Tablets "Tetracycline hydrochloride": instructions for use, dosage, composition, price

Tablets "Tetracycline hydrochloride": instructions for use, dosage, composition, price
Tablets "Tetracycline hydrochloride": instructions for use, dosage, composition, price

Modern pharmacology is represented by a wide variety of means. Many drugs are self-administered by patients. Most often, these are antipyretic and analgesic drugs. But there are some medicines that should be used only as directed by a doctor. These include all antibiotics. Independent use of bactericidal and bacteriostatic drugs can turn out to be quite deplorable. Today's article will tell you about how the Tetracycline Hydrochloride medication (tablets) is used. Instructions for use, reviews of the drug and features of its use will be presented to your attention. It is worth recalling that the information below should not encourage you to self-medicate. If you have he alth problems, you should consult a doctor. Only in this case can you be sure of the effectiveness of therapy.

tetracycline hydrochloride
tetracycline hydrochloride

"Tetracycline hydrochloride": release form, price of tablets

The medicine is produced in different dosage forms. On sale you can find capsules, tablets, dispersible pills, suspension, powder or granules for solution. There is also an ointment with the trade name Tetracycline Hydrochloride. All of these medicines are over-the-counter and are freely available.

The undoubted advantage of drugs is their cost. Tablets can be purchased at a price of not more than 100 rubles. The package contains 2 blisters, each of which contains 10 pills. Be sure to attach instructions to the drug. It must be studied before starting treatment. Do not be too lazy to read the annotation carefully, even if the therapy is prescribed by a doctor. Thus, you will protect yourself from unpleasant consequences.

Composition of the drug and its action

The main active ingredient of the drug is the component of the same name: tetracycline hydrochloride. The drug belongs to the tetracycline group of antibiotics. It is made from a yellowish crystalline powder, has a bitter taste. One Tetracycline tablet contains 100 milligrams of the active ingredient.

The drug has a broad spectrum antibacterial and bacteriostatic effect. The tablets disrupt the binding of the ribosome to the transfer RNA, which ultimately prevents protein synthesis by bacteria. The antibiotic is active against gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, as well as some other bacteria. The medicine is not able to eliminate the viral and fungal infection. That is why it is so important before usingconsult a doctor and find out the nature of your illness: it is not possible to do this on your own.

tetracycline hydrochloride tablets dosage
tetracycline hydrochloride tablets dosage

Indications for use: what does the antibiotic help with?

The drug "Tetracycline hydrochloride" (tablets) instruction recommends the use of bacterial pathologies of different localization. Doctors prescribe this drug for the following diseases:

  • bronchitis and pneumonia of bacterial origin;
  • angina and pharyngitis caused by antibiotic-sensitive microorganisms;
  • cholecystitis and bacterial diseases of the digestive system;
  • acne and boils;
  • pyelonephritis and bacteriuria;
  • diseases of the genital area (gonorrhea, syphilis);
  • pathologies of the reproductive organs (endometritis, prostatitis, adnexitis);
  • intestinal infections of a bacterial nature;
  • trachoma and conjunctivitis;
  • purulent lesions and soft tissue damage.

Contraindications reported by the instruction

Before using "Tetracycline hydrochloride", it is necessary to read the instructions. Pay special attention to contraindications. If you have at least one, then this medication must be abandoned. Otherwise, treatment can only worsen the general condition and cause adverse reactions.

It is forbidden to use the medication for pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as persons with hypersensitivity to the drug. The antibiotic is hepatotoxicaction, so it is never prescribed for liver pathologies and acute liver failure. It is contraindicated to use the medicine for certain blood diseases, such as leukopenia. No medication is prescribed for fungal infections, mycoses. If we are talking about a viral infection, then the use of tablets is unacceptable.

tetracycline hydrochloride tablets instructions for use reviews
tetracycline hydrochloride tablets instructions for use reviews

Possibility of use in pediatrics

Does children allow the use of the drug "Tetracycline hydrochloride" instructions for use? If you turn to the annotation, you can find out that the manufacturer does not recommend giving pills to a child under the age of eight. After 8 years, there is a possibility of use in pediatrics, but only according to relevant indications.

The dosage of the drug for children is determined by the doctor individually. The duration of therapy is also set by the physician in accordance with the nature of the pathology. If the doctor does not give separate recommendations, then the antibiotic "Tetracycline hydrochloride" (tablets) should be used according to the instructions. The dosage is set according to body weight. For every kilogram of weight, there are 25 milligrams of active ingredient. This amount should be taken every 6 hours. For example, your child weighs 20 kilograms. This means that he is en titled to 500 mg of the drug for 3-4 doses.

"Tetracycline hydrochloride": instructions for adults

The dosage of the drug for adult patients is also determined individually. Much depends on the nature of the pathology and its severity. For example, whenin the treatment of bronchitis and pharyngitis, doctors choose a single dose of 250 mg. If we are talking about pneumonia or urogenital pathologies, then tablets are prescribed in a volume of 500 mg at a time. The frequency of use is 3-4 times a day. Instructions for use recommends taking pills every 6 hours. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed four grams of the active substance.

Antibiotic treatment lasts from five days to two weeks. With prolonged use, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the blood and liver. Wash down the tablets with clean water.

tetracycline hydrochloride tablets instructions
tetracycline hydrochloride tablets instructions

Side effects

Like any other drug, Tetracycline Hydrochloride has its negative reactions. Most often they occur with improper use or self-medication. In such cases, taking the medication is fraught with dyspepsia, indigestion, abdominal pain, and the formation of fungal foci of different localization. Dizziness, migraine, irritability or drowsiness may occur. Allergy is a particularly dangerous side effect. It manifests itself with different symptoms: rash, itching, swelling. If at this moment you do not stop therapy and do not consult a doctor, then everything can end rather badly. Remember that further treatment will only aggravate the condition and increase the allergic reaction.

tetracycline hydrochloride application
tetracycline hydrochloride application

Can I combine the drug with alcohol?

Is it permissible to drink alcohol and carry out treatment with pillsTetracycline hydrochloride? The use of an antibiotic involves the rejection of alcohol. Many consumers ignore this rule. What can they expect?

First of all, a warning: if you drink alcohol with a tetracycline antibiotic, the treatment will be ineffective. Also, with such a combination, there is a pronounced toxic effect on the liver. Ethanol enters the blood in an unprocessed form, as a result of which the nervous system and brain are damaged. The combination of an antibiotic with alcohol leads to the appearance of disulfiram-like reactions. They can be mild (nausea, headache, vomiting, diarrhea) or severe (loss of consciousness, severe intoxication, coma). Think twice before drinking alcohol while on Tetracycline.

tetracycline hydrochloride instructions for use
tetracycline hydrochloride instructions for use

Additional terms

What other information about the drug should be provided to the consumer? It is worth paying the attention of patients to the fact that antibiotic treatment lasts at least five days. Even if you feel much better on the second day, this is not a reason to cancel the medicine. With the refusal of further therapy, bacteria develop resistance. In the future, you will need stronger drugs.

Never treated with "Tetracycline" viral infection. If you start taking an antibiotic for a common cold or flu, you will only make yourself feel worse. All bactericidal and bacteriostatic agents reduce immunity by suppressing the normal microflora. As a result, the body becomeseven more weakened. The use of an antibiotic for a viral infection will only increase the action of pathogens.

Please note that the drug may promote the formation of insoluble complexes of calcium and tetracycline. They are deposited in the bone skeleton, on the enamel of the teeth.

Antibiotic consumer reviews

Most of the patients who took the medicine as prescribed by the doctor are satisfied with it. The drug shows its effectiveness on the second day of admission. The body temperature decreases, the general condition improves. But do not forget that the antibiotic must be taken strictly for the period prescribed by the doctor. There are also negative reviews about the drug. It didn't work for some users. If there is no improvement within three days, then you should not torture yourself: the antibiotic is not suitable for you.

Many patients complain that their digestion is disturbed during treatment. Indeed, the antibiotic undermines the intestinal microflora. This is manifested by flatulence, diarrhea, abdominal pain, increased urge to defecate. All these symptoms disappear on their own after discontinuation of the drug. Most dyspeptic disorders are not a reason to stop therapy.

tetracycline hydrochloride instruction
tetracycline hydrochloride instruction


From the article you could learn about an effective and inexpensive antibiotic based on the active ingredient tetracycline hydrochloride. Description of the drug, composition and method of application are presented for your review. Remember that before using any medicine, you should alwaysread instructions. All the best to you, do not get sick!
