Discharge with smell in women: causes

Discharge with smell in women: causes
Discharge with smell in women: causes

Vaginal discharge is considered the most common female problem. Some of them have no he alth hazard and do not cause any discomfort to women, but others may have an unpleasant odor and be accompanied by itching and discomfort. It is about this type of discharge that we will talk in this article. Discharge with a smell in the intimate area cannot leave indifferent any woman who is faced with this problem.

Normal or not?

Vaginal discharge can be an absolute norm, but only if they do not have a characteristic color and smell and do not bother the woman in any way. Since the glands that are located in the genitals of women secrete mucus, the body gradually gets rid of it itself.

causes of odorous discharge
causes of odorous discharge

Vaginal discharge also varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. During and after ovulationmenstruation, they are a little thicker than before, and may have a barely perceptible sour smell. However, if you begin to notice thick discharge with a clear color cast or smell on your underwear, then this is a serious reason to seek help from a specialist.

Causes of discharge, itching and odor

Various bacteria can get into the microflora of a woman, which develop there quite calmly. As a result of their growth, discharge appears, as well as an unpleasant odor. The most common way for bacteria to enter is through sexual intercourse. A variety of bacteria and microorganisms can enter the vagina, they become the cause of the inflammatory process. Inflammatory processes can proceed in different ways and with different activity, but the symptoms for them are the same - smell, discharge, discomfort.

Such discharge can also appear in women who have not yet had relationships with men. Where? Here, the reason may lie in disorders of the immune system, metabolism, perhaps the cause was frequent stress or hormonal imbalance. In any case, only a doctor can give an exact answer to the question of what is the nature of the discharge and how to deal with them.

Smell of fish

If a woman has white discharge with the smell of fish, then most likely she has dysbacteriosis, or bacterial vaginosis. Ideally, lactic acid bacteria should predominate over opportunistic pathogens, but this ratio changes with bacterial vaginosis. As a result, the acidity of the mucus is greatly reduced. This disease is not classified as inflammatory or infectious. In the first ten days, vaginosis does not manifest itself at all, but after this time, the first discharge appears, which is accompanied by a smell, and burning and itching in the vagina may also disturb.

Smell of onion or garlic

Immunodeficiency or a disturbed metabolism leads to the fact that from the girl's vagina there is a discharge with a distinct smell of onion or garlic. And also such an aroma can appear if you take antibiotics for a long time or consume the above products in large quantities. In addition, an onion or garlic smell is a consequence of thrush or inflammation of the uterus. The smell is especially good after intercourse. Sometimes this condition can be accompanied by burning and itching.

Sour smell

Candidiasis is one of the main causes of sour-smelling discharge. This disease is caused by the fact that a fungal infection such as Candida enters the vagina. The vagina is the ideal environment for her growth and reproduction. In the people, such a disease is commonly called thrush. Allocations during thrush are not just white, they have a curdled consistency, a pronounced sour smell, and are also necessarily accompanied by burning in the vagina and itching. Every woman has suffered from thrush at least once in her life.

white discharge with odor
white discharge with odor

Most often, thrush is transmitted sexually, but not always, because even stress can cause the bacterial balance in a woman's vagina to be disturbed and lead to the formation of thrush. In addition to stress, it can be affectedand prolonged use of antibiotics, weakened immunity, impaired metabolism.

Smell of iron

Sounds strange, but women's discharge can have a distinct iron odor. This is evidence that they contain, albeit a small, but share of blood. This happens, first of all, just before the onset or during menstruation, and also if a woman has cervical erosion or ectopia. As for the latter, mucous manifestations on underwear with bloody clots can most often be observed during or immediately after intercourse. Sometimes they can even be accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. If you have begun to notice such discharge on your underwear, then do not delay going to the doctor, as there is a risk of neoplasms.

Acetone or ammonia

The pungent smell of ammonia or acetone is by no means gynecological discharge, but urine leakage. This is due to the fact that a person performs any actions that put pressure on the bladder. This is not always physical activity, it may well be laughter, severe coughing or sneezing. Why does this happen? Most often, such embarrassment occurs with people who are overweight, but a strong emotional shock can also be the cause. What causes the smell of ammonia? There are several reasons, and the main one is the lack of fluid in the body. This makes the urine more concentrated and gives the mucus the above characteristic.

The smell of acetone is one of the symptoms of diabetes, so when it is detectedyou need to immediately go for an examination to the doctor and donate blood for sugar. It is strictly forbidden to solve such a problem without consulting an endocrinologist.

Vinegar or rot

The smell of rot indicates the presence of this process in a woman's body. It can be an ectopic pregnancy or fibroids, as well as inflammation of the ovaries.

Trichomoniasis is one of the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases, which is also famous for this symptom. During this ailment, yellow or even green discharge appears from the vagina, which tends to foam and have a distinct smell of rot. In addition, the woman feels severe itching in the perineum and experiences severe pain not only during intercourse, but also when urinating.

odorous discharge
odorous discharge

But if a woman smells of vinegar, then this is a clear sign that she neglects the rules of personal hygiene.

Discharge during pregnancy

It's no secret that pregnancy is a time of change for a woman's entire body, including her hormones. Therefore, it is considered the norm if the secret changes its color, quantity and even smell. We should not forget that now the main task of the body is to protect the fetus, prevent its rejection, therefore it is quite natural if any chronic diseases remind of oneself or bacteria enter the body. And this is another serious reason why various smelling secrets can appear.

If a pregnant woman begins to notice that white discharge appears on her underwear withsmell that is slightly sweet, then this is most likely a consequence of leakage of amniotic fluid. Most often this happens already in the third trimester, but if in some pregnant women such discharge is insignificant, then in someone they can be continuous. In the latter case, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this is a very high risk for the child and mother. If this happens a few days before the expected date of birth, then this may be the beginning of the birth process.

discharge itching and odor
discharge itching and odor

Unfortunately, there are cases of unsuccessful pregnancy. In women, white discharge, itching and the smell of rot almost certainly indicate the death of the fetus. In this case, the main task of the woman is to get to the hospital as soon as possible, where she will be cleaned in order to avoid infecting her mother.

In the postpartum period, the secret may contain pus and, accordingly, smell like it. This is a postpartum complication. It most often occurs in women who have had a caesarean section. Girls who are not pregnant or do not yet know about it may experience delays, and instead of menstruation, an unpleasant-smelling secret is released. In this case, doctors suggest not only the presence of pregnancy, but also possible gynecological diseases. Some of the fair sex have to put pessaries due to their state of he alth. Some organisms declare war on a foreign body and a discharge with a specific smell appears.

How to deal with the problem

Causes of smelly discharge in women we alreadyfound out, and now it is necessary to find out what are the methods of dealing with this unpleasant phenomenon. Self-medication is highly discouraged here, since the drugs chosen depend on the nature of the discharge and the general condition of the woman. After all, for example, not all drugs are suitable for pregnant women.

discharge with itching and odor
discharge with itching and odor


  1. If the disease is infectious, then medical treatment will be needed here, sometimes even antibiotics have to be resorted to.
  2. As for thrush or not too serious inflammatory processes, there are many vaginal suppositories and tablets, as well as creams that will relieve you of the disease in ten days.
  3. There are pathologies in the fight against which no drugs help, such as cervical erosion. It can only be "burned".
  4. There is such a method as douching. It refers to physiotherapy methods. For douching, specially prepared solutions are used, which contain antimicrobials and antiseptics. There are certain contraindications for using this method: pregnancy, adnexitis, parametritis.
  5. There are many folk methods to combat gynecological diseases. There are many herbal solutions in which tampons are soaked and inserted into the vagina. However, folk methods are best used in tandem with traditional ones.
discharge and odor in the intimate area
discharge and odor in the intimate area


To saveyourself from all the above problems, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Try not to go on too rigid diets, as this is always a lot of stress for the body.
  2. One should not neglect the rules of personal hygiene, especially in the hot season.
  3. Some gynecologists oppose panty liners. No, you can use them, but you should change them almost every two hours. Otherwise, harmful bacteria will begin to multiply on their surface.
  4. Particular attention should be paid to personal hygiene products, since not all hygiene products currently offered are suitable for women.
  5. If you do not have a permanent sexual partner, then you must use condoms.
  6. Avoid buying synthetic underwear.

Folk methods of struggle

Discharge and smell in the intimate area well eliminates the root of the lovage. It is necessary to pour fifteen grams of dry grass with one glass of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and insist for a day. Take one tablespoon three times a day.

Nettle is widely used in gynecology. It not only helps with bleeding, but also fights odor very well. So, dry chopped grass is poured with boiling water, insisted, filtered and the resulting liquid is taken 150 milliliters three times a day.

white discharge in women
white discharge in women

Wormwood is not the most delicious medicine, but it is very effective. Common dried wormwoodpour boiling water and let it brew for some time. Strained liquid drink a tablespoon three times a day. This herb is especially effective if the discharge not only has a pungent odor, but is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.


Our daily menu greatly affects the state of our body. Women need to eat citrus fruits, which are not only rich in vitamins, but also can rid the body of various bacteria and toxic elements. With their help, the female body becomes less vulnerable to bacteria.

If you already have a smell from the vagina, then include homemade yogurt in your diet. But remember that it should not contain dyes and flavors. Eat garlic, which stands guard against bacteria and fungal infections, but do not get carried away with this product. Drink more water, which helps the body get rid of pathogenic bacteria.
