One of the most proven methods of treating colds is rubbing. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of products suitable for this procedure. Ointment "Eucabal" is of plant origin and can be used to treat babies. Let us consider in more detail what effect the drug has and what are the features of its use.
What is Evkabal?
The drug of German origin "Evkabal" is designed specifically for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the organs of the respiratory system. The product is available in the form of syrup and balm (ointment). The composition of the medicine in the form of an ointment contains natural ingredients - eucalyptus and coniferous oil. It is these substances that have a therapeutic effect. As auxiliary components, cetostearyl alcohol, trometamol, glycerol monostearate, citric acid monohydrate, guayazulene, purified water are used.

"Evkabal" (ointment) instructions for use recommend using only as directed by a specialist. A herbal preparation is used alone or as part of a complex treatment. A pronounced therapeutic effect can be seen with the simultaneous use of balm and syrup.
Indications for appointment
The antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect that Evkabal ointment has makes it possible to use the medicine for the treatment of pathological processes in the upper respiratory tract. The plant components of the product contribute to the liquefaction and rapid removal of difficult-to-separate sputum.

The main indications for the appointment of "Eucabala" in the form of a balm are the following ailments:
- tracheobronchitis;
- pharyngitis;
- rhinitis;
- laryngitis;
- bronchitis;
- tracheitis.
Expectorant, antispasmodic and mucolytic effect has eucalyptus oil, which is present in the composition of the drug for external use. Essential oils of pine and eucalyptus destroy pathogenic microorganisms, thin viscous mucus and enhance the work of ciliated epithelium, thereby stimulating the removal of sputum from the respiratory tract.
"Eucabal" (ointment): instructions for use
For children, only a doctor can prescribe this remedy. Depending on the diagnosis and symptoms, the balm can be used not only for rubbing, but also for inhalation, taking therapeutic baths.
The action of such funds is similar to the effect of the use of mustard plasters andcompresses. However, parents should remember that essential oils in the composition of the medicine can also cause undesirable effects in certain cases. Components that have a warming effect irritate the skin and dilate blood vessels on the surface. This promotes blood flow to the bronchi and liquefaction of the secret. At the same time, this effect is extremely dangerous at elevated body temperature.

Evkabal ointment is applied to the chest and back in small strips and rubbed. In this case, you should avoid getting the medicine on the heart area. Inhalations with ointment are carried out up to three times a day. To do this, dissolve a small strip of emulsion (up to 3 cm long) in a liter of hot water. It is necessary to inhale the vapors by covering your head with a towel or use a special device designed for such inhalations.
Balm baths are suitable for children up to 6 years of age. A small amount of the drug "Evkabal" (ointment), the instruction recommends dissolving in warm water. The optimum water temperature is 35-37° C.
The duration of the drug is determined by the specialist. Usually, a few days are enough to achieve a positive result of treatment. If the symptoms do not go away or if the condition worsens, you should consult your doctor.
Inhalations with Eukabal: harm and benefit
Steam inhalation involves the inhalation of warm water vapor, enriched with medicinal components of various drugs. Typically, this procedure was carried out over the container and coveredhead with a towel. A steam inhaler is now available for purchase. The choice of medicine for manipulation depends on the diagnosis and age of the patient.
Evkabal (ointment) can be used for steam inhalation. For children, the instruction allows the procedure to be carried out from 3 years. However, it should be noted that some experts recommend avoiding the use of eucalyptus essential oil for the treatment of such young patients due to the risk of severe allergic reactions.
In the absence of contraindications, steam inhalation with the medicine is carried out for 10-15 minutes. The procedure should be done one hour after eating. During the same period of time after inhalation, you should not drink food or drink.
It is strictly forbidden to use a warming ointment at elevated temperatures. Otherwise, rubbing, inhalation and baths with the drug "Evkabal" will provoke the activation of the inflammatory process, which will lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. Such procedures should be used only at the stage of recovery, when it is necessary to improve blood circulation.

Contraindications are also such ailments as bronchial asthma, whooping cough, a tendency to seizures. Ointment "Evkabal" can not be applied to damaged skin or in the presence of dermatitis. Not suitable for use in persons with a history of intolerance to essential oils of eucalyptus and pine needles, cardiovascular disorders, hypertension.
Side effects
Following the recommendationsdoctor and adhering to the rules of the drug, side effects can be avoided. However, it should be remembered that with increased sensitivity to the components, an allergic reaction may still develop. A similar phenomenon manifests itself in the form of reddening of the skin at the site of application of the ointment, burning.

In more serious cases, bronchial obstruction develops. This is usually due to improper use of the product. The pathological condition most often develops in young children. With bronchospasm, there is a sharp contraction of smooth muscles and a narrowing of the lumen. Typical symptoms include the appearance of whistling and wheezing during breathing, pallor of the nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath, a feeling of lack of air, cough, heaviness in the chest. In such a situation, it is important to provide the patient with qualified medical care.
Analogues of "Evkabala"
Rubbing is considered a very effective procedure. When choosing a medicine for its implementation, you should pay attention to the composition, indications and contraindications for use. Ointment "Eucabal" is considered a universal remedy and is suitable for both babies and adults.

However, if necessary, it can be replaced with an equally effective medicine. The following drugs have similar therapeutic properties:
- Doctor Mom (ointment) - contains nutmeg oil, camphor, menthol, turpentine and eucalyptus.
- "Pulmex baby" (ointment) - the active ingredients are oileucalyptus and rosemary, Peruvian balsam. Camphor is added to an ointment intended for use in patients older than 3 years.
- "Doctor Theiss" (ointment) - contains the same components as "Evkabal", as well as camphor. Not applicable to children under 3 years of age.
"Evkabal" (ointment): reviews
According to reviews, warming ointment effectively eliminates the symptoms of a cold, cough. If all the recommendations are followed, Evkabal does not cause side effects. However, before you start treating a child with this remedy, you should consult a doctor.