"Carmolis" (gel): price, instructions for use

"Carmolis" (gel): price, instructions for use
"Carmolis" (gel): price, instructions for use

Every time people experience joint pain, people try to reduce it by rubbing a variety of drugs into the skin. When choosing, preference is given to effective and natural preparations. In this article, we will consider an anesthetic drug based on the healing properties of essential oils - Carmolis (gel).

carmolis gel
carmolis gel

History of Creation

At the origins of the preparations of the Carmolis series is the Catholic monastic order - the Carmelite. In the Middle Ages, the monks of the order became famous for being able to prepare a unique carmol oil that could treat colds, intestinal ailments, various bruises and injuries. It was also called "Carmelite water". The composition of the healing potion included essential oils of plants that grew near the monastery. For many centuries this recipe was kept secret, and only in the 19th century the order revealed its secret. The result was the drug "Carmolis". The gel is based on "Carmelite water" and has a mild analgesic and soothing effect. In Russia, he became famous in 1880year.

Composition and properties of the gel

The main ingredients are well-purified essential oils of eucalyptus, thyme, anise, rosemary and others. To improve the effect, menthol, turpentine oil, camphor and methyl salicylate (vinca oil) are added as additional components to Carmolis (gel).

carmolis price
carmolis price

The structure of the gel allows beneficial substances to actively penetrate the skin and accumulate in the right places. Natural natural components activate the body's forces and strengthen the immune system. The drug has a local anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition, it relieves swelling and warms. When using the gel on clothes, no traces remain. Patients note a long-term preservation of the effect after using the drug "Carmolis". The instruction recommends using the gel for arthritis and osteochondrosis, as well as after injuries and damage to the joints. The drug is available in tubes of 72 and 145 grams. Shelf life is large and is 5 years.

Carmolis: price, where to buy

Carmolis is a certified drug, so it can be sold in any pharmacy. It is quite popular, and you can find this drug without much difficulty. But, if it so happened that it is not in your city, then Internet services will help you. There is always a drug in the warehouses of online pharmacies. Thus, you only need to choose it on the site, and in the near future you will be able to experience the healing effect of the Carmolis preparation. The price of a tube of 72 g is 500-600 rubles. Accordingly, a tube with a larger capacity is more expensive. This figure is current as of March 2016.

Method of application and contraindications

For joint pain, the drug is applied in a circular motion without pressure. If you want to treat the neck or back, then you can grind the drug. After the application procedure, to improve the effect, it is necessary to cover the painful area with a warm cloth. The gel is also suitable as a massage agent. It perfectly eliminates muscle pain and relaxes. With rehabilitation massage, it reduces the recovery time after dislocations, sprains and bruises. "Carmolis" is not recommended for use if there are severe kidney disorders, during pregnancy and lactation. It should not be applied to open wounds or damaged skin. If the patient is allergic to the components of the drug, Carmolis should also be discarded.

carmolis instructions gel
carmolis instructions gel

Children's phytogel

It's no secret that little kids are very restless when their teeth are growing. They pull hard objects into their mouths to soothe the itch that constantly overwhelms them. To eliminate this problem, a special phytogel "Carmolis" for children was developed. It has a cooling and softening effect, effectively relieves irritation from the gums. To prevent the child from spitting out the drug, xylitol, a sugar substitute that does not cause caries, was added to it. The main ingredients of the phytogel are essential oils of chamomile, sage, mint, as well as propolis tincture. Since the drug is based on natural products, itexcellent for use in pediatric medicine. It is not difficult to apply it: it is necessary to squeeze out about 2-3 cm of the gel and apply it to the irritated areas of the gums. It is better to do this when the baby has just eaten and at night. It is not recommended to apply the drug more than 3 times a day.

carmolis for children
carmolis for children


Summing up all of the above about the drug, it is worth noting that its recipe has existed for a very long time and has been tested for centuries. It was used by both monks and people of modern society. Until today, Carmolis has retained its popularity, which indicates its high effectiveness in comparison with synthetic painkillers. Influencing the body as a whole, the gel gives impetus to self-healing and a more complete use of the reserves of the human body. Healing essential oils strengthen the immune system and are absolutely natural ingredients, which is very important for people who choose natural recovery. This is precisely the strength of the drug "Carmolis". The gel helps relieve pain and quickly restore joint function.
