Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant disease that people have been suffering from for many centuries. During this time, so many remedies for an insidious disease were invented that one could write a whole book about them. There are both folk methods and drugs that have been developed by scientists over the years. An integrated approach will achieve an excellent result.
Medicated treatment
Like any other ailment, hemorrhoids do not tolerate self-treatment. Even folk remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor. And the use of medicines from a pharmacy in general can be dangerous. First of all, it is necessary to identify what type the disease belongs to. Hemorrhoids can be internal and external. The treatment of the two types of ailment is significantly different.

Hemorrhoids are much easier to cure at an early stage. Preparations for treatment are presented in ointments, gels and suppositories. Internal hemorrhoids are effectively treated with candles. After all, the ointment can not always penetrate to the desired area. All topical preparations have componentswhich quickly remove the main symptoms of the disease. It is a vasoconstrictor, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and also a healing effect.
Effective hemorrhoid remedies may contain hormones. These components not only help to accelerate the process of resorption of the nodes, but also relieve itching and pain. Vasoconstrictor components in medicines are also very important. Due to their effect, they thin the blood. As a result, new blood clots do not form, and existing ones quickly dissolve.
Popular Topicals
The most popular for the treatment of hemorrhoids today is the Relief line of products. These are drugs presented in the form of suppositories, gels and ointments. For a particular case, you can always choose the best option. "Relief Ultra" is a gel with a mild effect. It can be used to treat external hemorrhoids in pregnant and lactating women. You can start treatment not only at the initial stage of the disease. Effective preparations for hemorrhoids of the Relief series cope with the problem even when the situation is already seriously running.
Proctosedyl is another wonderful remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids at the initial stage. Available in the form of ointments and suppositories. The drug is able to stop the development of blood clots, removes discomfort in the anus. Means "Proctosedil" can be a wonderful alternative to the drugs of the "Relief" series.

Hemorrhoids are a common problem during pregnancy. But not allfunds will be equally useful for a woman and a child. At this time, candles or Hepatrombin G ointment will be most suitable. These are effective remedies for hemorrhoids, which contain a minimum of harmful components. The drug "Gepatrombin G" relieves itching, pain, promotes blood thinning and resorption of existing nodes.
If topical preparations do not give a good result, the doctor may prescribe pills. Such funds should not be taken without permission. They can have many side effects, and the result of the treatment will not be immediately noticeable.
Hemorrhoid pills
If the disease has become acute, the specialist may prescribe Detralex. The most effective drugs for hemorrhoids are available in the form of tablets. Medication "Detralex" is no exception. This drug calms the main manifestations of the disease much faster. Initially, the doctor may prescribe a remedy in a large dosage. In this way, the further development of hemorrhoids stops and unpleasant symptoms are removed. In the future, the drug "Detralex" is used in smaller doses. General therapy can last up to two months.

According to the reviews of many patients, the "Posterisan" tool is effective. These tablets quickly stop the inflammatory process in the rectum. The very next day after the start of the reception, symptoms such as itching, pain, bleeding go away. The composition of the drug includes components that help strengthen the immune systemperson. This significantly reduces the likelihood of new hemorrhoids. In addition, the individual components of the product affect the softening of feces. This is relevant for those patients who suffer from constipation.
During pregnancy, pills can also cure hemorrhoids. Drugs for the treatment of nodes can recommend a doctor. Litovit-B tablets are popular. The composition of the drug contains only natural ingredients that will not harm the he alth of the fetus. The tablets help to thin the blood, soften the stool, have a healing and anti-inflammatory effect, and also affect the strengthening of the immune system of a pregnant woman.
How to take pills correctly?
The doctor must calculate the dosage of any drug. But there is a generally accepted scheme for the treatment of hemorrhoids in acute form. On the first day of the disease, the patient can take 6 tablets during a meal (3 times a day). This dosage is observed for three days. After the main symptoms go away, treatment should not be stopped. In some cases, the overall course of treatment may last several months.
Strict adherence to the regimen and dosage is of the utmost importance. One has only to give up the pills for one day, and all the unpleasant symptoms will return. It is also not recommended to choose drugs for hemorrhoids and cracks on your own. The doctor will select the medicine in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient. Some tablets and ointments are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. Here are the pills"Detralex" is not recommended for elderly people, as well as for patients who have problems with the cardiovascular system.
Leech against hemorrhoids
Many people know that leeches are widely used in medicine. For the treatment of hemorrhoids, these creatures also provide good help. The method that involves the use of leeches is called hirudotherapy. It can be used at any stage and with any form of the disease. Even internal hemorrhoids can be cured in this way. Preparations for treatment are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the organism. But leeches can suit absolutely everyone. Pregnant women are no exception.

Leechs are of great benefit, sucking out excess blood. The doctor can only choose where exactly to put the leech. Often they are applied close to the anus. Leeches help thin the blood. Due to this, existing nodes quickly dissolve, and new ones do not form.
After removing leeches, bleeding can continue for up to 24 hours. The doctor applies a sterile bandage and additionally prescribes a drug for hemorrhoids, with which it will be possible to fix the result. Leeches secrete a substance that helps to eliminate blood stasis. But to remove the inflammatory process is possible only with the help of medications.
Physical exercise against hemorrhoids
No matter what stage the hemorrhoids are in, drugs for treatment can only give a temporary effect if the person does notactive lifestyle. Often the disease occurs precisely in those people who sit a lot and move little. Regular exercise can improve blood circulation in the pelvic area. This greatly reduces the risk of blood clots.
Hiking is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids. If the disease has already appeared, it is worth abandoning public transport. Effective remedies for hemorrhoids can work much faster if a person experiences little physical activity. There is no need to go to the stadium. But simple walks in the park can be of great benefit.
The best drugs for hemorrhoids according to patients
Most of the medicines offered in pharmacies have an unknown chemical composition. They really help to get rid of a specific problem. But there are also many side effects. According to the reviews of many patients, homeopathic remedies for hemorrhoids have an excellent effect. These are tablets and ointments made on the basis of natural ingredients. Such drugs for hemorrhoids during pregnancy can be used.

Homeopathic preparations that are designed to treat hemorrhoids include aloe, sulfur, witch hazel, etc. These components help thin the blood, relieve swelling, remove itching and pain. Many patients note that the best preparations for hemorrhoids are based on natural ingredients. They do not cause allergic reactions, and side effects can only be causedindividual intolerance to one or another component.
Safe use of homeopathic medicines
Despite the fact that homeopathic remedies for hemorrhoids are completely natural, negative reviews can also be heard about them. This is not due to the poor quality of the drug, but to the incorrect determination of the dosage. Before using any medicine, you must read the instructions. Even homeopathic tablets and ointments should be used only on the recommendation of a specialist. There are homeopathic doctors who will be able to choose an excellent remedy in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient.

Some natural ingredients can cause diarrhea or constipation. Any of these conditions only aggravates hemorrhoids. If these side effects occur, the homeopathic remedy should be discontinued.
Popular Homeopathic Medicines
For the treatment of external and internal hemorrhoids, according to many patients, the drug "Esculus" is ideal. This remedy can be used internally or lubricated on the affected area. Available in the form of drops. The drug "Esculus" improves blood circulation in the pelvic area, prevents the formation of blood clots, relieves pain.
Homeopathic preparations for hemorrhoids have practically no contraindications. Prices will also please anyone. The Esculus tool, for example, will cost no more than 500 rubles. A good result can be seenwithin a few days of use. Patients with thyroid diseases should use the drug only after consulting a doctor.
Graphites is a homeopathic remedy that can only accompany the treatment of hemorrhoids. Medicines to eliminate the underlying cause of the disease are selected additionally. The drug "Grafites" can only relieve itching and pain in the anus. Most often, the drug is prescribed to overweight people. The cost of the drug does not exceed 400 rubles. You can meet him in almost any pharmacy.
With external and internal bleeding of hemorrhoids, the drug "Hamamelis" can be used. This remedy is also used in combination with other medicines. After elimination of bleeding, it is necessary to stop taking it. The cost of the drug in pharmacies starts from 50 rubles. Hamamelis is available in both tablet and ointment form.
So that hemorrhoids do not worsen
Some rules will allow you not to aggravate the problem if hemorrhoids have already formed. Forget about toilet paper. Its rough surface can irritate inflamed areas. After defecation, it is better to use special wet wipes. If possible, take a shower after every visit to the toilet.
Only under the supervision of a specialist should hemorrhoids be treated. Medications are selected strictly individually. An analgesic effect can be given by drugs such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen. Regular ice has a good effect. Hisapplied to a sore spot.
It is important not only to use drugs for hemorrhoids, but also to follow a diet. It is necessary to include more dairy products, as well as vegetables and fruits in the diet. It is advisable to refuse food that provokes hardening of the stool.

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to be more in a horizontal position. Sound sleep can overcome any ailment. To relieve swelling, you need to sleep on your stomach. But sitting is generally not recommended. Additional stress on hemorrhoids can cause bleeding.