In this article, we suggest you consider allergy injections. What are the varieties, what is better to accept in any particular case. You will learn all this by reading the article to the very end.
Allergies always take us by surprise when we don't expect it at all. Sometimes it is necessary to eliminate its symptoms immediately, because they can be deadly. This will help us treat allergies with injections. It is more effective if the symptoms need to be treated immediately.
We propose to start our article with the very concept of "allergy". This is a process that is considered immunopathological. It manifests itself if any allergen has entered the body.

How it can manifest itself:
- sting in the eyes;
- edema;
- runny nose;
- rash;
- sneeze;
- cough and so on.
Allergy injections are the fastest way to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Now we will pay a little attention to the reasons for such a frequent manifestation of allergic reactions. Note that in the last ten years, allergies begin to occur most often. Why is this happening? There are several theories:
- hygiene impact;
- development of the chemical industry.
The first theory appeared in 1998. It is based on the fact that, subject to the rules of hygiene, a person is less in contact with antigens. This statement is not empty, because it is verified by experience. People who live in third world countries are less susceptible to allergies.
The second theory is based on the consumption of chemical products that can act as allergens. They can cause an allergic reaction due to disorders of the functioning of the nervous system or endocrine system.
Methods of disposal
It is impossible to completely cure an allergy. Why? Everything is very simple, because this is the reaction of a particular organism to any allergen, of which there are an incredible number in nature.

Based on this, the treatment is as follows:
- find out what exactly you are allergic to;
- eliminate (isolate) the allergen;
- Take an allergy medicine if needed.
There are many such drugs. The best and fastest way is allergy injections. They can be either intramuscular orintravenous.
You need to know that allergies can be a serious threat to life. It is necessary to provide assistance to the patient in a timely manner:
- immediately call an ambulance;
- free the victim from tight clothing;
- give allergy medicine;
- if the reaction does not go away, then give an injection;
- if the patient has lost his breath and heartbeat, urgently carry out resuscitation.
The main thing in this situation is not to be nervous, because the life of another person depends on you. Next, we will look at the names of the drugs and how they are used.
This section will look at allergy injections, which are the most effective way to eliminate the symptoms of allergies, sometimes very life-threatening.
Over the years, the number of people suffering from allergies is only growing, this is due to many factors. This reaction can be caused by absolutely any allergen, and the symptoms of the disease can be incredibly painful.

It should be borne in mind that in order to ease the severity of symptoms and to reduce the likelihood of a second reaction, it is necessary to undergo a special course of treatment. However, it is impossible to completely get rid of allergies.
Very effective treatment with different injections, they can vary greatly in their composition. Despite this, they have one main function - reducing the body's response to allergens. These injections include:
- "Diprospan";
- "Prednisolone";
- "Suprastin";
- "Ruzam";
- "Dexamethasone";
- "Medopred" and many others.
Now the classification of all antihistamines will be given. This division is very easy to remember, because it consists of two points. All antihistamines (including injections) are divided into two types:
- hormonal;
- non-hormonal.
Next, we propose to specifically get acquainted with each of the species. We will tell you how they differ and list the most popular ones.
Hormonal drugs
It is important to understand that hormonal drugs should be prescribed strictly by the attending physician. They are used if necessary:
- urgently relieve severe allergies;
- interrupt long-term allergy symptoms.
Here it is important to mention that these drugs have just a lot of contraindications that your doctor can acquaint you with. You should not make a decision about treatment with hormonal drugs on your own. They can only be prescribed by your doctor, having discussed the side effects and complications with you in advance.
Names of injections for allergies (hormonal):
- "Prednisolone";
- "Dexamethasone" and others.
They can instantly relieve a severe manifestation of an allergic reaction. They are used in anaphylactic shock, since such drugs have a very pronounced anti-shock effect. This suggests that the drugs are capable of:
- increase pressure;
- remove swelling.
Last for allergiesmay cause choking.
Non-hormonal drugs
Allergy treatment with injections can also be carried out with non-hormonal means. Their action is based on the introduction of a very small dose of antigens into the body, which contributes to improved functioning of the immune system. When taking non-hormonal drugs against an allergic reaction, the general condition noticeably improves.

Such drugs include:
- "Suprastin";
- Tavegil and so on.
They also successfully and quickly relieve the symptoms of allergies. With a mild form, you can take pills; if the case is severe, then you can make an intramuscular injection. There is one warning - they are not recommended to be used for more than five days. It is better to consult with your doctor in advance so that he can prescribe you a comprehensive treatment.
The benefits of allergen injections
This section will cover all the benefits of a course of injections against allergies. These injections contain a small dose of the allergen extract.
The primary benefit is a reduction in the manifestations of allergic asthma. Secondly, long-term treatment helps to weaken the body's response to the allergen. This procedure is called ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy). Preparations are selected for each individually, based on the allergen to which hypersensitivity of the body is revealed. As a rule, special prolonged allergens are used. For example:
- "Fostal" (pollen allergenstrees);
- "Alustal" (mites, meadow grass allergens) and others.
If a person has an allergy, then in his personal first-aid kit there are sure to be many drugs that alleviate its symptoms. A full course of treatment with injections often eliminates the need for additional medications.
Cons of ASIT
These drugs also have a downside. There is a famous saying: "There is no evil without good." This also applies to this method of treatment. The negative aspects include the following points:
- there may be some reactions (itching, swelling or difficulty breathing) that are very easy to get rid of by taking an antihistamine;
- the full course of treatment takes five years (it must not be interrupted in any case, otherwise all efforts were in vain).
Before undergoing a course of treatment, you need to pass special tests to identify an allergen to which the body is hypersensitive. If after several vaccinations the reaction becomes even worse, then the treatment should be interrupted or the dosage reduced.
Hot injections
Now a little about a very rare case of intravenous injection for calcium chloride allergy. This method is used extremely rarely, only in severe cases. It is also called a hot shot. Calcium chloride is used when it is necessary to immediately stop an allergy attack. It is worth clarifying that after its introduction, patient control is necessary.

When the drug is administered, you canfeel how a warm stream spreads throughout the body. If during the injection you feel a strong burning sensation, be sure to tell your doctor.
Long-acting injections
What are allergy injections? We have already identified some of them. We will still pay attention to such means as "Prednisolone" and "Suprastin". Now a few words about long-acting drugs.
How to get rid of allergies forever or significantly reduce the severity of symptoms? It's simple, you need to get vaccinated. Please note that this is not one injection, but a whole course that is designed for several years. Significant changes may appear after three years of vaccinations. They are done once every three to four months. It takes a little patience. However, there is also an accelerated course, designed for two weeks. It is worth considering that it is less effective. Please note that after the injection, an allergic reaction may occur. It can be corrected by taking an antihistamine.
The whole course of treatment is built as follows: an allergen is detected, introduced into the body in a very small dose. The doctor carefully monitors the reaction of the body. Further, the dose increases, directly with this, the work of the patient's immune system is stimulated.
In this section, we will take a closer look at the Suprastin injection for allergies. Instructions for use states that the drug should be taken with a serious threat of anaphylactic shock. In normal cases, you can get by with regular pills.

Pay attention to dosage. Adults can use up to two ampoules per day. Infants up to a year can take a quarter of an ampoule. Children from one to six years of age are not recommended to exceed a dose equal to half an ampoule. Children from six to fourteen years old can take up to one ampoule. Here we clarify that the drug is administered intramuscularly.
If there is a suspicion of a severe allergic reaction, then "Suprastin" can be administered intravenously. Please note that the medicine should not be injected quickly.
One ampoule of "Suprastin" contains 20 milligrams of chloropyramine hydrochloride. This substance is a histamine blocker.
Injections of "Prednisolone" for allergies are used extremely rarely, only in emergency cases. Note that this is a synthetic hormone. Its action is based on two effects:
- anti-inflammatory;
- anti-allergenic.
Injections of this drug are prescribed extremely rarely and only in emergency cases. These include: anaphylactic shock, swelling of the larynx, brain, and so on.

Contraindications include:
- intolerance;
- tuberculosis;
- viral infections;
- ulcer;
- glaucoma;
- herpes;
- diabetes.
Composition per ampoule of "Prednisolone":
- mazipredone hydrochloride (30 mg);
- benzyl alcohol;
- 96% alcohol;
- propylene glycol;
- water forinjection.
Which Allergy Injections Work Best? Look at the case in question. People who have undergone a long course of treatment note relief or complete elimination of symptoms. In emergency cases, many use the Suprastin injection.
According to the reviews of people prone to allergies, the ampoule is opened very easily. The introduction of the drug causes pain. However, the drug helps. In no case should you combine it with alcohol and psychotropic drugs.