"Alendronic acid": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

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"Alendronic acid": instructions for use, analogues, reviews
"Alendronic acid": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Video: "Alendronic acid": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

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What is Alendronic Acid for? You will learn the answer to this medical question from the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you how to take this medicine, when it is not recommended to use it, and if it has any side effects. You will also learn about the form in which the drug we are considering is produced, whether it has analogues, what patients say about it.

alendronic acid
alendronic acid

Composition of the medicinal product, its release form and packaging

"Alendronic acid", or the so-called drug "Alendronate", goes on sale in the form of white round tablets. The active ingredient of this medicine is alendronate sodium trihydrate, or alendronic acid.

As for additional elements, this preparation includes the following: monohydrate, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium and magnesium stearate.

In pharmacies, "Alendronic acid" can be found in blister packs of 4 tablets each.

Pharmacological propertiesmedication

What is Alendronic Acid? The instruction of the drug states that this remedy is an inhibitor of bone resorption. The mechanism of action of this medication is associated with a decrease in the activity of osteoclasts. It progressively increases bone (mineral) density and promotes bone formation.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

How is Alendronic Acid Absorbed? Instructions for use of this medication contain information that when taken orally, on an empty stomach (2 hours before breakfast), at a dosage of 70 mg, the bioavailability of the active element in the fairer sex is about 0.65%, and in the stronger sex - about 0.6%.

If you take the medicine half an hour or an hour before meals, then its bioavailability will noticeably decrease (to 0.45% and 0.4% respectively).

Taking the drug 2 hours after eating does not affect its bioavailability. However, after drinking orange juice and coffee, bioavailability decreases by about 60%.

alendronic acid instruction
alendronic acid instruction

The binding of the active ingredient of the drug to blood proteins is approximately 78%.

After taking the drug, it is first distributed to the soft tissues, and then to the bone, where, in fact, it is fixed, and the remains are excreted by the kidneys.

The concentration of the drug in the blood after taking the therapeutic dose is below the limit of measurement (less than 5 ng/ml).

The drug is not biotransformed. It is excreted from the body unchangedform. The drug is characterized by a rapid decrease in the concentration in the blood, as well as a very slow release from the bone tissue.

Indications for the use of tablets

Now you know what Alendronic Acid is. What is this tool for? According to the attached instructions, this drug has the following indications for use:

  • osteoporosis in postmenopausal women (as a prevention of bone fractures, including the spine and hips);
  • osteoporosis in the stronger sex;
  • osteoporosis, which was caused by long-term use of glucocorticosteroid drugs;
  • Paget's disease.

"Alendronic acid": contraindications for use

alendronic acid instructions for use
alendronic acid instructions for use

When can not use the drug we are considering? Instructions for use of the drug states that this drug has the following contraindications:

  • hypocalcemia;
  • hypersensitivity of the patient to the substances of the medication;
  • inability of patients to stand upright (sit upright or stand) for half an hour;
  • severe disorders in mineral metabolism;
  • severe kidney failure;
  • hypoparathyroidism severe;
  • achalasia or stricture of the esophagus, as well as other conditions that lead to difficulty moving food through the esophagus;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption, lactase deficiency or lactose intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • calcium malabsorption;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood.

Careful medication

In what cases is "Alendronic acid" prescribed with extreme caution? Under the strict supervision of doctors, there should be that category of patients that has any abnormalities in the digestive tract (for example, ailments such as esophagitis, dysphagia, duodenitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach). In addition, the drug should be used with extreme caution in patients with vitamin D deficiency.

"Alendronic acid": instructions for use of the drug

Medication "Alendronat" should only be taken orally in the amount of 1 tablet. In this case, the medicine is not recommended to chew or dissolve. It is taken on an empty stomach, 2 hours before breakfast (at least half an hour before the first meal, water or other medication).

The drug should be washed down with plain water. This is due to the fact that other drinks (eg mineral water, tea, coffee, orange juice) significantly reduce the absorption of the active substance.

alendronic acid contraindications
alendronic acid contraindications

The recommended dosage of the drug is 1 tablet (or 10 mg) orally once a day. In some cases, doctors give the patient a different dose, which is as follows: 1 tablet (or 70 mg) once a week.

For the treatment of osteoporosis in men and women (postmenopausal), as well as osteoporosis, which is caused by long-term useglucocorticosteroid drugs, this medication is taken at 10 mg per day or 70 mg once a week.

With such an ailment as Paget's disease, the drug we are considering is prescribed at a dosage of 40 mg per day. The duration of therapy is 6 months.

If you accidentally missed taking the drug once a week, then the pill should be taken in the morning of the next day. In this case, it is forbidden to use the medicine in the amount of two tablets once a day.

Drug overdose

What will happen if the patient begins to uncontrollably take such a remedy as "Alendronic acid"? Drugs of this type have overdose symptoms such as hypophosphatemia, heartburn, hypocalcemia, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, esophagitis, diarrhea.

In case of occurrence of the presented effects, the patient should be given whole milk or calcium-containing antacids. This is necessary to bind the drug. Due to the high risk of developing irritation of the esophageal mucosa, it is highly recommended not to induce vomiting. In case of an overdose, the patient should only be in an upright position.

alendronic acid synonyms
alendronic acid synonyms

Side effects that occur after taking the medication

Can Alendronic Acid cause negative effects? Reviews of patients and doctors say that this drug has a fairly large number of side effects. Which ones, we will consider a little further.

  • Digestive system: esophagitis, diarrhea, dysphagia, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, flatulence,constipation and heartburn. Quite rarely, after taking the drug, patients experience: vomiting, melena, nausea, esophageal stricture, gastritis, esophageal ulcer, ulcers of the mucous membranes of the pharynx and oral cavity, perforation of the esophageal ulcer with bleeding.
  • Nervous system: headaches.
  • Musculoskeletal system: pain in muscles, bones and joints.
  • Organs of vision: scleritis and uveitis.
  • Allergy: angioedema, urticaria, Stevens-Johnson and Lyell syndromes (in isolated cases).
  • Other side effects: erythema, rash, photodermatosis, pruritus and symptomatic hypocalcemia. There are also cases of osteonecrosis of the mandible and maxilla in patients with cancer who are undergoing anticancer therapy, which includes the use of bisphosphonates. Thus, the risk factors for osteonecrosis are: chemotherapy, cancer, treatment with glucocorticosteroids, radiation therapy, poor oral hygiene, local infectious or inflammatory process, including osteomyelitis.
  • Lab tests: transient and slight decrease in phosphate and calcium levels.

It should also be said that the typical symptoms at the beginning of drug therapy are the following: malaise, myalgia and fever.

Interaction with other drugs

Together with what drugs are patients never prescribed "Alendronic acid", its synonyms?

According to the instructions, it is not recommended to take this remedy simultaneously withmedicines that contain calcium and antacids (due to a possible decrease in the absorption of the active substance of the drug).

The interval between taking Alendronate and taking other medicines should be at least half an hour.

Non-steroidal drugs, as well as acetylsalicylic acid, can significantly increase the side effects of the drug on the digestive tract.

alendronic acid preparations
alendronic acid preparations

Combined intake of "Alendronic acid" (but not simultaneous) with estrogens is not accompanied by a change in their actions and the development of any side effects.

A drug such as Prednisolone does not cause significant changes in acid bioavailability.

Special instructions for taking medication

What do you need to know before you start taking a remedy like Alendronic Acid? Analogues and the drug in question itself can adversely affect the digestive tract. Therefore, to reduce the irritating effect, it is recommended to take the medication in the morning, on an empty stomach, with a glass of water.

After taking the medicine, it is necessary to stay upright for half an hour. Using the product in a horizontal position or at bedtime increases the risk of developing a condition such as esophagitis.

The patient should be informed about discontinuation of the medication in case of heartburn, pain behind the sternum and when swallowing, as well as the development of dysphagia.

Hypocalcemia should be corrected before starting therapy. It is also recommended to removemineral metabolism disorders that lead to this deviation.

During the use of bisphosphonates, the patient should ensure that the body receives adequate amounts of vitamin D and calcium.

During therapy, due to the positive effect of acid on bone mineral density, the patient may experience a slight decrease in the concentration of phosphate and calcium in the blood.

People with comorbid risk factors (cancer, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc.) should have a dental examination before treatment with bisphosphonates.

Price and analogues of the drug

Now you know how to take a drug like Alendronic Acid. From what this medicine is prescribed by doctors, we also found out. However, most patients who have been prescribed this drug always have the same question: how much does it cost?

Today "Alendronic acid" can be purchased for 350 rubles (4 tablets). Considering the dosing regimen (once a week), this price is not very high.

alendronic acid analogues
alendronic acid analogues

If for some reason the medicine we are considering does not suit you, then it can be replaced with analogues. These include drugs such as Tevanat, Ostalon, Alendronat, Strongos, Alendrokern, Ostealen, Lindron, Alental, Foroza, Osterepar, Fosamax » and so on.

Reviews of patients and doctors about the drug

What do patients and doctors say about a remedy like Alendronic Acid? According to themreviews, the drug does an excellent job with the task. It strengthens bones well, treats osteoporosis and Paget's disease.

However, one cannot fail to note the fact that this medication has a fairly large number of side effects. In this regard, the drug should be taken only as prescribed by specialists. Moreover, the latter must necessarily inform the patient about the existing contraindications.

The largest number of negative reviews about "Alendronic acid" comes from those patients who have problems with the digestive tract. This is due to the fact that this drug can adversely affect the stomach, esophagus and intestines.
