Uterine bleeding is bleeding from the genital tract between periods, after sex, at any time during the menstrual cycle, longer and more profuse periods; bleeding after menopause. "Vikasol" for uterine bleeding is included in the complex system of conservative treatment.

Uterine bleeding. Reasons
List of possible causes of uterine bleeding:
- adenomyosis;
- cervical cancer;
- cervical polyps;
- neoplasms on the cervix;
- inflammation of the cervical canal;
- chlamydia;
- endometrial cancer;
- endometrial hyperplasia;
- endometritis;
- fluctuating hormone levels;
- gonorrhea;
- hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism;
- presence of intrauterine devices;
- menorrhagia of unknown etiology;
- Miscarriage (before 20 weeks) or intrauterine fetal death;
- ovarian tumor processes;
- inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
- perimenopause;
- polycystic ovary syndrome;
- severe systemic kidney or liver disease;
- after sexual assault;
- after using birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy (withdrawal bleeding);
- when using "Tamoxifen" (side effect);
- thrombocytopenia;
- uterine fibroids;
- uterine cavity polyps;
- uterine sarcoma;
- vaginal atrophy;
- vaginal cancer;
- vaginal or cervical injury;
- vaginitis;
- von Willebrand's disease (blood clotting disorder) and others.

There are many reasons for bleeding. The appointment of the drug "Vikasol" is not always justified. Indications for use are based on the fact that each specific case must be carefully studied to determine further treatment tactics. In some cases, surgery or diagnostic curettage is required. Sometimes you can get by with conservative hemostatic therapy with various groups of drugs. Vikasol is often prescribed. With uterine bleeding, this drug is necessary to improve blood clotting and quickly stop bleeding.
What is Vikasol?
Vitamin K3, necessary for the body - this is Vikasol. Reviews of scientists who study this substance testify to its many positive effects. This is one of the varieties of vitamin K, which is a synthetic form, unlike K1, which is found in plants, and K2,produced by bacteria in the intestines.
Vitamin K3 (menadione), in addition to being obtained synthetically, is produced in the body by absorption in the intestine when using vitamins K1 and K2.

From a practical point of view, the two forms of K1 and K2 are of great importance in human metabolism. The involvement of vitamin K1 in blood coagulation and bone metabolism has been well studied. In a drug such as Vikasol, indications for use are also based on the fact that adequate intake of vitamin K can reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and reduce the incidence of brain dysfunction. The recommended daily intake of vitamin K for adults is 60-120 mcg.
First Aid
When bleeding, first aid is to prescribe the drug "Vikasol". Reviews of doctors say that it significantly reduces the amount of blood lost, as it plays an important role in the system of coagulation mechanisms.
Vitamin K3 is used medically to reverse the effects of "blood-thinning" drugs such as Warfarin (Coumadin). Mounting evidence suggests that Vikasol may be useful for osteoporosis.
Vitamin K is an essential nutrient, but only in small amounts. Recommended daily intake of vitamin K with foods: for pregnant women 18 years and younger - 75 mcg; 19 years and older - 90 mcg, preferably K1 (phylloquinone). For lactating women aged 18 years and younger - 75 mcg; 19years and older - 90 mcg, preferably K1 (phylloquinone).
Vitamin K deficiency can be:
- In patients taking antibiotics for a long time. However, this effect appears to be significant only in people who are deficient in vitamin K prior to treatment.
- Pregnant and postmenopausal women.
- In addition, babies born to women who take anticonvulsants during pregnancy may bleed or be born with facial bone abnormalities. Vitamin K supplementation during pregnancy is necessary to prevent this pathology.

A drug that reduces blood clotting - "Coumadin" - acts antagonistically on "Vikasol" in uterine bleeding, vitamin K3 has the same effect, so it can be used as an antidote for poisoning with "Coumadin".
Cephalosporins and some other antibiotics can also interfere with vitamin K-dependent blood clotting. However, this interaction appears to be significant only in people who did not consume vitamin K.
People with digestive disorders such as chronic diarrhoea, celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn's disease may experience symptoms of vitamin K deficiency. Alcoholism can also lead to vitamin deficiencies.
Mechanism of action
"Vikasol" in uterine bleeding acts as a cofactor for the production and activation of coagulation proteins: prothrombin (factor II) and coagulation factors (VII,IX and X) in the liver. The precursors of these proteins are converted to active forms by vitamin K-dependent enzymes.
The process of blood clotting begins with the activation of factor X, which causes the formation of thrombin from prothrombin. Thrombin then leads to the formation of fibrin monomers from fibrinogen. Fibrin monomers form a network of fibrin fibers by polymerization, and these fibers accumulate in blood cells and lead to the formation of a clot, which seals wounds in blood vessels and stops bleeding. It has long been thought that excess intake of vitamin K can lead to a dangerously increased tendency to clot, but this is not true: vitamin K is not affected by excess proteins, and excessive coagulation is impossible.
Use for bleeding
Painful, excessive, or irregular uterine contractions during your period (dysmenorrhea) are one of the most common causes of bleeding.

In these cases, Vikasol is used in ampoules. This treatment quickly relieves discomfort and reduces the use of painkillers in women aged 14 to 25 years. Vitamin K is thought to help relax the uterus by reducing muscle spasms caused by the action of prostaglandins. However, it is not known what role this vitamin plays in smooth muscle contractions.
In addition, the decrease in estrogen levels in postmenopausal women is the result of the influence of vitamin K. Possibleinteractions between vitamin K and sex hormones, as well as the role of this vitamin in maintaining reproductive he alth, are currently being studied.
When can I take?
Pills, as well as injections, are prescribed for the treatment of bleeding caused by various causes, but for hemophilia, the appointment of the drug "Vikasol" is not indicated. Instructions for use for uterine bleeding explains that this disease is caused by a lack of other coagulation factors that the drug does not act on. If bleeding is suspected in the fetus, Vikasol is prescribed in the third trimester of pregnancy.
How to use for uterine bleeding?

"Vikasol" with uterine bleeding, especially with heavy periods, can reduce the amount of blood released. But the desired effect may not always be, so you should not use Vikasol on your own without consulting a gynecologist. Indeed, in some cases, surgical treatment is required. Improper use is fraught with dangerous consequences that can threaten the life of the patient. This is informed by the instructions for use attached to the preparation "Vikasol". Its price is quite low, the drug is sold without a doctor's prescription. But this should not be a guide to self-medication.
Usually, the remedy is prescribed according to the scheme: 3-4 days of admission - a break - then again 3-4 days. The daily dose is administered in two to three doses.
"Vikasol" tablets are prescribed 2-3 times a day, but not more than 30 milligrams. Solution for injection is administered intramuscularly15 mg once 1-2 times a day. Of the side effects of the drug, it should be noted hypervitaminosis of vitamin K (rare), increased clotting factors, total bilirubin.
Problems with the coagulation system or thromboembolism is a contraindication for the appointment of Vikasol.
Additional effects
There are other diseases in which the use of the drug "Vikasol" is indicated. The instructions for use inform that this drug is indicated for children as a prophylaxis for hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.

Some women believe that the additional intake of "Vikasol" treats toxicosis during pregnancy. This is even more effective when taken with vitamin C.
"Vikasol" is also used to reduce spider veins on the face and legs. Creams are quite expensive, and the effectiveness is questionable. However, recent clinical studies have shown that topical application of the vitamin in laser facial patients is effective in reducing bruising.
Most recently, researchers have been studying the effect of the drug "Vikasol" in the treatment of oncological processes. Vitamin K3 in particular may be useful as adjuvant therapy for ovarian cancer.
This medicine is widely used. This is how the instructions for use testify to the Vikasol remedy. Its price is affordable: ampoule solutioncan be purchased for 65-70 rubles, tablets - for only 14-25 rubles. All this makes the drug quite popular and widely used in the treatment of uterine bleeding.
Natural Springs
Dark green leafy vegetables and algae are among the best food sources of vitamin K. This includes beef liver, cauliflower, eggs and strawberries. Vitamin K is fairly thermally stable, but gentle cooking preserves other nutrients that are prone to heat breakdown.
Various drugs are used to treat insufficiency of the blood coagulation system. With bleeding - uterine, gastric and any other - the drug "Vikasol" helps to significantly reduce the amount of blood lost.