Ointment "Kapsicam" is a combination drug that has analgesic and irritating effects. The main reason for the use is joint and muscle pain. The composition of the drug includes benzyl nicotinate, nonivamide, gum turpentine, racemic camphor, dimethyl sulfoxide, and excipients. The drug is packaged in aluminum tubes of 50 and 30 grams.

"Kapsicam" (ointment): pharmacological action
The main active ingredients of the product have a local irritant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vasodilating effect. Ointment "Kapsicam" is quickly absorbed into the skin and after a few minutes begins to act, causing a feeling of warmth and burning. In addition, muscle tension is reduced and pain goes away. When the drug is applied to the body, the body temperature rises slightly.
Ointment "Kapsicam": reviews and indications
Patients who use this remedy often say that the effect of pain relief comes in half an hour and lasts about 3-5 hours. As a result of irritation of small areas of the skin, a rush of blood occurs, which iscause of improvement in various injuries, bruises and rheumatic conditions. The medicine is prescribed for myalgia and arthralgia. It is often used by athletes before training to warm up the muscles.

"Kapsicam" (ointment): contraindications
The drug should not be used for skin diseases, as well as for excessive sensitivity to active ingredients. Do not use the ointment during pregnancy, children and during breastfeeding.
Reviews of patients indicate that the medicine causes a strong burning sensation. Such manifestations can occur in people who have increased skin sensitivity to the drug. Therefore, before use, you must first apply a little product to the skin and look at the reaction.
"Kapsicam" (ointment): instructions for use
Remedy for arthralgia and myalgia is applied externally to the painful area of the skin (several grams) and rubbed. The procedure is performed no more than three times during the day, the duration of treatment is ten days. Athletes as a warming agent can apply a few grams of the drug to the muscles and rub. After completing the workout, Kapsikam (ointment) must be washed off with warm water.
Overdose and side effects

In some cases, "Kapsicam" (ointment) can cause allergies, which manifests itself in the form of swelling, hives, redness and itching. It is unacceptable to get the drug on mucous tissues and skin areas with open wounds. Information aboutoverdose does not exist.
Some patients use the ointment for other purposes. So, some drugs are used as part of hot wraps to combat cellulite. At the same time, to reduce burning sensation, the ointment is mixed with baby cream. However, these procedures are performed at your own peril and risk, since the instructions do not say anything about the treatment of cellulite. Misuse of the medicinal product may cause severe allergies, fainting, heart complications, etc.