Denture rubs the gums: what to do? New generation dentures without palate

Denture rubs the gums: what to do? New generation dentures without palate
Denture rubs the gums: what to do? New generation dentures without palate

Sometimes after fixing dentures, a person has difficulties. For example, he may be disturbed by discomfort in the place where the mucous membranes come into contact with new elements. And the question of what to do if the gum is rubbed with a prosthesis should be taken care of as soon as possible. Otherwise, the inflammation will start very soon.

Why does he rub

The mucous membranes that come into contact with the newly installed elements are called the prosthetic bed. At first, it is only being formed, at this time the prostheses are “looking for” their place. During this period, the denture rubs the gums very often. This is a common occurrence, due to which patients wear a prosthesis for correction. Only in exceptional cases will it fit the first time, in most cases a person will certainly wonder how to treat the gum if rubbed with a prosthesis.

Inflammation of the gums
Inflammation of the gums

What to do

Under no circumstances should pain be tolerated. After all, their presence is a sign that something is going wrong and needs to be corrected. So did you notice thatRemovable prosthesis rubs the gums. What to do in this case? It is worth seeing a dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime, put the removable structure in a disinfectant solution.

It must be taken into account that the prosthesis is never corrected on its own. Otherwise, there is a high probability that it will become unusable. To adjust it, you need to use tools, have special skills.

What to do if the gum is rubbed with a prosthesis? How to treat such a condition can tell a qualified specialist. Before going to him, you need to wear a prosthesis for 4 hours. It is important to endure this time so that the doctor determines exactly where the person has discomfort. Thanks to this, he will adjust the mechanism with greater accuracy so that he does not rub the gum with the prosthesis again. How to treat to get rid of discomfort, the doctor will also tell.


You can finally get rid of the pain only by filing it. Since it cannot be completely changed (otherwise it will become unusable instantly), the doctor corrects only certain parts. Seeing the damaged mucous membranes, he determines exactly which places to pay attention to. If a clasp prosthesis rubbed the gum, the doctor does not take into account the person's complaints - he is guided only by what he sees.

As a rule, after a few corrections, the mechanism ceases to cause discomfort. Sawing lasts no more than 10-15 minutes. Produce it in the presence of a person. There is a high probability of damage to the structure by any careless movement.

At the dentist
At the dentist

Prevention of chafing

In order not to worry about the fact that the prosthesis rubs the gums, you need to timely deal with the prevention of such phenomena. To do this, it is necessary to clean the structure after any meal. It is important to rinse your mouth with medicines. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are also suitable. As soon as a person notices that the prosthesis rubs the gum, he needs to see a doctor right away. When chewing food, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly over the jaws.


It is not enough to get rid of the source of discomfort, you also need to treat the damaged areas. For this purpose, the patient uses ointments to heal gums rubbed with a prosthesis. The doctor will tell you which drugs are suitable for these purposes. But there are many recipes on the World Wide Web.

So, in folk medicine there are many ways to help quickly cope with damage to the mucous membranes. For example, rubbed areas are smeared with honey. This is a natural remedy that quickly disinfects the oral cavity. If the prosthesis rubs the gums, ointments for stomatitis are also applied. Each person is helped by their own drugs. The most categorical patients, noticing that the prosthesis rubs the gums, adjust the design and change the attending physician at the same time.

Schematic designs have some features, due to which the mucous membranes are damaged. As a rule, they are made according to casts of the patient's oral region. But they are never absolutely accurate. And there are always some errors in the structure of the prosthesis. It's all about the complexity of the terrainjaws.

Materials even in new generation dentures without a palate are harder than natural tissues of the oral cavity. As a rule, pain after the installation of the structure lasts 3 months. When scuffs and dented spots appear on the gums, this indicates that the body is adapting to the prosthesis.

And even if a new generation of dentures without a palate was installed, improper operation of the structure leads to gum injury. In addition, after a few years from the start of operation of the structure, the same symptoms may appear. The thing is that the bones become thinner. Voids appear between the prosthesis and tissues.

Pain in the gums
Pain in the gums

Possible causes of gum pain when wearing a denture

There may be several options:

  • Inaccurate prosthesis.
  • Poor quality material.
  • Allergy to substances contained in the design.
  • Change in the shape of the gums.
  • Insufficient structural maintenance.

Gum soreness can have many other causes, such as inflammation of the nerves, psychological problems, infections, autoimmune and immune diseases, injury or drug reactions.

If dentures are used, it is even more important to maintain good oral and denture hygiene (cleaning dentures prolongs their life). To do this, various means are used, but a regular toothbrush is enough. There are also special devices for cleaning dentures. If you do not use them, it is not surprising to suffer from the fact thatgum tissue hurts. Did you rub your gum with a prosthesis? What to do in such cases, the doctor will tell.

How to do it?

It is best to place dentures twice a week in a special solution. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, which are simply thrown into a glass of water. The tablets themselves are a disinfectant that reliably cleans the prosthesis. Someone does not pay too much attention to the regular hygiene of prostheses. Subsequently, because of this, red sores may appear on the oral mucosa. In this case, you should visit the dentist as soon as possible.

Late effect

Doctors report that dentures can cause gum pain even after a patient has worn them for months or years. Initially, new teeth should not cause problems, they should be comfortable in contact with the gums. The situation changes over time, and eventually dentures often begin to negatively affect the gums. This leads to their swelling and pain. Some medicines temporarily relieve the problem. Prevention is ensured by ensuring that the denture holds firmly and does not rub. Ultimately, you need to visit the dentist so that he makes adjustments, otherwise the problem will constantly return.


Dentists say gums need time to recover from the negative effects caused by new teeth. Ulcers will need to be treated and inflammation will need to be completely controlled before the patient can return to normal denture wear. Need regularlyremove the structure so that oxygen reaches the gums, which will promote healing. It is recommended to slowly wipe the gums with cotton wool soaked in warm water. This reduces sensitivity and reduces the growth of bacteria, avoiding the development of infection.

Latest developments

Next-generation palateless dentures are much more comfortable to wear than traditional appliances. In addition, due to the fact that there are many types of designs, a suitable one is selected individually for each person.

Problems with teeth give anyone a lot of both physical and psychological discomfort. And the latest achievements of dentistry are aimed at solving these issues.


The newest devices, unlike traditional ones, do not irritate the sky. There are several types of recent dentures. They are chosen based on the number of remaining teeth. Consider their location. The designs are acrylic, soft nylon, there are "sandwiches", clasp, telescopic varieties of them.


Nylon prostheses
Nylon prostheses

Elastic devices without palate are often made of nylon materials or acrylic. They can be used to partially or completely replace missing groups of teeth. Due to the flexibility of nylon, the fixtures are more flexible and comfortable to wear, the color of the material helps to make the design invisible to the eyes of others. In addition to the positive aspects, new generation nylon dentures without a palate also have negative aspects:

  • Bones under orthopedic constructions quickly become thinner.
  • The softness of dentures interferes with chewing hard food.
  • The prosthesis requires frequent correction.
  • They often need to be replaced with new ones.
  • Rough surface causes bacteria to accumulate.

Acrylic dentures

Acrylic dentures without a palate have a soft structure. They are fragile, so patients who wear acrylic structures are advised to avoid eating solid foods. The average service life of acrylic prostheses is 2.5 years. With careful use and proper care, this period can be extended up to 5 years.

Acrylic dentures
Acrylic dentures


Sandwich-type devices, as well as telescopic structures, are classified only as conditionally removable. These devices are called Quadrotti. The name "sandwich" of the prosthesis was due to the fact that it is made of two different materials: hard acrylic and elastic polyurethane.

Sandwich dentures
Sandwich dentures

It is the “sandwich” that is advised if the patient also has his own teeth, on which new artificial ones will subsequently be based. This variety is well tolerated by patients and has a high chewing ability.

Telescopic prostheses

Consists of 2 parts. The first is made entirely of metal and is worn over existing teeth to form the base for the entire fixture. This part is fixed. The second part provides support. This prosthesis is characterized by rigid fixation and good compatibility.with biological tissues.

Telescopic prostheses
Telescopic prostheses

The presence of telescopic prostheses is almost not felt, they have excellent aesthetics. In addition, they play an important role in the even distribution of chewing loads on the jaw. Thanks to their use, the gums also remain he althy. The prosthesis is installed for 3 years, but with proper care and timely visits to the doctor, the wearing time can last up to 10 years. Such dentures are more expensive than similar devices due to the difficulties associated with manufacturing. The roads in this case and the materials themselves.

Which dentures are best

Before you choose dentures without a palate, you need to answer a few questions:

  • How many teeth are missing? If the patient has lost several units, fixed dentures can be placed. If most of the teeth are missing, a completely different kind of construction is needed.
  • What is the allowable cost for dentures? Variations that cannot be removed are more expensive than their removable counterparts.

New generation dentures without a palate help restore one or more lost parts of teeth or even an entire dentition. The absence of the sky makes the process of wearing the device much more convenient. Quite often used and partially removable dentures without a palate, which are based on implants.

Next generation fixed dentures

Such variations are used in case of rupture of the dentition into one or more units. An important condition for the installation of fixedprosthesis is the presence of teeth or implants on which bridges can be based, prosthesis designs. They are well attached to the teeth, do not bother, easy to maintain. The disadvantages of this method of prosthetics are the need to grind adjacent he althy teeth, as well as the uneven distribution of the load on the jaws.

The second innovative type of fixed dentures are implants. This method of prosthetics is used when support for dentures is needed or when one tooth is missing. A significant disadvantage of this option is the fact that a number of conditions are required for successful implantation, which is not always observed.
