Now there are many drugs based on extracts of medicinal plants. Sometimes they are even more effective than synthetic drugs. Especially often such herbal preparations are used externally. One of them is belladonna candles. This plant is considered poisonous, but with the right dosage, its properties turn out to be medicinal. Therefore, these suppositories are very effective for hemorrhoids and some other similar pathologies.
General characteristics
Belladonna is a plant called belladonna, also known as "sleepy dope". It contains alkaloids that affect the human nervous system. These are atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine. After the discovery of their medicinal properties, belladonna began to be used in medicine. Now the most famous are candles with belladonna. They are administered rectally and dissolve in the rectum. There, the active substances are absorbed into the blood. They block the conduction of nerve impulseswhich helps to reduce pain.
In addition, the active components of the drug improve blood circulation and metabolic processes, relieve spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs. Demoiselle can reduce the activity of endocrine glands, such as salivary, bronchial, reduces the production of gastric juice and pancreatic enzymes.
In addition to active ingredients, auxiliary components are included in the composition of candles with belladonna. These are fats, starch, phenol, as well as zinc and bismuth s alts. These substances not only ensure the formation of the candle shape and the timely delivery of active ingredients, but also have an additional therapeutic effect. Some of them have analgesic, healing, astringent and antiseptic properties.

Indications for use
Preparations in the form of suppositories based on belladonna extract are quite popular. They are sold without a doctor's prescription, and are inexpensive - from 50 to 100 rubles. Despite their low cost, their use is quite effective. The indications for this may be the following pathologies:
- hemorrhoids, rectal fissures;
- surgical removal of hemorrhoids;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with spasms and pains;
- gastric or duodenal ulcer;
- gastritis with high acidity;
- pathology of the gallbladder and biliary tract;
- gallstone disease;
- renal or hepatic colic;
- urolithiasis;
- bradycardia;
- bronchial asthma.

Candles with belladonna from hemorrhoids
Most often, preparations containing belladonna extract are used to relieve pain in the presence of hemorrhoids or cracks in the rectum. Candles not only reduce pain, but also eliminate the causes of their appearance, as they relax smooth muscles, improve metabolic processes and destroy infection. As a result, hemorrhoids dissolve, inflammation decreases. In addition, suppositories with belladonna from hemorrhoids contribute to the healing of cracks and wounds. And relaxation of the muscles in the walls of the rectum facilitates bowel movements, which prevents the formation of new hemorrhoids.
Use of suppositories with belladonna extract in gynecology
The Baladonna plant has long been known in folk medicine. It was often used for various female pathologies. After the appearance of belladonna candles, they began to be used in official medicine for the treatment of gynecological diseases. They are especially effective for relieving severe pain during menstruation. But they are also used in other cases:
- with endometriosis;
- inflammatory diseases of the appendages;
- cervical erosion.
Often, belladonna suppositories are also used during late pregnancy to prepare for childbirth. They prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids and reduce pain. Before childbirth, suppositories help to relax the muscles of the cervix, relieve irritability. But apply at this time similardrugs with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor. Early use of belladonna extract may lead to miscarriage.

Side effects
The belladonna plant is poisonous. It has a healing effect only when used correctly. But even at the recommended dosage, belladonna extract suppositories can cause side effects. Most often, these are allergic reactions caused by intolerance to the components of the product.
But sometimes other negative phenomena also occur, which are associated with the belladonna's ability to relax smooth muscles. First of all, this is a decrease in the speed of reaction and concentration. This must be taken into account when using the drug - it is undesirable to drive or operate complex mechanisms.
In addition, the following side effects may occur:
- diarrhea;
- headache;
- increased heart rate;
- dry mouth;
- weakness;
- drowsiness or insomnia;
- violation of visual acuity;
- constipation.
Usually, all these phenomena are not very pronounced, since it is difficult to greatly exceed the allowable dosage. All negative effects disappear after discontinuation of the drug. But with a strong overdose, convulsions, respiratory disorders, vomiting, abdominal pain, hallucinations, speech becomes incoherent. With prolonged use, impotence, coronary heart disease, and severe intoxication may develop.

Despite the fact that belladonna candles are an external preparation, the active components of the plant are still absorbed into the blood. And since they have the ability to relax smooth muscles, not everyone can use them. The use of belladonna is contraindicated in such pathologies:
- ulcerative colitis;
- intestinal atony;
- intestinal obstruction;
- myasthenia gravis;
- during lactation;
- for prostate pathologies;
- atherosclerosis;
- arrhythmias;
- glaucoma;
- high body temperature;
- violation of urination.
Do not use candles with belladonna extract also in the presence of individual intolerance or when side effects occur. They are prescribed with caution during pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, reflux esophagitis, high blood pressure. It is also contraindicated for children to use belladonna.
How to use candles correctly?
The drug is available in the form of cone-shaped candles. They must be inserted into the anal canal. Due to the peculiarities of the composition, candles are stored in the refrigerator, and after being removed from the package, it is necessary to use them for their intended purpose as soon as possible, as they melt quickly. Before the introduction of the suppository, you need to empty the intestines, you can even use an enema, wash the anus with soap and water and dry it. The candle is inserted with clean hands as deep as possible into the rectum. After that, it is advisable to lie on your side for half an hour.

Sometimes it is acceptable to insert a suppository without a bowel movement,for example, if you need to relieve severe pain or ease bowel movements. You can use no more than 10 candles per day, but usually 2-3 pieces are enough. The course of treatment is 5-7 days, longer use of the drug is not recommended.
It is advisable to use belladonna suppositories only after consulting a doctor, as interaction with certain drugs may cause negative effects. The belladonna extract can weaken the effect of certain hormonal drugs, anesthetics, blood thinners. Drugs based on it are incompatible with antidepressants, Caffeine, Prozerin, Aminazin and some other drugs.
Analogues of the drug

Ordinary cheap belladonna candles, even without their own name, were very popular. They cost about 30 rubles per pack, but are quite effective. Therefore, many are wondering why candles with belladonna have disappeared from pharmacies. In fact, they are on sale, only they are produced under a different name. These are Anuzol and Betiol drugs.
Candles "Anuzol" additionally have an astringent and drying effect due to the fact that zinc sulfate and xeroform are included in the composition. And the drug "Betiol" contains ichthyol, which enhances the anti-inflammatory properties of belladonna.
In addition, for hemorrhoids and rectal fissures, you can use other drugs in the form of suppositories: Bezornil, Rutes, Proktozol, Hemorrhoids, Posterizan and others. But the question of what can replace candles with belladonna should be decidedonly by the attending physician.
Usage feedback
Most often, such candles are used for hemorrhoids. People note that within 10 minutes after the injection, the pain decreases.

And after the course of treatment, cracks heal, bleeding and painful spasms disappear. Many people only these candles are saved from the appearance of hemorrhoids. Moreover, most patients note good tolerability and the absence of side effects. Some women with the help of this drug are saved from pain during menstruation. After all, it acts more gently than tablets, and does not negatively affect the stomach.