"Tsitovir 3": reviews and instructions

"Tsitovir 3": reviews and instructions
"Tsitovir 3": reviews and instructions

In the article, we will consider instructions and reviews for the drug "Citovir 3".

It is an immunostimulant with an antiviral effect and is used in the treatment and prevention of the development of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

The drug has a positive effect on the reactions of cellular, humoral immunity, has a beneficial effect on the nonspecific resistance of the human body. In addition, "Citovir 3" is able to have an interferonogenic effect. The medicine is considered one of the most popular and effective among its counterparts, as it can alleviate the course of the disease, speed up the healing process, and carry out effective prevention.

cytovir 3 reviews
cytovir 3 reviews

All these effects of the drug are due to the presence of well-chosen active substances in it. Reviews of "Citovir 3" abound.

According to its clinical and pharmacological group, Cytovir 3 belongs to immunomodulatory drugs.

Averagethe cost of "Citovir 3" in Russian pharmacies is about 300 rubles per pack and may vary depending on the region of distribution and the pricing policy of the pharmacy.

Pharmacological forms, composition of the drug

Manufacturer "Citovir 3" is available in three pharmacological forms:

  1. Oral capsules (or tablets).
  2. Powder intended for oral solution (special children's form).
  3. Sweet syrup (also a special baby form).

The active components of the drug are: ascorbic acid, bendazole hydrochloride, sodium α-glutamyl-tryptophan.

As additional components in the manufacture of capsules are: calcium stearate, lactose monohydrate. The capsule shell is made up of: gelatin, dyes, titanium dioxide.

Auxiliary substances in the solution are: flavors, fructose.

Additional substances in the composition of the syrup - purified water, sucrose.

According to reviews, "Citovir 3" is great for children.

cytovir 3 reviews for children
cytovir 3 reviews for children

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for use in the prevention or treatment of influenza and SARS in adult and pediatric patients.

Capsule form is intended for patients from 6 years of age. Babies from a year old are prescribed special forms of the drug - a solution or a sweet syrup.

Reviews about "Citovir 3" mostly positive.

Contraindications for use

Absolutecontraindications to the use of the drug are:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components that form the drug.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Age up to a year in the case of using children's forms of the medication, age up to 6 years in the case of using a capsule form.
  4. Diabetes. Such a contraindication applies only to forms of the drug containing sugar, that is, solution and syrup.

Medication is relatively contraindicated for patients with the following conditions:

  1. Lactation period ("Citovir 3" may be prescribed at the discretion of the doctor if the intended benefit far outweighs the likely harm).
  2. Arterial hypertension. The use of the drug by patients with this deviation should be agreed with a specialist.
cytovir 3 syrup reviews
cytovir 3 syrup reviews

Medication use

Any form of medication should be taken by the patient 30 minutes before meals. Schemes of preventive and therapeutic use of the drug are similar to each other.

  • Children 1-3 years old are shown to take 2 ml of solution or syrup three times a day.
  • Children 3-6 years old are shown to take 4 ml of medication three times a day.
  • Children 6-10 years old are shown to take 8 ml of the drug three times a day.
  • Children from 10 years of age should use 12 ml of Cytovir 3 three times a day.

Syrup for children, according to reviews, is absolutely safe.

Duration of therapy orprophylactic course of application is 4 days. If a visible improvement does not occur within three days from the start of using the medication, or the symptoms become more pronounced, it is important to seek the advice of a specialist.

Prophylactic use of the drug can be carried out every 4 weeks.

It is important to take medication in strict accordance with the recommended regimens and dosages. In addition, it is important to use it only when indicated.

The capsule form, like the other two, should be taken orally. They should be taken in the same way, half an hour before meals, swallowed whole and washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. Patients from 6 years of age are shown to take 1 capsule three times a day, according to the instructions for Cytovir 3. Check out the reviews below.

Therapeutic or prophylactic course takes an average of 4 days, if necessary, it can be repeated after 4 weeks.

cytovir 3 syrup for children reviews
cytovir 3 syrup for children reviews

Negative impacts

According to reviews of Cytovir 3, the drug is well tolerated by patients. Nevertheless, it is impossible to completely exclude the development of negative effects of the drug. Against the background of the use of the remedy, such negative symptoms may develop as:

  1. Allergic manifestations in the form of skin rashes, itching, redness of the skin.
  2. Decrease in blood pressure, which has a short duration. Often observed in patients suffering from neurocirculatory dystonia.

Whenthe occurrence of these symptoms, you must stop using the medication and consult a doctor.


According to reviews of "Citovir 3" in capsules and syrup, with a significant excess of the dosage recommended by the doctor, the development of intoxication, which is accompanied by a decrease in systemic blood pressure, is not excluded. Most often, a similar effect is observed in elderly patients, as well as in those with concomitant vegetative-vascular dystonia with a hypertensive type of course.

In case of acute drug poisoning, symptomatic treatment is indicated. Also, the patient should monitor the functional state of the kidneys and the level of blood pressure.

Special instructions for use

If the patient underwent a second course of therapy using this agent, he should monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood plasma after the end of the drug.

"Cytovir 3" is not able to affect concentration and psychomotor reactions, and therefore the drug can be used by patients whose activities involve the management of complex mechanisms and vehicles.

cytovir 3 instructions for use reviews
cytovir 3 instructions for use reviews

Compatibility with other medicines

In clinical trials, interactions of α-glutamyl-tryptophan with other drugs have not been identified. It is allowed to combine the drug with other antiviral agents and medicines to eliminate the symptoms of SARS.

Before starting therapy with Cytovir 3 and otherstherapeutic agents should be consulted with a physician.

Another active component of the drug - bendazol - is able to increase OPSS, enhance the hypotensive effect of diuretics and antihypertensive drugs. The hypotensive effect of bendazole is enhanced by the parallel use of phentols.

Ascorbic acid, present in the composition of the drug, can increase the concentration of tetracyclines and benzylpenicillin in the blood, enhance intestinal absorption of iron-containing drugs, reduce the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants and heparin drugs. At the same time, the absorption and assimilation of ascorbic acid is inhibited when combined with alkaline drinks, fresh juices, oral contraceptives, acetylsalicylic acid.


If necessary, Cytovir 3 can be replaced by one of the following pharmaceuticals:

cytovir 3 capsules instruction reviews
cytovir 3 capsules instruction reviews
  1. Oscillococcinum. It is a homeopathic remedy, the manufacturer produces in the form of granules intended for oral use. It is a pharmaco-therapeutic analogue of Cytovir 3. It is often prescribed to patients for the treatment of respiratory diseases provoked by viruses and in an acute form.
  2. "Kagocel". It is a pharmacological analogue of Cytovir 3. It is an immunostimulating, antiviral drug produced in tablet form. Can be used in the treatment of children from 3 years.
  3. "Aflubin". It is a clinical and pharmacological analogue"Citovir 3". The manufacturer produces in the form of sublingual tablets and drops intended for oral administration. Allows you to effectively deal with the manifestations of SARS, stop arthralgia.
  4. "Orvirem". It is an antiviral drug, the active ingredient of which is rimantadine hydrochloride. The manufacturer produces in a form specially adapted for children - syrup. Can be used in the treatment of children aged 1-7 years.
  5. "Tamiflu". It is a therapeutic analogue of Cytovir 3. It can be used for the treatment and prevention of influenza conditions. The manufacturer produces the drug in capsule form, which can be used in the treatment of patients from 12 years of age, as well as in suspension form, which can be prescribed to children from one year old.

It should be remembered that each of these medicines has its own list of contraindications, so the replacement of the drug should be carried out only after consultation with the doctor.

cytovir 3 capsules reviews
cytovir 3 capsules reviews

Reviews about "Citovir 3"

Most of the reviews left by patients who have used the drug are positive. About 70% of users respond well or neutrally about the drug, the remaining 30% - negatively. Thus, it is rather difficult to judge the effectiveness of the drug - for some patients it is an indispensable tool, while others do not observe the expected effect.

There are also reviews about Cytovir 3 from doctors.

Specialists speak about the drug with restraint. This is due to the fact that many doctors try not torecommend drugs that affect the immune system, as their effects are not well understood.

It is important to use the medication for prevention or therapy only on the recommendation of a specialist.

We reviewed the instructions for use and reviews for the Tsitovir 3 tool.
