Recently, homeopathy for coughs has been used very often. Its popularity is due to the lack of stress on the human body. The action of homeopathic medicines resembles in its functions an inoculation. But in this case, patients take drugs that activate the forces of the body, forcing them to overcome the disease on their own.
Why homeopathic medicines
It is well known that cough homeopathy is almost completely harmless for children, and at the same time for adults, because it does not contain a large number of active ingredients, as in conventional medicines. As a rule, they can consist mainly of water, ethanol and sugar and medicinal extracts in minimal doses. Homeopathic doctors claim that such drugs do not treat the disease itself, but directly the person.
Based on the causes of the cough, doctors select the most effective drug. The doctor will also calculate how much the remedy will be effective and whenit is best to take it. All this directly depends on the specific characteristics of a particular patient. In no case should you choose homeopathic cough medicines, especially for young children.

Overview of drugs
Cough relief is carried out in different ways - it can be medication or recipes from a grandmother's chest. Homeopathic therapy is also popular. In any case, treatment must be started in a timely manner and not to start the disease. Next, consider which homeopathic cough medicines you can use.
Effective homeopathic remedies for slow development of dry cough
With the slow development of the disease, the following remedies are used to combat dry cough:
- Bryonia drug. This homeopathic medicine is suitable for irritating the lungs and bronchi, gradually developing cough, accompanied by pain in the sternum. A patient against the background of such an ailment may often wake up and feel a desire to take a sitting position, be alone, drink cold. Feeling worse, as a rule, in case of being in a warm room and with any movement.
- Ferrum Phos is taken for a painful cough accompanied by itching that occurs in the respiratory system.
- The homeopathic remedy for dry cough Pulsatilla is prescribed for attacks in the morning and in the evening. This remedy is also suitable in the presence of a paroxysmal ailment, accompanied by a feeling of constriction inchest and suffocation. Feeling better outdoors and worse in hot and stuffy rooms. In this case, it is possible to secrete white mucus, as well as green. What else is used in the treatment of dry cough homeopathy?
- Phosphorus is indicated for a cough associated with a cold, followed by a sinking of the disease into the lungs. Additional symptoms include tightness in the chest along with irritation in the upper respiratory system, a strong desire to drink cold drinks, increased seizures when talking or being outside.
From dry cough homeopathy helps very well, the main thing is to choose the right remedy.
Effective homeopathic medicines for the rapid development of dry cough
In the rapid course of the dry form of cough, the following remedies are recommended for patients:

- A drug called Aconite. It is recommended for the treatment of cough, which is caused by cold, and at the same time, dry wind. Against this background, it can be short, sometimes barking, accompanied by anxiety, and at the same time, heat without sweating, deterioration and anxiety in case of being in a stuffy, stuffy room.
- Spongia is a homeopathic remedy for a barking cough that can cause a person to wake up with a feeling of choking and panic. At the same time, deterioration is observed during a conversation and improvement as a result of drinking hot drinks.
- The homeopathic cough remedy Nux Vomica is prescribed for the dry form that occursdue to cold air and strong winds. In parallel, patients have an increase in sensitivity to odors, various noises, and light. There may be vulnerability. Feeling much worse when going out into cold air or when moving.
- Belladonna is prescribed when the patient has a burning, sudden cough of considerable intensity, which may create a feeling that something is stuck in the throat. Additional symptoms are dilated pupils along with a red face.
In the event that the patient feels better while out on the street, Pulsatilla is an excellent treatment, along with Bryonia and Aconite. When the condition worsens when the patient goes out into the fresh air, it is better to use Rumex. And in situations where, in addition to coughing, itching is additionally observed in the chin area along with perspiration, it is best to turn to the use of Phosphorus or Hepar Sulph. Now let's find out which drugs are suitable for therapy if the patient has a wet form of this disease.

Let's consider homeopathic remedies for wet cough.
Homeopathic remedies for wet cough and their effectiveness
Determining the type of cough, you should monitor the patient's well-being and carefully analyze the patient's condition. The fact is that with a wet form of coughing, people often experience swallowing sputum instead of coughing it up. In this regard, fromdiseases must be eliminated as soon as possible. In the event that the patient's he alth deteriorates when in a warm room, it is recommended to take the following drugs:
- The medicine Kali Bich is prescribed in the presence of perspiration, deep cough, thirst, thick yellow mucus. The aggravation may come from a cold breeze, and also at night from two to five o'clock.
- A remedy called Ipecac is prescribed to patients when they have a lot of phlegm, and at the same time there is vomiting with nausea. The condition may be accompanied by a feeling of shortness of breath, sometimes hoarseness. The patient will feel relief if he is in the fresh air.
- Antimonium Tart (otherwise it is also commonly called Ant Tart) is prescribed when the patient is worried about a cough that is characterized by a bubbling type with difficult rejection of mucous secretions. In this case, the patient's tongue may be covered with a white coating. Thirst is absent. Patients do not tolerate any touch to them and feel much worse in the heat, mainly in the morning, at about three o'clock.
- Arsenicum is also prescribed to patients for the treatment of a wet type of cough, which can develop into dry, sometimes paroxysmal forms. Usually such an attack occurs during sleep in the interval from ten in the evening to two in the morning. Additionally, patients note a feeling of fear along with anxiety. Patients get much worse in cold air and feel better when warmdrinks.
If you are thirsty, Arsenicum is recommended (this medicine is used when the condition is aggravated by warm drinks). In the absence of thirst, Ant Tart and Pulsatilla are suitable.
How to treat a cough with homeopathy, it is important to find out in advance.

Wet cough: homeopathic remedies depending on sputum color
In case of yellow sputum and its characteristic symptoms, the following drugs are used:
- Pulsatilla remedy is especially suitable when the patient shows a change in the density and color of the pathogenic secretions.
- Hepar Sulph is used to treat when the sloughing mucus is too thick and the person feels better when the steam is inhaled.
- Kali Bich is used for very stringy sputum.
In the presence of white sputum, the following drugs are suitable:
- A medicine called Anttart. It is advisable to use it with a bubbling cough, when a person has a sticky coating on the tongue of a predominantly white color.
- Ipecac is prescribed when a patient is passing a lot of mucus, sometimes vomiting is observed, but the tongue remains smooth and without plaque.
When the patient has difficulty passing mucus, homeopathic medicines Ant Tart or Arsenicum are used.
Homeopathy for night cough
Cough homeopathy at night can also help. As a rule, in this case, suchmedicines:

- Pulsatilla (meaning lumbago) helps to cope with severe bouts of nocturnal cough.
- The medicine Kalii bichromicum (its Latin name means potassium dichromate) is prescribed for a hard, barking cough at night.
- Bryonia (or in other words, white step) helps in case of inflammation of the respiratory channels with heavy mucus discharge. It is also advisable to take it during night attacks and when the patient begins to lose his voice.
- Drug Belladonna (belladonna) is prescribed against the background of an increase in the tonsils, and in addition, with pain in the throat during swallowing and in the presence of a feeling of dryness in the mouth and nose. The medicine helps to relieve this symptomatology and allows the patient to sleep well and rest at night.
- Dulcamara (Latin for "sweet nightshade") is recommended for prolonged coughs with heavy mucus flow.
- The medicine Lachesis (translated as "poison of the surukuku snake") is prescribed for a sore throat and difficulty breathing, which prevents you from getting enough sleep at night.
Instructions for the use of homeopathic medicines
Help for patients with coughs can be provided by drugs of any form. Such means are dragees for resorption along with granules that dissolve in liquid and homeopathic syrups. But, as a rule, each remedy helps patients only in a certain case and is selected depending on the characteristics.symptoms. Therefore, the choice of medicine should be very careful, accurately assessing the nature of the cough.
As part of homeopathic treatment, the possibility of using several drugs at once is allowed. But in the event that, according to the symptoms, two or three remedies are suitable for a person, and he does not know which one to choose, it is still better to start with one. If the patient does not improve in the next twelve to twenty-four hours, then a replacement should be made.
It is important to understand that homeopathic therapy also acts as a medication. Therefore, treatment is prescribed after a thorough examination of the patient by a doctor. The specialist prescribes the dosage of medications along with the scheme and duration of treatment.
As part of the treatment of coughs in children, homeopathy should be taken every twenty to thirty minutes until relief occurs. In the event that this does not happen, you need to go to the doctor, most likely, the dosage or treatment regimen is incorrectly assigned to the child.

With a dry barking cough, the goal of therapy is to prevent narrowing of the laryngeal lumen due to swelling. By prescribing certain drugs, the doctor seeks to thin the mucus and accelerate its release. For quick rejection of sputum in children, appoint:
- Aconite balls are an excellent antitussive medicine in the initial stages of bronchitis, which rapidly developed due to a cold and high fever.
- Drosera, made from round-leaved sundew, suppressesdebilitating nocturnal reflex.
- Spongia granules - softeners of dry, tearing throat.
- Sulfur liver (Hepar sulfur) is a universal remedy against respiratory pathologies.
Homeopathic remedies: Stodal syrup
Separately, it is worth talking about the famous cough syrup in homeopathy "Stodal". He has a very pleasant taste of caramel, it is used to treat any kind of coughing attacks, regardless of the age of the patient. Suitable for child therapy. This syrup is taken three to five times a day for 15 milliliters. For this, a measuring cap is used. How long it is worth taking the presented medicine, only a doctor can tell, so you should definitely consult before starting treatment.
Disadvantages of homeopathy
In the modern world, the attitude of patients and doctors to such therapy is ambiguous. Currently, representatives of traditional medicine are very wary of treating coughs with homeopathy. It is worth noting that the studies conducted have not established any difference between such drugs and placebo. Also, experts argue that theories about healing by homeopathy do not correspond to the data of the science of medicine about how a sick and he althy body functions.

Among other things, doctors are not sure about the safety of such treatment, even though such drugs have practically no active ingredient. It is important to emphasize that there has never been a scientific test of these funds. Moreover, usinghomeopathic medicines, the patient may refuse to completely diagnose the disease and standard medical care, which is fundamentally wrong.
In this regard, before starting treatment with any homeopathic remedy, you should consult a doctor and undergo additional examinations. Very often, the cause of a seemingly harmless cough can be quite serious pathologies that need to be urgently treated.
Thus, in the modern world there are hundreds of various homeopathic remedies that can influence the course of a cold process, but the right choice directly depends on the symptoms of the emerging disease. Within the framework of this article, the most commonly used homeopathic cough remedies were considered.