Burns are always pain, stress, shock. Most often they can be obtained by negligence. Boiling water, hot objects, steam - all this causes injury to the skin and its slow healing. Cream from burns with boiling water gradually restores the skin, relieves pain, itching, burning, redness and prevents the appearance of scars and scars.
When should I use boiling water burn cream? Burns are tissue damage that occurs under the influence of high temperature, steam, radiation, electric current, chemicals. The most common cause of burns is hot water or steam. A mild degree of damage is manifested by local symptoms without disturbing the functions of the body. People with physical illnesses are more resistant to burns and require a longer recovery period.

The symptoms of burns depend on the degree of heat exposure. At the site of injuryblisters form with liquid inside, the skin turns red, puffiness appears. If the blisters are opened, patches of necrotic tissue, subcutaneous fat, muscle, or bone are formed at this site, depending on the severity of the damage. If the burn occurs on a large area of skin, complications may develop. Severe consequences of thermal burns include inflammation of the lymph nodes, abscesses, gangrene, purulent cellulitis. Common symptoms include burn shock, toxemia (decomposition products of tissues and bacteria enter the bloodstream), septicotoxemia (the body loses protein, becomes infected).
Degree of injury
Cream for burns with boiling water can help if the patient was given first aid, and also carried out the necessary procedures for the primary healing of the wound. Treatment for burns depends on the severity of the injury. There are four degrees of burns.
- First. At the site of damage, swelling, redness, and the appearance of small blisters with a clear liquid form.
- Second. The blisters are large, opened, the degree is characterized by the formation of thin scabs.
- Third. The skin is affected to the muscle, a scab forms, the blisters burst.
- Fourth. The deepest burn to the bone, the burned part of the body may be charred.
If more than 10% of the body area is affected, a burn disease is formed, a shock condition that requires medical attention. These burns are treated in a hospital setting, not at home.

First Aid
How to provide first aid to the victim? If ait is provided correctly, it helps to avoid infection, the development of shock, and contributes to the rapid healing of the wound. If the victim is a child, it is better to use a cream for burns with boiling water for children. Immediately following a burn, take the following steps:
- hold the burnt surface for ten to twenty minutes under running cold water;
- apply burn cream to the damaged area and put a dry sterile bandage on top;
- if there is no medicine in the home first aid kit, just bandage the wound;
- if the area of damage is large, special tires are used to fix it, but in this case you need to call an ambulance.
Small burns caused by boiling water can be treated at home using folk remedies, special creams and gels.

How to treat?
Treatment of burns consists of two stages: first aid at home or at work and qualified medical care. Traumatologists, resuscitators, combustiologists are engaged in the treatment of severe burns. The need for hospitalization is determined by the doctor. Medical workers, initially treating a burn wound, remove the epidermis and wash it with special solutions. Then apply a gauze bandage soaked in an anti-burn cream or gel.
Boiled Water Burn Cream for Adults contains active ingredients that relieve symptoms such as burning, itching, redness and scarring. Burn medications may contain hormones, soprescribed by a doctor on an individual basis. If the burns are severe (grade 3-4), treatment takes place in a hospital. The patient is given first aid, taken out of a state of shock, dressings are made during inflammation, enzymes are used, dead tissues are removed, the wound is closed with skin taken from another part of the body, physiotherapy is carried out, drug therapy, creams, ointments and gels are prescribed.

Cream review
Pharmacists sell various creams for burns with boiling water with blisters. They neutralize the destructive effect of hot liquid on the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The most popular and common anti-burn remedies include "Rescuer", "Panthenol", "Furacilin ointment", "Levomekol", "Actovegin", "Solcoseryl", "Eplan" ointment.
- "Rescuer". This anti-burn remedy contains beeswax, extracts of medicinal plants, natural oils, vitamins. The composition softens the skin, regenerates tissues, moisturizes, acts as an antiseptic, fights inflammation, protects and anesthetizes the surface. The peculiarity of the cream is that it acts quickly and has practically no contraindications.
- "La Cree". Perfectly relieves irritation in first and second degree burns. The composition includes extracts and extracts of medicinal herbs and plants. The cream has an antimicrobial effect, softens the skin, stimulates rapid healing. Designed for kids and adults.
- "Levomekol". Remedy forwater-based, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties. The active substances in the composition eliminate pathogens that lead to suppuration. The peculiarity of the cream is that it stimulates the metabolism inside cells and rapid tissue regeneration.
- "Panthenol". An excellent remedy for burns, which is available not only in the form of a cream, but also tablets, gels, solutions, sprays. The cream quickly relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing of the skin.
- "Bepanthen". A drug in the form of a cream is intended to restore the integrity of the skin, normalize skin metabolism, and destroy bacteria. The cream relieves pain and cools the skin.
Among the popular remedies for healing burns are also Ebermin and Calendula Ointment.

Folk remedy
To quickly get rid of minor injuries, you can combine any burn cream with boiling water with folk remedies. At home, mix sunflower oil and beeswax in a 3:1 ratio. Heat the mixture, cool, soak a clean bandage in it and bandage the wound. Alternate dressings with applying cream to the damaged area.
How much is the cream for burns with boiling water? The price of the most effective means for restoring the skin after various injuries is low, so they should always be present in the home first aid kit. For example, "Levomekol" costs about 150 rubles per 40 grams, "Panthenol" - 250 rubles per45 g, "Bepanten" - 370 rubles.

Which is better to use creams for burns with boiling water? User reviews confirm that D-Panthenol, Levomekol, Olazol, Radevit are considered the most effective and inexpensive means. They have a cooling, antiseptic effect, are well absorbed into the skin, do not leave greasy marks. Creams do not cause allergies, regenerate tissues quickly, but their scope is limited. After the burn has healed, you will need to use anti-scars and scars. For example, "Levomekol" is able to clean the wound from bacteria and prevent infection.