There are so many skin care creams on the shelves of pharmacies that your eyes run wide. But their prices are sometimes completely “space”. We will tell you about a very budget remedy for combating youthful acne and acne, a talker for rashes and dermatitis. This is salicylic acid, reviews of which, recipes for masks and peels, we will present below.
What is salicylic acid?
The name of this tool comes from the Latin word "willow". It turns out that for the first time this remedy was isolated from the bark of this tree. The acid is highly soluble in alcohol. It has a very good anti-inflammatory effect (by the way, the well-known “aspirin” is acetylsalicylic acid, which is a derivative of the substance we are discussing).
Salicylic acid (reviews and methods of use are described below) was used to treat diathesis and rheumatism. Now this tool is a popular aseptic, its scope has expanded significantly.

Salicylic acid. Instructions for use
Drugavailable in the form of a solution or ointment. The spectrum of action is an antiseptic with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. It is used to prevent infection of skin lesions, cleansing purulent wounds from their contents.
The drug has the ability to suppress the secretion of the sebaceous glands, which has proven itself in dermatology and cosmetology. Salicylic acid (see reviews below) is found in most facial skin care products, especially in creams and lotions designed to combat hormonal youthful rashes. They perfectly cleanse and tone the skin, relieve inflammation.
Salicylic acid can be prescribed for the following diseases:
- psoriasis and eczema;
- burns and wounds;
- pityriasis versicolor;
- warts;
- acne (common) and infected;
- seborrhea combined with increased oiliness of the scalp.
Apply drugs (ointment and solution) externally, treating a specific damaged area.
Contraindications and special notes
Salicylic acid for the face (see reviews below), as well as for other parts of the body is often used. But do not forget that this is a medicine, therefore, like other medicines, it has a number of contraindications.
Both the ointment and the solution should not be used for renal (acute or chronic) insufficiency. Children under 3 years of age are also not prescribed a remedy, older children use it only under the supervision of a doctor. In case of an allergic reaction, its use is also prohibited.
Special notes when using:this acid in any form should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
You should be careful when using the medication in the summer. Exposure to the sun after applying the product can lead to severe sunburn and pigmentation. With dry and flaky skin, cosmetics with a high content of salicylic acid are contraindicated.

Salicylic acid from corns. Reviews
One of the areas of application of salicylic acid is the treatment of corns. This tool softens them very well, after which steaming and pumice help to get rid of this trouble pretty quickly.
It is worth distinguishing between calluses and corns. Calluses called roughened dead skin. They appear due to long-term negative effects on the skin. For example, uncomfortable shoes with low-quality soles can cause them to appear. Calluses are a natural protection of the skin from mechanical permanent (stable) damage. Injured skin creates areas of roughness and keratinization.
Salicylic acid (reviews are positive in this area of application) can help get rid of corns. However, the remedy will not save you from the cause that caused them. You need to find it and fix it yourself. When applying acid to calluses, try not to go beyond the edge of the callus so as not to damage the he althy skin around.

In this section we will talk abouteffective cleansing and rejuvenation of the face. Peeling with salicylic acid (read reviews below) is a good way to cleanse the skin of the face. It does not injure the skin, but gently cleanses it of dead skin particles. As a result, the face looks fresh and rested. Before moving on to peeling, it is worth mentioning contraindications and warnings. Salicylic acid should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. If you have herpes and have severe sunburn or sunburn, it is better to wait until the skin recovers. This procedure is contraindicated for dry and sensitive skin. Allergy sufferers should also look for other ways to cleanse and polish the skin.
How to exfoliate? We will not write his recipe here for several reasons. The most important - with all the positive effects of the procedure, it is still a chemical effect. Many salons offer this service at a reasonable price. No matter how trite it may sound, it is better to use the services of a specialist. If for some reason this is not possible, there are many ready-made peels based on salicylic acid in pharmacies. Before the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin with cleansers. It is better to remove the remains of cosmetics with milk, it nourishes the skin well, which will make it more susceptible. Next, apply a face mask. A slight stinging and burning sensation is normal, but with more severe pain, the product should be washed off immediately. Further, the standard warnings for any peeling: the sun, bath and sauna, solarium are prohibited.
Briefly about reviews: photos of past peeling courses are nicesurprise. The skin is tightened, clean, rejuvenated. Reviews about the procedure are only positive, women and men talk about a good effect from the first time. But it is worth considering that with the slightest mistake, the effect can be completely unexpected, from scars and rashes to thermal burns.

Levomycetin and salicylic acid for acne. Reviews
For the treatment of acne vulgaris, hormonal and bacterial rashes, salicylic acid is used in conjunction with a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent - chloramphenicol. Often these drugs are prescribed in the form of a talker. According to the recipe, the pharmacist prepares it, but, knowing the proportions and components, you can mix the ingredients yourself.
Chatterbox with chloramphenicol and salicylic acid (reviews are mostly positive when used correctly) eliminates the problem of acne pretty quickly. The recipe is given below, but before you run to the pharmacy for the components of the talker, you need to consider that the cause of the rash does not always lie on the surface. Sometimes this is a signal of a malfunction in the endocrine system or the work of the gastrointestinal tract. A banal cold or exposure to a draft can also cause inflammation of the skin on the face.

How to cook mash at home
To do this, you will need two clean glass containers (one for mixing, the second with a lid for storage) and the following ingredients:
- salicylic acid 2% - 5g;
- boric acid - 50 g;
- alcohol 90% - 50g;
- levomycetin - 5g
All the ingredients of the talker must be mixed well and poured into the prepared container. Next, you need to apply the talker to the places affected by the rash at night. This is done in a dotted way with cotton wool moistened with the resulting medicine. In no case should you wet moles. You can start the application procedure only after thorough cleaning of dirt, grease and cosmetic residues (for this you can simply wash with soap).
Acne Chatterbox with Salicylic Acid (reviews about it from dermatologists and patients are mostly positive) is a very good remedy when used correctly.
Before using the drug, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction. You can check this if you apply the prepared medication on your wrist and wait a bit. Severe itching, rash, redness and pain at the site of application should not be. If there is, you can’t use the talker.

"Levomycetin": instructions
"Levomycetin" is an antimicrobial drug (in other words, an antibiotic) with a wide spectrum of action. Many bacteria, both gram-negative and gram-positive, are sensitive to it, including streptococci, chlamydia, rickettsia and salmonella. This drug treats such serious diseases as pneumonia and meningitis, abdominal infections: typhoid, salmonellosis, peritonitis of various origins. Available in the form of tablets, injection and eye drops.
If you aim forthe use of the drug, do not forget about contraindications and side effects. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation; do not prescribe it to children under three years of age. It is a strong allergen, so people with hypersensitivity should not use it. In addition, the drug does not treat fungal skin lesions.

"Levomycetin": how can it help the skin?
It is also used in dermatology. Many young men and women in their teenage years experience inconvenience due to juvenile acne. Sometimes a bacterial rash is added to the hormonal rash, which is much more difficult to get rid of. Can "Levomitsetin" help and how? We have already written about its antibacterial effect above. It is he who helps in the fight against infected acne and rashes, that is, it kills pathogens that cause rashes and inflammation.
It can be used as a component in the manufacture of various medicinal ointments and talkers. This is done only on the recommendation of a doctor.