Metformin is a very effective treatment for diabetes as well as obesity. For some reason, many consumers think that the combination of components such as Metformin and alcohol is absolutely safe for human he alth. But is it really so? Consider this article.
A few words about the drug
It is a synthetic substance and is used in the treatment of second-degree insulin-dependent diabetes. The drug is very effective, safer in comparison with other drugs. Also, the medicine has fewer contraindications for use.
Before considering the compatibility of drugs such as Metformin and alcohol, consider the main contraindications to the use of this medication:
serious kidney and liver disease;

- heart and lung disease;
- improper cerebral circulation;
- do not use the product for pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding;
- it is forbidden to use medicine for chronic alcoholism;
- lactacidosis.
How does alcohol affect people with diabetes
Before finding outhow the human body will behave when combining this drug with alcohol, we need to figure out how alcohol affects us in general.
Please note that when drinking alcohol, the release of glycogen in the liver is blocked, and the amount of insulin is significantly increased. In this case, the risk of developing a disease such as hypoglycemia increases significantly.

But that's not all. Regular consumption of strong drinks contributes to the destruction of cell membranes. The threat is that sugar entering the body immediately penetrates the cells, bypassing the protective membranes. This suggests that the blood glucose level is significantly reduced. Thus, a person with diabetes cannot saturate his body due to the constant feeling of hunger.
Therefore, while drinking alcoholic beverages, it is highly recommended to include carbohydrates in your food. Only in this way can the risk of developing hypoglycemia be minimized. According to experts, diabetics should carefully monitor their diet and follow a diet that does not include alcohol.
Even twenty-five grams of vodka will help reduce blood sugar. Therefore, the more alcohol you drink, the more severe the disease will be.
Metformin and alcohol: compatibility
According to the instructions for use of the drug, as well as the recommendations of doctors, you can not combine this remedy for diabetes with alcoholic beverages. The main danger lies in the risk of developing various complications with lactic acidosis.
Features of lactic acidosis
This condition in diabetes is considered very dangerous, can be fatal. Typically, this complication is extremely rare. Most often, people who are addicted to alcohol are exposed to this. If a patient is being treated with Metformin and is taking alcohol, then there is a huge risk of lactic acidosis.

Alcohol acts on the patient's body in such a way that it can increase the amount of lactate at times, this happens even in the body of an ordinary he althy person.
Scientists conducted special studies, as a result of which it was possible to establish that a combination such as Metformin and alcohol significantly increases the concentration of lactate in the blood from three to thirteen times. During the experiments, the correct therapeutic dosage of the drug itself and one gram of alcohol per kilogram of human weight were taken.
Severe vitamin deficiency
One of the most common causes of lactic acidosis is vitamin deficiency in the body. In particular, we are talking about vitamin B1. "Metformin" and alcohol, reviews of the interaction of which you can read in this article, when used together, lead to a deficiency of this vitamin. This condition worsens significantly in people who constantly take large amounts of alcoholic beverages.
What happens to the body after applicationalcohol
Can Metformin be taken with alcohol? This question worries many people undergoing treatment with this drug. The final answer of the doctors is no, because unwanted processes will begin to occur in the body, namely:

- vitamin B1 will be poorly absorbed in the digestive tract, which means the body will need additional sources of this substance;
- with regular use of alcoholic beverages in the body, there will be an acute deficiency of vitamin B1;
- and, of course, an increase in the risk of lactic acidosis by several times.
Think about whether you are ready for such sacrifices.
Simultaneous use of substances such as Metformin and alcohol (compatibility, reviews are described in this article) leads to oxygen starvation of the brain. As a result, a disease such as hypoxia may appear - an improper supply of oxygen to cells.
This condition occurs due to blockage of blood vessels by small blood clots. It is because of this that a person may feel a certain euphoria after drinking alcohol. This is not only about alcohol with a high alcohol content, but also about wine, beer, cider and so on.
Ethyl is found in any alcohol-containing drink, which leads to clogging of blood vessels.
Bad kidney function
In no case should you combine this drug with alcohol if a person has serious kidney disease. Drinking even a littlethe amount of alcoholic drink, while the active substances of Metformin are in his system, he risks getting very dangerous side effects.
What will happen to liver enzymes
Please note that alcohol can inhibit liver enzymes. And this, in turn, will lead to hypoglycemia. If there are active components of the drug in the blood, then the result of this combination may be a hypoglycemic coma.

Please note that this state is very easy to confuse with ordinary alcohol intoxication. But in this case, you need to act decisively and immediately. Call an ambulance and be sure to tell us about the combination of alcohol with Metformin.
If the person has not lost consciousness, then doctors recommend offering him sweet tea or giving him candy.
Regularly combining alcohol and Metformin, you can get the following manifestations:
- blood pressure will drop sharply (in some cases, on the contrary, it will increase);
- weakness throughout the body, loss of coordination of movements, clouding of consciousness;
- indifference to one's life and to others;
- very rapid and shallow breathing.
Metformin and alcohol: how long can you take
After you have drunk an alcoholic drink, you can take Metformin no earlier than two days later. Usually this time is enough to restore kidney function. In doing so, please note that underalcohol refers not only to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, but also to drugs containing alcohol.

Never take Metformin earlier than a few days even after drinking any alcohol tincture or alcohol-containing syrup.
Young patients can take alcohol after Metformin in eighteen to twenty hours. For the elderly, no such time period has been established. Please note that the elimination time of the drug in case of a diseased liver or kidneys will be increased several times.
According to the instructions for use, this drug should be taken two to three times a day, so there is no way to combine it with alcoholic beverages.
Reviews from patients and doctors
Fortunately, not many cases of lactic acidosis have been recorded by doctors. However, this trend is increasing every year. It is unlikely that at least one patient who has experienced this disease will want to combine alcohol-containing drinks and Metformin (or other sugar-lowering drugs).

It is very important for diabetics to learn to recognize the signs of this disease. According to patient reviews, this condition is characterized by weakness in the muscles, frequent loss of consciousness, headaches and weakness throughout the body. If the condition begins to worsen, then headache, vomiting and nausea are also added to these symptoms. After that, the person may fall intoto whom. The most advanced cases are usually fatal.
Of course, every doctor confirms the fact that in no case should you combine alcohol and sugar-lowering drugs. However, not all patients listen to the advice of doctors. Some of them pause between taking these substances. "Metformin" and alcohol (after how much you can take, described in this article) can only be combined if there is a long pause between the use of the drug. But from the point of view of proper treatment, this is absolutely contraindicated. Stay he althy!