In adolescence and in adulthood, sometimes unpleasant rashes and acne appear on the face. In this case, various ointments and gels are prescribed, which are designed to fight bacteria that cause clogged pores and inflammation. Among these drugs, one can distinguish the gel or cream "Rozeks". Reviews about its use as prescribed by a doctor are mostly positive. Only those who did not fit this medicine due to individual characteristics speak out negatively.

It is worth noting that Rozex is prescribed not only to eliminate acne, but also to treat giardiasis, amoebic dysentery, urethritis and vaginitis caused by Trichomonas. Consider what the instructions for using the gel say.
Indications and contraindications for use
"Rozeks" is produced in the form of a gel or cream with 0.75% content of the active substance - metronidazole, which actively fights against various microorganisms, such as Trichomonas, Gardnerella and Giardia. As a topical topical agent, it is used to treat acne, bacterial vaginosis, and wounds that do not heal for a sufficiently long time.time.

Contraindications for use are the first trimester of pregnancy, diseases of the blood and liver, as well as organic lesions of the central nervous system and individual hypersensitivity to the active substance. Usually, doctors prescribe to apply a cream or gel 2 times a day - as the instruction says about the Rozeks preparation. Reviews of people are often advised to use the medicine three times a day. The number of applications is best agreed individually with your doctor.
Special instructions and interactions with other drugs
When using the drug "Rozex" together with amoxicillin, blood monitoring is required in underage patients. And if the treatment is directed against sexually transmitted diseases, then this remedy should be used by both sexual partners.
If a darker coloration of the urine occurs during treatment, this is considered normal.
Alcohol is contraindicated while taking metronidazole as it will lead to adverse reactions such as abdominal pain, headache, vomiting and nausea.
When using the drug, be sure to read the instructions, as it describes a number of interactions with drugs that can lead to unwanted reactions.
Most often, when using the drug "Rozeks" for acne, the reviews do not note any side effects, since in this case the interaction with the body is minimal. However, the instructions still havea few words about the possible reactions of the body.
Side effects
When applied topically, itching, redness, irritation and rash may occur. Also, during the use of metronidazole, nausea and vomiting may occur, sometimes a metallic taste appears in the mouth, irritability and headache appear.

When using the drug as prescribed by a doctor, side effects are either minimal or appear for a short time. If there is a significant deterioration in the patient's condition, the drug is canceled and replaced with another, similar in composition. Sometimes it is enough for patients to change the drug to an analogue with the same active ingredient.
Analogues of cream and gel "Rozeks"
Galderma's Rozeks has a lot of analogues, since the active substance - metronidazole - is very common and is used to treat a large number of diseases. Firm "Yadran" produces cream "Rozamet" with 1% content of metronidazole. He has instructions for use similar to Rozeks. The reviews are also positive. The advantage of this medication is its lower price.
Another analogue is the drug "Metrogyl" (gel), produced by the company "Unique Pharmaceutical". Reviews about its use are mixed, but there are still more positive ones.
There is another drug produced by the Russian manufacturer Sintez - Metronidazole-AKOS. It also contains 1% metronidazole and is used to treat acne and rosacea. Also followsnote the gel "Metroseptol" of the Polish manufacturer "Elfa".
If you wish, you can choose a drug with the same active ingredient and suitable for the price.
Before you apply any ointment or cream on your face, you need to make sure that the choice is correct. You can learn about how the drug works on the skin from the comments of people who have already used this remedy. Consider what are the reviews about the Rozeks drug.

- From acne, blackheads, rosacea and other "nasty things" a cream containing metronidazole is excellent. But it is worth remembering that without an integrated approach, the effect will be less pronounced.
- To get rid of acne, you must follow a diet and limit yourself to sweets.
- An important factor is the lack of stress. With strong nervous tension, it is difficult to get rid of rashes, even when using the drug Rozeks.
- The consistency of the cream is very pleasant. Girls using it noted the absence of the effect of heaviness on the face and excellent absorbency. It is possible to apply decorative cosmetics over the cream.
Among the disadvantages, many users noted the high price of the drug. In this regard, they preferred the use of analogues at a better price than Rozex cream. Feedback from people also notes the need to apply a moisturizer after applying the drug, as it causes a feeling of dryness. Many more were confused by the antibiotic - metronidazole, which is part of the drug. ATdue to this, some users refused to use it and returned to skin treatment already in a neglected state.
A small number of reviews indicate that there was no effect from the use of Rozex, and the skin condition only worsened. In any case, with individual intolerance to the drug and its ineffectiveness, the drug should be replaced with another drug. Some of the reviews indicate that Rozex is not sold in all pharmacies, and sometimes it is difficult to find it.
Dermatologists about Rozex
Doctors and cosmetologists in the treatment of acne have achieved quite good results, based on research in this area. According to experts, both anaerobic and aerobic bacteria are responsible for the formation of acne. Metronidazole only works on some of these, so a combination therapy with constant use of exfoliators and sebum control is required to completely eliminate the rash.

In severe cases of the disease, antibacterial drugs are used, such as Rozeks. Reviews of doctors claim that such drugs are effective only for short-term treatment, which is used to quickly improve a difficult situation. For complex therapy, retinoids, Baziron cream or gel, azelaic acid and zinc are used. After the course of treatment, supportive drugs are prescribed to consolidate the result. In the future, the use of antibacterial agents is possible only with a sudden relapse.
The effect of the drug in the treatmentacne breakouts
It is very important for every woman to look attractive and like herself, which is why so much time is devoted to facial beauty. Unfortunately, a dermatologist or a cosmetologist is not addressed immediately. More often, they come to see a doctor already when the person is in a neglected state. Patients complain of profuse red rashes, painful bumps, and acne that does not go away. In such cases, the doctor conducts complex therapy, which includes Rozeks ointment.

Reviews about individual treatment are mostly positive. After the start of the use of medications, 6-9 weeks should pass. That's when you can talk about the results. Usually during this time, large acne dries up and redness disappears. Most often, a complete cure is not observed, but the visible result is clearly visible. The “before” and “after” photos speak of the correctness of the choice of therapeutic tactics. It is on them that most users are guided when choosing a cosmetology clinic.
Consequences of improper treatment
When using the drug on its own, you can get the opposite effect to the expected one, so you should carefully consider the words of the doctor and do not use Rozex cream without prescribing. Reviews warn that otherwise itching and red spots may appear. You can also not apply the cream in a thick layer, hoping that it will be more effective. It is advisable not to use the drug more than 2 times a day, unless otherwise prescribed by a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Overdose of the cream may cause adverse reactions such as a metallic taste in the mouth, nausea and headache. When using the cream for more than 9 weeks, you should regularly see a cosmetologist, since long-term treatment with antibacterial agents is likely to be superfluous for the body. After completing a course of therapy with Rozeks, reviews advise choosing daily care for the face without metronidazole in order to maintain the results achieved.
Prescribing any drug is a very important and responsible step. Without a medical education, it is difficult to find a really effective medicine. Self-administration of serious antibacterial drugs is very undesirable, so you should consult with specialists before using Rozex cream. Reviews, although they reflect the opinion of the majority, do not give a complete picture of the treatment, since complex therapy is selected strictly individually.