Warts are, perhaps, one of those troubles that makes life in a team uncomfortable. Agree, when shaking hands, stretching out a hand with a wart is not very pleasant, as well as shaking it. For many people, warts on the soles of their feet have become a major problem, as they severely restrict their ability to move. Senile warts spoil the appearance and cause irritation in the elderly. In short, this problem is quite relevant, and there are many ways to solve it. Consider what the pharmacy chain offers us at the moment to combat this scourge. But first, a little about warts.

Why do warts appear?
One of the reasons for the presence of warts on the body is a virushuman papilloma (HPV). Almost every inhabitant of our planet is infected with it. It comes in several types, some of which can even cause cancer under certain conditions. With high immunity, a person peacefully coexists with HPV, and it does not affect life in any way. But if the immune system is weakened, then it is no longer able to control HPV, and the virus manifests itself in the form of warts on the skin. In this regard, it is better to choose a remedy for a wart in a pharmacy not only to remove external signs of HPV, but also to support the immune system too. At the same time, it is important to lead a he althy lifestyle, strengthening your he alth, as they say, on all fronts. Perhaps you should start taking vitamins and revise your menu. A dermatologist can help you choose a wart remover at the pharmacy.

Drugs in liquid form are presented in the pharmacy network with Ferezol, Papillek, Verrukatsid, Kollomak and iodine. These are the most well-known medicines based on the point effect of acid. It is important when applying them not to affect he althy skin, so as not to get burned. If the risk of damaging the skin does not scare you, then these remedies are effective, some of them, for example, Ferezol or Verrukacid, need only be applied once. "Kollomac" is a remedy whose main active ingredient is salicylic acid. It should be applied 1-2 times a day for 3-4 days, iodine also - 1-2 times a day, but longer - for a week. You can also use salicylic acid to remove warts.trichloroacetic acid. The principle of operation is the same as for all solutions. In order to protect the skin around the wart, you can lubricate it with petroleum jelly or a greasy cream. If the solution comes into contact with he althy skin, it must be thoroughly washed off with water.

Reviews about solutions
According to the recommendations, "Papillek" is the most effective remedy for warts in the pharmacy. Reviews are almost all positive. It does an excellent job with recent growths, and it should be applied a little longer for old warts. As part of the drug - celandine. The only thing that confused people was the price, which turned out to be higher than expected. The volume of the product is small, but it is justified, since after opening, Papillek can only be stored for three weeks.
Approximately the same reviews of the drug "Ferezol". He, like "Pappilek", copes well with recent warts, has proven himself well for the treatment of plantar growths. Among the minuses - a pungent odor and a high risk of getting burned if applied inaccurately.
Slightly less positive feedback from the drug "Verrukacid". It didn't work for some patients. Like Ferezol, it smells very strong and causes burns if it gets on he althy skin. Unlike Papillek, the medicine bottle is large enough to last for a long time.
Another remedy for a wart in a pharmacy is Kollomak. He does not help everyone, but those whom he helped are many times more. The price of this drug is the factor that confuses most users. She ishigh enough to stop many patients from buying.
Iodine is a universal remedy. There are many reviews about its use. Among them there are those who talk about the removal of warts with iodine. It does not help everyone, but its availability makes it a very popular remedy for papillomas.

Ointments and creams
In the pharmacy you can find a lot of funds produced in the form of ointments and creams. First of all, these are ointments based on salicylic acid. They are applied pointwise to the wart and act on it in the same way as solutions. There are ointments based on substances that stimulate the immune system. A pharmacist will help you choose such a remedy for warts and papillomas in a pharmacy. Among the popular ones are Viferon, Oxolinic Ointment and Imiquimod. "Viferon" has an antiviral effect, it must be applied once a day for a period of five days to one month. Approved for use by lactating and pregnant women. For 30 days, warts are treated with oxolinic ointment. Imiquimod works on both the wart and the HPV virus. But it is not allowed for children, as well as pregnant and lactating women. There is also Riodoxol ointment, it is perfect for warts that have appeared on the soles of the feet. The duration of its application is 1-4 weeks.
Reviews on ointments and creams
According to reviews, the treatment of warts with ointments and creams is a long process that requires patience and perseverance. Not everyone has these qualities. However, since it is a painless procedure, many are treated in this way.way. The advantage of treatment with an ointment that acts on HPV is the possibility of its use in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in diabetics.
Panavir gel
In addition to ointments, there is a remedy for a wart in a pharmacy in the form of a gel. Gel "Panavir" is a preparation of plant origin. It penetrates deep into the skin growth and destroys its root. It also stimulates the patient's immunity by increasing the production of interferon. Unfortunately, it is not often used as a remedy for warts, and there are few reviews about it, so it is difficult to objectively assess its effect on skin growths. However, as a remedy for the treatment of herpes, it suits many people perfectly. Its components stimulate the immune system, which, in turn, leads to the suppression of herpes and HPV viruses.

Patch for plantar and common warts
The most popular remedy for plantar warts in a pharmacy is the Salipod patch. It is quite simple to use: you just need to stick it on the wart and remove it after 1-2 days. After application, remove dead cells from the surface of the wart. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times. According to patients, "Salipod" is a fairly good remedy for removing plantar warts. With repeated use, it perfectly removes their roots and gives a good appearance to the feet.

For a radical cure, you can buy a remedy for a wart in a pharmacy underthe name "Cryopharma" or its analogue - "Wartner Cryo". It freezes and destroys the growth. When used correctly, it is one of the safest and most effective remedies. A small wart disappears after one application, a large or old wart after two. These funds should not be used in children under 4 years of age, as well as in patients with diabetes mellitus. If you need to treat the wart twice, then the second application of the drug is possible only two weeks after the first.
Reviews about cryopreparations
Cryopreparation, according to reviews, is perhaps the most interesting and controversial remedy for warts in a pharmacy. Not everyone will dare to cauterize at home, but is it worth it? Judging by the comments, Cryopharm or Wartner Cryo removed warts from only half of the users. Many have remained with this problem, despite the fact that they did everything according to the instructions. In positive reviews, there are a lot of tips to hold the drug longer than it is written, and then it should help. But is it worth it to violate the instructions and expose yourself to the risk of burns? The question is ambiguous, and each person decides it for himself. It should be noted that the price of the drug is quite high, the nozzles are designed for 12 applications.
Pencil and alkaline products
You can buy a remedy for warts and papillomas in a pharmacy in the form of a pencil. It contains silver nitrate (lapis), which acts on warts, destroying them. Such a pencil must be applied several times until the build-up disappears completely. Since when it comes into contact with he althy skin, it causes burns and the formation of darkcircles, then its use on the face is undesirable.
In the arsenal of the pharmacy chain there are inexpensive products based on the medicinal properties of celandine. These include the drug "Supercleaner". This is an alkaline solution that must be applied pointwise and very carefully. If used incorrectly, it can leave incurable scars on the skin. It should be applied no more than twice.
There is a remedy for removing warts in a pharmacy called "Mountain celandine". At its core, it has celandine juice and extracts of mountain herbs. It needs to be applied once every 2-3 days.
Reviews on products based on celandine and lapis
The drug "Mountain celandine" is a fairly popular remedy, but reviews about it are not always positive. For some patients, he did not help to cope with the wart, but most were still satisfied with the result. Among the shortcomings, a sharp and unpleasant odor was noted, as well as some soreness when cauterized. Approximately the same reviews about the drug "Supercleaner": most positive and somewhat negative. As a remedy for the treatment of plantar internal warts, it is not recommended, although it relieves external ones quite well. After cauterization, the wart turns black, the crust falls off, and the growth disappears.
Lapis pencil is a drug that has been used for a long time. Now not every pharmacy sells it, since it is believed that there are more effective means. Reviews confirm this and recommend choosing another remedy for warts on the legs in a pharmacy. It is also noted that the pencil is very hard andit is not clear how much of the active substance gets on the wart, which complicates the treatment process.
Prevention of warts
Among the many drugs it is difficult to choose the best remedy for warts in a pharmacy, however, after evaluating the condition of the skin and immunity, an experienced dermatologist will select the remedy that is most suitable. After treatment and a positive result is achieved, some rules should be followed that will greatly reduce the chance of a recurrence of the disease.
- First, wash your hands often and don't share personal hygiene items.
- Secondly, immediately after a cut, it is necessary to treat the wounds with an antiseptic.
- Thirdly, when shaking hands or simple everyday communication with a person who has warts, one must be careful. Wash your hands more often and avoid sharing items.
- Fourthly, you need to carefully monitor your diet and eat more vitamins.
- Fifth, stress is bad for warts, so it's best to avoid it.
- Finally, don't forget your personal shoes when going to a public bath or sauna.

Following all these simple recommendations, you can avoid the reappearance of warts. By daily supporting your immunity, taking care of your he alth, you are making an excellent contribution to external beauty and painless old age.