What people don't do to get rid of ugly skin formations. They buy a variety of products, try to mechanically eliminate small growths, without even thinking about what will happen if the papilloma is torn off. But not everyone knows that the presence of such skin formations is associated with a viral infection. With this problem, it is best to contact a specialist.

HPV transmission routes
To understand what will happen if the papilloma is torn off, it is worth understanding the nature of the onset of the disease and its manifestations on the skin and mucous membranes. The human papillomavirus enters the body through contact with a virus carrier, through microscopic damage to the skin.
Viral particles are fixed and actively multiply in epithelial cells, disrupting their cyclefunctioning. The result of their vital activity is the formation of strange growths on the skin. Papillomas can differ from each other in shape, size and color. These indicators depend on the type of virus that has entered the body and the individual characteristics of the organism.
There are several routes of HPV infection:
- Unprotected intercourse (the most common type of infection).
- From mother to baby during childbirth. The child becomes infected during the passage through the birth canal, which means that during the entire pregnancy, the woman is obliged to undergo examinations and tests prescribed by the doctor for the early diagnosis of pathologies.
- In a domestic way. Most often, infection occurs in a humid environment in public places (for example, swimming pool, sauna). Basic sanitary measures and personal hygiene must be followed.
The virus may not appear for years, and the infected person does not even suspect the presence of the disease.
HPV symptoms appear against the background of a decrease in immunity activity, therefore, risk factors include:
- presence of chronic diseases;
- stress and chronic fatigue;
- failures at the hormonal level.
In individual cases, the disease is accompanied not only by the formation of small warts, but also by more pronounced symptoms:
- the appearance of papillomas in the ducts of the mammary gland may be accompanied by discharge (bloody or clear);
- neoplasms in the throat are accompanied by shortness of breath, cough and hoarseness without obviousthen reasons;
- The formation of papillomas in the intestines can provoke the appearance of secretions and complicate the process of defecation.
It is possible to establish that the formation that has appeared is a papilloma only with the help of a specialist.
Papillomas removal methods
Therapeutic treatments are used only during the active stage of the disease and are aimed at strengthening the immune system. For removal, the skin formation is affected by liquid nitrogen and a laser. Surgical removal is rarely performed, as a noticeable scar forms on the skin after the procedure.
The effectiveness of chemicals that cauterize the affected area is noted. As a preventive measure, you should start taking immunomodulators. Most people do not want to know what will happen if the papilloma is torn off - if they have the slightest symptoms of the disease, they go to a specialist. The doctor will most likely prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will not only remove papillomas, but will also fight the virus inside the body.
If the papilloma came off in a pregnant woman - what to do?
In some women, papillomavirus manifests itself during pregnancy. For most expectant mothers, warts disappear on their own at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. Neoplasms are localized on the neck, chest, armpits and groin. If the build-up is in a place of constant contact with clothing and is systematically damaged, then it is better to remove such a formation.

What will happen if you tear off the papilloma duringpregnancy? It is better not to do this on purpose, because such actions can trigger the mechanism of malignant degeneration of cells. If this has already happened, then you need to carefully treat the wound and seal it with adhesive tape. You should inform your doctor about what happened and show the place where the neoplasm was located. Immunity during pregnancy is somewhat weakened, so you need to be careful about your he alth.
Damaged papilloma - what to do?
If the skin around the neoplasm is swollen, reddened and sore, then most likely it has been damaged. What happens if you tear off the papilloma? In this case, the integrity of the skin is damaged, and all conditions are created for the penetration of pathogenic microbes. As a result, inflammation may develop.
First of all, it is urgent to treat the place of damage with an antiseptic. The procedure should be repeated for several days to prevent inflammation and the subsequent spread of infection to nearby areas of the skin.

Consequences of papilloma detachment
What will happen if papilloma is torn off (photos of neoplasms show that they can be localized almost anywhere)? You should not remove the formation yourself, as some types of the virus are considered dangerous, as they increase the likelihood of developing cancer.
First you need to diagnose a neoplasm, find out what kind it belongs to. The presence of a skin growth is a complex problem. It requires a comprehensivetreatment.
On the neck
The neck in most cases is always open to the sun, dust and other environmental factors. Neck formations should be handled very carefully. This is a place that is constantly in contact with clothes, jewelry and long hair. Even minor injuries to the wart can trigger the development of an inflammatory process. Often men cut off formations while shaving, women comb their hair.

What will happen if you tear off the papilloma on the neck? This happens frequently. A person may not even understand what happened. Feeling a burning sensation and finding a slight bleeding at the place of separation, one can understand that the papilloma has come off. You should immediately treat the place with an antiseptic and, until it heals, carefully monitor its cleanliness. You can patch the damage with plaster.
The face is a part of the body with which it is better not to experiment. The appearance of formations on it is dangerous, because sometimes the virus spreads to the mucous membrane of the mouth, nasal passages and eyes. What happens if you tear off a papilloma on your face? Sometimes damage to the growth provokes the appearance of new formations. In addition, a long-term inflammatory process at the site of separation is often accompanied by the appearance of scars.

Also, at the site of torn off benign formations, the process of malignant degeneration of tissues can begin.
Armpits constantly succumb to razorsor other depilatory agents. This greatly increases the likelihood of injury to the formation present there. Everything should be done very carefully - you can’t pick, cut, tear them off. What happens if you tear off the papilloma on the armpit? Even minor damage can trigger irreversible processes. The main ones are:
- degeneration of education into a malignant tumor;
- release of the active virus, which will lead to the inevitable infection of other areas of the skin.

Better to go to the doctor and get adequate treatment. Do not experiment on your own body. Moreover, the consequences can be dire. Do not forget about proper nutrition and a nutritious diet. A sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements will support immunity, and the likelihood of papillomavirus activation will decrease significantly. Always follow the rules of hygiene. In the presence of skin formations, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and go through the entire complex of treatment. It is worth remembering that the infection can easily be passed on to your loved ones.