Drug "Besser Alter": reviews, instructions for use, composition

Drug "Besser Alter": reviews, instructions for use, composition
Drug "Besser Alter": reviews, instructions for use, composition

At the age of about 50, every woman goes through menopause, when the body completes its reproductive function. This period can last quite a long time - up to ten years. Such a restructuring very rarely goes smoothly and imperceptibly for women. Much more often there are pronounced symptoms characteristic of this period: deterioration of psychological well-being and physical ailments. To alleviate the condition and improve the quality of life, scientists have developed the drug Besser Alter. Reviews of its action are positive in cases where patients previously receive detailed advice before use and try to strictly follow the recommendations.

besser alter reviews
besser alter reviews

Best age

The name of the drug translates as "best age". This is how its creator, the German Friedrich Gebler, described Altai women in this period. The nature of the Altai Territory with its healing herbs and the centuries-old history of traditional medicine work wonders, helping women to remain attractive at any age. Combining all the mostuseful and valuable, the drug "Besser Alter", reviews of which are mostly positive, has now appeared on the Russian market. According to the manufacturers, thanks to the drug, now every woman can enjoy life when it previously seemed something unattainable. Hormonal changes affected mood, it was difficult to maintain relationships with relatives and colleagues, hot flashes did not make me feel more confident in the workplace, cramps and an irregular cycle prevented me from making plans. Everyone experienced this, but now the condition can be significantly improved by taking Besser Alter. The testimonials of more than a thousand patients around the world prove this, although there are many who did not fit this drug.

drug besser alter reviews
drug besser alter reviews

Composition and action of the drug

The drug is based on the natural properties of herbs and compounds known in the distant past. The drug acts on the female ovary, cleansing it of toxins and starting the process of producing estradiol, the hormone responsible for the female cycle. Such components of the preparation as coniferin and tannin obtained from the extract of oak bark and resin, lichen acids from medicinal lichen, ursolic acids from rhododendron and bergenia are responsible for cleaning tissues. After cleaning, the ovarian tissues are saturated with easily digestible vitamins and minerals. They come from goji berries, blueberries, pine nut oil and rock oil, which are part of the medicinal product. To stimulate the production of estradiol, bioflavonoids from the resin of Siberian larch, bergenia,shiitake mushrooms, cantarella and reishi. The drug "Besser Alter", the composition of which is so diverse, has a complex effect on the female body, helping to survive the period of menopause gently. The natural composition, the absence of synthetic hormones make it safe for use in various diseases.

besser alter composition
besser alter composition

"Besser Alter": instructions for use

Instructions for the use of the drug depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and on the stage at which it is located. In the period of premenopause, when all the symptoms are just beginning, the action of "Besser Altera" is very noticeable even with a small dosage and a short course. Further, during menopause and postmenopause, the course and dosage should be increased. There is even an additional, enhanced form for this called "Besser Alter Ausgaren". It is produced in the city of Biysk, in the highlands of Altai. It is worth saying that when taking the drug, women notice an improvement in their condition almost immediately, however, the creators recommend continuing the course for 1-2 months so that the body is completely cleansed and the process of producing its own estrogens starts. A detailed consultation of the company's specialists, the selection of an individual dosage of the Besser Alter drug, instructions for use, reviews of the drug - all this together will help in determining exactly your individual solution to combat the manifestations of menopause.

Buff effects

Since the reviews about the drug are mostly positive, let's stop morein detail on the effects noted by women who have undergone a course of treatment with Besser Alter. Reviews of patients who were in the period of premenopause and menopause can be safely called excellent. All women noted the absence of pain, improvement in the condition of the skin and hair, restoration and improvement of libido. Approximately one in ten had a restoration of the menstrual cycle. When using the drug, blood sugar levels are normalized, the severity of atherosclerosis decreases and there is a gradual restoration of bone density. The creators of the drug during the treatment period warn of the possibility of unplanned conception and recommend the use of contraceptives.

besser alter drug reviews
besser alter drug reviews

"Besser Alter": reviews of doctors

During menopause, many women consult with specialists about eliminating unpleasant symptoms. Most doctors prescribe hormone replacement therapy. It often happens that an incorrectly prescribed hormone leads to even greater problems. Few people know about the Besser Alter drug, so few doctors prescribe it to their patients. When applying, the gynecologist will almost never recommend it, since he knows nothing about its existence and composition. Accordingly, it is difficult to find doctors' reviews about the Besser Alter preparation. Among the few responses found, one can single out those in which gynecologists speak of it as a dietary supplement that does not have any serious effect on the body during menopause. Objective results with greatsample size is not yet available. Traditional approaches with the appointment of synthetic hormones prevail in Russian medicine. When choosing Besser Alter, customer reviews will be more believable.

besser alter reviews of doctors
besser alter reviews of doctors

History of Creation

In 1840, the German scientist Friedrich August Gebler studied the life of the peoples of the Altai Territory and paid special attention to centenarians. Having received the necessary material, he collected a complex of natural substances that were traditionally used by the indigenous people, and derived his own formula, calling it "Besser Alter". Reviews of Altai women and healers about her were excellent at that time. Subsequently, the effectiveness of this formula was repeatedly proven by Soviet and European scientists. The formula, derived by Gebler, has become widely used in the United States in the study of natural and safe ways to prolong youth. And as a result, it formed the basis of the so-called targeted methods for correcting he alth problems. Since 2012, the drug has been produced in Russia. Initially, the factory was located in the Moscow region, but a year later it moved to Altai, to the city of Biysk. Thus, the formulation of the drug has long exceeded 100 years.

besser alter reviews women
besser alter reviews women

Patient testimonials

What kind of feedback does Besser Alter get from patients? Both positive and negative. Positive ones are associated with the effects that the drug has on the body, and negative ones express distrust. Many people think that this is another money scam, but in factthere will be no effect from the drug. There are a few negative reviews from those who did not fit this tool. In such cases, women complain that the drug did not produce the desired effect. But it is worth noting that there were no negative points, such as a deterioration in well-being or rapid weight gain, when women took Besser Alter. Reviews about the drug in the aggregate do not give an accurate picture, but we can conclude that it is suitable for most.

Analogues of the drug

Manufacturers position their product as a tool that has no analogues. Indeed, such a set of herbs and active ingredients has not been reproduced anywhere. However, phytoestrogens are still represented on the Russian market. One of these drugs is Estrovel. It is recommended by gynecologists, since it has existed for a long time, and women who take it have positive results in the treatment of menopause. In addition, during the period of extinction of the reproductive function, the drugs "Cy-clim" and "Cyclogenon" are popular, which are also based on substances obtained from plants, like the drug "Besser Alter". The composition and instructions for their use are available in any pharmacological reference book. Doctors recommend that in a situation of menopause, when you need to “turn off” the symptoms of menopause, do not self-medicate, but visit a gynecologist who, based on tests, will select an adequate individual treatment.

Symptoms in menopause

Typically, the age of menopause begins around 48 years (give or take 3 years). But it also happens thatwomen feel the symptoms of menopause much earlier, after 35 years. This is due to unfavorable environmental conditions and an unhe althy lifestyle. If you have sudden short-term rises in temperature or the cycle has become unstable, you should not delay a visit to the doctor and self-prescribe medications, even safe and natural ones, such as Besser Alter. Reviews about it, although most of them are positive, there is always a chance that it will not suit you.

besser alter patient reviews
besser alter patient reviews


Having considered the drug "Besser Alter", reviews of women about it, as well as the recommendations of the attending physicians, it is difficult to draw a final conclusion about its effectiveness. New, little studied, with different reviews, at the moment he has not gained popularity among Russian ladies. If among European women it is very common, according to the manufacturer, then for Russian women the product is not yet so clear, and its value is doubtful.
