Hypothyroidism: symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis and treatment

Hypothyroidism: symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis and treatment
Hypothyroidism: symptoms, causes, types, diagnosis and treatment

The condition caused by a decrease in the content of thyroid hormones is called hypothyroidism. This disease is one of the most common disorders of the thyroid gland. It can occur at any age, in people of both sexes. The signs of such a disorder, forms, detection and treatment are described in sections of the article.


With hypothyroidism, the symptoms remain mild for a long time. This is because the disease develops gradually. Patients do not notice a serious deterioration in he alth.

thyroid examination
thyroid examination

The most dangerous type of such a violation is the congenital form. At the same time, children have a lag in mental development and growth. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland associated with a lack of hormones can occur due to genetic problems or he alth problems during pregnancy.

They are caused by trauma, exposure to harmful radiation, the use of certain drugs. In some cases, these problems are caused by low iodine in the diet.


The appearance of hypothyroidism in children, the symptoms of this disease are explained by the too small size of the organ, its incorrect location. Very rarely, such disorders are the result of a lack of ability to properly absorb hormones. These reasons lead to a decrease in the production of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Subsequently, disorders of other endocrine glands are observed.

Besides the congenital type of hypothyroidism, there are other forms of this disease. They are less dangerous, but are considered quite serious.

Acquired Violation Type

This is the most common type and develops under the influence of the following reasons:

  1. Failures in the functioning of the body due to malfunctions of the immune system.
  2. Disorders resulting from removal of the thyroid gland, taking medications.
  3. Lack of iodine in the diet.
  4. Wrong structure or development of the gland.
  5. Disorders in the absorption of substances necessary for its normal functioning.
  6. Tumours.
  7. The influence of radiation, toxic compounds.

In the case of acquired hypothyroidism, the symptoms develop due to a decrease in the size of the organ and insufficient production of the hormone due to this cause.

Secondary variety

There is a type of disease that is associated with disorders of the activity of the gland itself. It was described in the previous section. This phenomenon is called acquired or primary hypothyroidism. The secondary form is associated with disruptions in the work of other VAs.

Such failures develop for the following reasons:

  1. Surgery, radiation.
  2. The occurrence of tumors.
  3. Mechanical damage to the brain.
  4. Chronic diseases, loss of large amounts of blood.
  5. Taking hormonal drugs for a long time.
  6. Improper development of endocrine glands.

Types of violations (according to the nature and severity of manifestations)

Sometimes the disorder occurs without noticeable signs. In subclinical hypothyroidism, however, symptoms can be detected. They develop due to the lack of hormonal balance, the correct ratio of substances. If the disease is not treated for a long time, it can move to another stage. It's called explicit. With this form, the symptoms are quite pronounced. The third stage, severe hypothyroidism, can lead to coma and even death.

Signs of a hidden variety of the disease

Many patients come to the doctor with complaints such as lethargy and a constant feeling of fatigue. It is these signs that may indicate the beginning of the development of disorders. With this form of hypothyroidism, the symptoms are usually general. Hidden manifestations of the disease are as follows:

  1. Reduced ability to work.
  2. Puffiness occurring on the face and body.
  3. Slow heart rate.
  4. Disordered sexual desire.
  5. Low blood pressure.
  6. Feels cold in any weather.
  7. Deterioration of appetite.
  8. Stool retention, bloating, nausea.
  9. Gallstone formation.
  10. Liver dysfunction.
  11. Weight gain.

The disease affects the quality of intimate life. In hypothyroidism, symptoms in men include sexual dysfunction, a decrease in the number of germ cells. Women have problems conceiving.

feeling cold
feeling cold

Since the above signs can speak not only about hormonal failure, before establishing the exact cause of the ailment, the doctor carefully examines the patient.

Appearance of patients

As the disease develops, a person's appearance begins to change. Individuals who have this disorder suffer from puffiness under the eyes.

The skin becomes yellowish, dry, thickened. Nails often break, stripes appear on them. The tongue increases in size, and teeth marks remain on its surface. The voice of such people is hoarse, they complain of heart problems. In hypothyroidism, symptoms include metabolic disorders. A similar phenomenon leads to drowsiness, slowing down of speech, a suppressed emotional background. It is difficult for patients to work, they hardly move, they seem lethargic. A characteristic purple blush appears on the face, the lips become bluish, the eyelids are slightly lowered. Hair breaks and falls out. Due to improper metabolism, patients lose interest in food, but gain a lot of weight.

puffiness of the eyes
puffiness of the eyes

Women suffer from disorders of the monthly cycle and decreased libido. The appearance of symptoms of hypothyroidism in menopausal women is quite common. It is associated with changes in hormone production. Its symptoms in this case resemble menopause and lead to premature menopause.

Thyroid disorders in infancy and childhood

A congenital disease is characterized by a severe course. With this form of the disorder, the symptoms are pronounced and increase over time. The main signs can be listed as follows:

  1. Being too early or too late.
  2. Overweight at birth.
  3. Prolonged inflammation in the navel.
  4. Anemia, jaundice.
  5. Respiratory disorders.
  6. Stool retention, weakness, poor appetite.

At the age of three to six months, hypothyroidism continues to develop, symptoms continue, and treatment is unlikely to help restore normal functioning of the organ.

The child is not gaining weight well, he has swelling of the face, tongue, inharmonious growth of body parts, as well as mental retardation. The voice becomes hoarse, the behavior slow and lethargic.

In younger schoolchildren and adolescents, malfunctions in the work of the thyroid gland are, as a rule, acquired. In this case, the iron increases in size, the skin becomes dry, swelling, disturbances in the activity of the heart, and stool retention are observed. Mental development, as a rule, does not suffer. However, such patients are characterized by increased fatigue and drowsiness.

Disease detection

At medical examinationthe doctor usually pays attention to signs such as weakness, memory loss, brittle hair and nails. However, if the manifestations of hypothyroidism are mild, it is necessary to conduct examinations. These activities include the following:

  1. Laboratory blood tests for thyroid hormones.
  2. blood test for hormones
    blood test for hormones
  3. Examination with an ultrasound device.
  4. Computed tomography.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in women aged 50 resemble signs of age-related changes in the body. However, it is not recommended to leave such phenomena unattended. After all, they can lead to serious complications.

Methods for dealing with violations

Treatment of this disease involves the use of drugs. Sometimes it can last a lifetime. In other cases, a few months are enough to get the body working. The duration of the course of taking funds depends on the general state of he alth and the reasons that caused the disorder of the thyroid gland.

In case of a lack of hormones, it is proposed to replace these natural substances with artificial ones. The amount of funds is selected for each patient separately, taking into account his characteristics.

seafood and fish (foods rich in iodine)
seafood and fish (foods rich in iodine)

Speaking about subclinical hypothyroidism, symptoms and treatment, it should be noted that sufficient iodine intake plays an important role. This element must be present in food products, but preparations based on it are sometimes prescribed.

Proper nutrition

Diet for similar disordersconsists in the limited use of high-calorie foods. It is necessary, if possible, to exclude pastries, fats, pork, fast food, smoked meats, pickles. Fried foods, sweets, alcohol are not recommended. Water intake should be limited.

Hypothyroidism doctors advise to eat more fiber and protein. Vegetables and fruits (especially bananas, kiwi, persimmons) are considered he althy. Meat should be lean. This is beef, veal, chicken. It is recommended to consume iodized s alt, fish, kelp, shrimp, squid.

Tea and coffee should be replaced with compotes and herbal decoctions.

decoction of chamomile
decoction of chamomile

Dairy products (kefir, cheese, yogurt) should be low-fat.

The disease in question is most common in regions far from the sea. At the same time, in the weaker sex, there is a high probability of its occurrence. The appearance of symptoms of hypothyroidism in men is quite rare.

How to prevent violations from occurring?

Prevention in case of illness is a balanced diet (eating enough seafood, fish, algae). Malfunctions in the thyroid gland must be eliminated in a timely manner. Medicines (including herbal ones) should be taken only as directed by a doctor. It is recommended to combine hormonal preparations with vitamin complexes. Speaking about hypothyroidism, symptoms and treatment in women, it should be noted that supplements (especially those containing selenium and copper) will help eliminate the problem or prevent it, reducingemotional overload, getting rid of addictions, he althy sleep.

he althy sleep
he althy sleep

Decoctions of medicinal plants (calamus, chamomile, birch leaves) are also used. Patients are recommended a low-calorie diet with enough iodine and vitamins. Properly selected products and prevention can not only improve he alth, but also avoid problems with appearance (brittle hair and nails, swelling).
