to be truly safe. It would be extremely rash to make such decisions on your own. It is also important that the attending physician prescribes the proportions of the preparation of the working solution for the procedure in question. If you carefully follow the recommendations received from a specialist, then the use of the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" for inhalation will be truly saving in the fight for good he alth.
The drug in question is also used for otitis media. In such cases, it is recommended to drip two milliliters of Hydrocortisone-Richter solution into the ear. The procedure should be repeated three to four times a day. As prescribed by the attending physician, you can combine this remedy with a solution of an antibiotic suitable for the patient.
Also "Hydrocortisone-Richter" (instructions for use contains such information) can be used directly for the treatment of joint diseases. In this case, the drug is administered intraarticularly or periarticularly. During the day, the "Hydrocortisone-Richter" (suspension) should not be injected into more than three joints. The next injection can be made only three weeks after the previous one.

The same joint can be exposed to the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" (suspension) no more than three times a year. This is due to the adverse effect of this drug on hyalinecartilage.
In what doses should "Hydrocortisone-Richter" be used in this case? Instructions for use recommend that adults inject from five to fifty milligrams of the substance, depending on how large the joint is and how severe the disease is. The pediatric dose is five to thirty milligrams. However, this amount must be divided into several injections during the day.
For the treatment of nasal diseases, special complex drops should be prepared. It is necessary to mix each ampoule of "Dioxidin", "Mezaton" and the drug in question and shake thoroughly. Next, you should instill this solution with the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" into the nose (two drops three times a day).
Self-medication is not always effective and can even become dangerous. And it does not depend on what you are struggling with - otitis media, arthritis, sinusitis, or you want to use "Hydrocortisone-Richter" for inhalation. The instruction contains only average recommended dosages. The exact amount of the medicinal substance and the scheme of its use can be established in each individual case exclusively by the attending physician.

There are some conditions under which in no case should you use a solution for injection or drops "Hydrocortisone-Richter". So, you will not be able to use the drug in question if you have an infected joint, problems with the Achilles tendon, a tendency toblood clots, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, systemic infection without specific therapy, as well as individual intolerance to one or another constituent component of the drug.
Also, the remedy is forbidden to be taken during the period of bearing a child (in particular, in the first trimester). In the second and third trimesters, the drug should be taken only if the benefit to the mother is many times greater than the risk to the fetus. And the use of the drug "Hydrocortisone Gedeon Richter" has an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus. In particular, it provokes a lag in development. It is also prohibited to use the drug during breastfeeding.
Do not inject intra-articularly if there is pathological bleeding, infectious arthritis, intra-articular bone fracture, osteoarthritis without synovitis, bone destruction, periarticular infection, periarticular osteoporosis, joint deformity, unstable joint, previous arthroplasty.
It is important to always be under the supervision of the attending physician if the patient is elderly or has the following diseases: diabetes mellitus, duodenal or gastric ulcer, osteoporosis, herpes, tuberculosis, epilepsy, glaucoma, measles, arterial hypertension, chronic heart disease failure.

Side effects
What side effects can be caused by taking the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" (suspension)? The instruction contains information about the following negativereactions that could potentially occur during therapy with the agent in question. Among them:
- stunting;
- steroid diabetes mellitus;
- Itsenko-Cushing syndrome;
- decrease in glucose tolerance;
- oppression of adrenal function;
- nausea;
- hypokalemia;
- hiccup;
- thromboembolism;
- flatulence;
- peptic ulcer;
- heart failure;
- bleeding;
- peripheral vasodilation;
- vomit;
- increased blood pressure;
- irritability;
- pancreatitis;
- insomnia;
- esophagitis;
- appetite increase;
- headache;
- anxiety;
- weight gain;
- euphoria;
- mental disorders;
- corneal ulceration;
- excitement;
- excessive sweating;
- hallucinations;
- cataract;
- damage to the optic nerve;
- eye infections;
- Pseudotumor of the cerebellum, glaucoma;
- depression;
- dizziness;
- paranoia;
- disorientation;
- delirium;
- epileptiform convulsions;
- arthralgia;
- myalgia;
- osteoporosis;
- growth slowdown;
- decrease in muscle mass;
- muscle spasm;
- fatigue;
- steroid myopathy;
- hypernatremia;
- tendon injury;
- opportunistic infections;
- arrhythmia;
- delayliquid;
- increased weakness;
- skin rash;
- exacerbation of infections (including latent tuberculosis);
- itch;
- folliculitis;
- anaphylactic shock;
- ecchymosis;
- steroid acne;
- telangiectasia;
- skin atrophy;
- paresthesia;
- hirsutism;
- tissue swelling;
- necrosis of surrounding tissues;
- adrenal insufficiency;
- leukocytosis;
- malaise.
If the patient is elderly, the risk of any of these side effects increases significantly.
Also, a number of the above reactions may occur due to exceeding the prescribed dosage or taking the medicine for too long. Under such conditions for the use of Hydrocortisone-Richter, the instruction advises symptomatic treatment, since there is currently no specific antidote.

It is important to administer the drug in question, taking into account all the rules of antisepsis, which will help to avoid infection with any pathogenic microorganisms.
It is forbidden to vaccinate a patient during therapy with this drug. This is due to the possible inhibition of antibody synthesis.
During the use of the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" (suspension), the instructions for use recommend that you follow a certain diet. Sodium content infood intake should be reduced, while the potassium content should be significantly increased. You also need to consume enough protein.
It is important to regularly monitor the following indicators: blood clotting, diuresis, blood glucose concentration, blood pressure and body weight. This will help to identify possible deviations from the norm in time and adjust the treatment regimen.
The drug in question significantly slows down the growth and development of children and adolescents. Therefore, it is important that the treatment regimen is drawn up by an experienced specialist. As a rule, the lowest possible doses are prescribed for the shortest possible time.

Interaction with other drugs
Cardiac glucosides, used simultaneously with the drug in question, have a much more toxic effect on the patient's body.
The drug significantly accelerates the excretion of acetylsalicylic acid.
Parallel use with live vaccines provokes the development of infections due to the activation of viruses.
Speeds up the metabolism of substances such as mexiletine and isoniazid. Consequently, their concentration in blood plasma is sharply reduced.
Increased risk of developing toxic effects of paracetamol on the patient's liver.
High doses of the drug in question neutralize the effect of somatropin growth hormone.
Hypoglycemic drugs while taking this drug also become less effective. Increasesintraocular pressure due to simultaneous use with antihistamines and tricyclic antidepressants.
If for any reason (for example, the presence of certain contraindications) you are unable to use the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter", it would be wise to look for information on its substitutes in order to find the right drug for you. So, according to the main active substance, the analogues of the drug in question are suspensions "Cortef" and "Solu-Cortef". A similar mechanism of action is isolated from the following drugs: "Prednisolone" (ointment for external use); "Kenalog" (suspension); Dexapos, Prenacid, Maxidex, Ozurdex (eye ointments); "Polkotrolon", "Medopred", "Megadexan", "Flosteron", "Ivapred" (suspensions). It is important to remember that each of these drugs has its own characteristics and unique cases when it should be used. Therefore, it would be most reasonable to provide an opportunity for a specialist to choose a suitable analogue of the agent in question, which would be effective in your case and would not harm your body.
What do people say about the effectiveness of the drug in question? About the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter" reviews are left by both patients and attending physicians. The vast majority declares its unconditional effectiveness, amazing results in a short period of treatment, as well aslasting effect (there is no need to repeat the course many times). These reviews indicate that the drug is really trustworthy and you should pay attention to it.
However, there is another side of the coin. Namely: sometimes patients complain of negative side reactions after using the drug in question. Sometimes they cause a lot of discomfort and require specific treatment. Sometimes there are much more serious symptoms, such as a delay in the development of the child. However, all these consequences can be avoided if you carefully examine the instructions for using the drug. It clearly indicates all possible side effects and emphasizes the need for medical supervision. If you accept the lack of control of the attending physician over the patient's condition (especially if it is your own child), be prepared to face some unpleasant consequences. It is better not to allow the situation to develop in this way and to pay enough attention to the observance of all recommendations. Self-medication with the drug in question is unacceptable and dangerous.

Now you are fully armed. Having received such comprehensive information about the drug "Hydrocortisone-Richter", you can make a truly informed decision as to whether it is worth using it in your individual case. But even if it turns out that this is exactly what you need now, do not rush to acquire and use the medicine. Feel free to discuss this type of treatment with your he althcare He will be able to build a treatment plan taking into account all the existing nuances and help you get around all the pitfalls that exist when using the drug in question. After all, despite all the undeniable effectiveness, "Hydrocortisone-Richter" has many side effects that entail quite serious consequences. Only a competent specialist can help to avoid their development, under whose supervision it is recommended to carry out treatment with this drug. Only in this case, this kind of therapy will bring you invaluable benefits, relieving the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Spending a little time consulting your doctor can save you a lot of money and your own emotional and physical strength, which otherwise would have to be spent on dealing with severe adverse reactions and complications. The more conscious you are about the he alth of your body, the more gratitude it will answer you for many years to come.
Always choose only the highest quality treatment for you and your family! All the best to you!