Drugs 2024, October

Gel "Duak": instructions, indications, reviews

Gel "Duak": instructions, indications, reviews

Acne (or in other words - blackheads) is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused by changes in pilosebaceous structures. Today, there are many different drugs that effectively treat acne. One of them is the drug "Duak" (gel). Price, reviews of the external agent and the method of its application are presented below

"Lutein-complex": reviews, instructions for use

"Lutein-complex": reviews, instructions for use

This is an effective and safe remedy for eye protection during excessive workloads and working at the computer. This is an excellent source of vitamin and mineral substances, flavonoids, carotenoid fractions required to regulate the functions of the visual complex and debug its functioning. Reviews about the "Lutein-complex" abound

Nalidic acid: medical applications

Nalidic acid: medical applications

Nalidic acid belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs. It is effective in inflammatory diseases caused by Gram(-) microorganisms. Most often it is prescribed for infections of the genitourinary system

Ethacrynic acid: indications, contraindications, dosage

Ethacrynic acid: indications, contraindications, dosage

Ethacrynic acid is an effective medicine in the presence of various disorders of the functioning of the lungs and kidneys. It can also help with problems with the blood and the brain. This substance is effective, but its use should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor

"Lugol" with pharyngitis: treatment and reviews of the drug

"Lugol" with pharyngitis: treatment and reviews of the drug

Pharyngitis is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the back wall of the larynx. Very often, this disease is accompanied by tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Pharyngitis can go from acute to chronic, and then treatment with powerful antibiotics will be required. "Lugol" with pharyngitis has an antiseptic effect and helps to ensure that the disease does not become chronic

Tablets from blood clots in the vessels: a list of effective drugs, description and reviews

Tablets from blood clots in the vessels: a list of effective drugs, description and reviews

Pills in the event of vascular thrombosis perform two main functions: they dissolve blood clots that have already appeared, restoring normal blood flow, and reduce platelet activity, thus preventing the formation of new clots

For the prevention of flu and cold medicines: a list of the best

For the prevention of flu and cold medicines: a list of the best

Winter, coming into legal rights, is associated not only with fun pastime on sleds, skis, but also with epidemics of influenza and various colds. But today there are simple and reliable methods to avoid unpleasant ailments

Eye drops "Sulfacetamide": instructions, indications for use, contraindications, side effects

Eye drops "Sulfacetamide": instructions, indications for use, contraindications, side effects

Infectious lesions of the eyes are now often diagnosed in medical practice. In ophthalmology, drugs from the group of sulfonamides are often used. They have a bacteriostatic effect against many pathogenic microorganisms. In fact, there are many such drugs. One of them is Sulfacetamide eye drops. According to numerous reviews, the drug helps to get rid of many infectious diseases

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments: a list of drugs, indications, instructions

Painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments: a list of drugs, indications, instructions

Various injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system cause severe pain in the joints, ligaments and muscles. Often they are accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the tissues. In order to cope with this condition, painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments are used

"Spasmalgon" - indications for use, analogues, composition and reviews

"Spasmalgon" - indications for use, analogues, composition and reviews

"Spazmalgon" is used to relieve pain of varying degrees of intensity. The drug has a fast effective action. Before use, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the permissible dosage and follow the instructions

"Nandrolone decanoate": description, instructions, reviews of athletes

"Nandrolone decanoate": description, instructions, reviews of athletes

How does Nandrolone Decanoate work? You can find reviews about this tool at the very end of the article. You will also learn about the form in which this medication is produced, how it should be used, whether it has contraindications, analogues and adverse reactions

Effective drugs for candidiasis: a list, how to take, dosage

Effective drugs for candidiasis: a list, how to take, dosage

Candidiasis drugs, which are either oral or topical, can relieve acute symptoms and at the same time strengthen the immune system. About which drugs can be considered the most effective, we will tell in this material

Means "Alpha Tocopherol Acetate". Description. Mode of application

Means "Alpha Tocopherol Acetate". Description. Mode of application

Vitamin "Alpha tocopherol acetate" belongs to the category of antioxidants. The drug provides protection of various endogenous substances in the body from oxidation

Contraceptive patch: names, instructions, reviews

Contraceptive patch: names, instructions, reviews

Pills and other methods of contraception are being replaced by new products that do not require constant monitoring and timely use. We are talking about patches that have become indispensable in the most delicate issue - protection against the onset of unwanted pregnancy. It is worth understanding what its advantage is and how it works?

The best birth control pills

The best birth control pills

Most women claim that oral contraceptives are new and do not trust them. In fact, this was first talked about a hundred years ago, at the beginning of the 20th century. The first experiment on hormones was carried out by an Austrian doctor named Haberland. Thanks to his research, such unnatural female hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, were invented in the 30s of the XX century

Drops in the ear for the treatment of otitis media

Drops in the ear for the treatment of otitis media

A common condition in children and adults is otitis media, which is an inflammatory process that can affect various areas of the ear. To get rid of this disease as soon as possible, you need to contact an otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct and effective treatment in this situation. Ear drops are usually recommended, as well as warming compresses. In addition, broad-spectrum antibiotics may be prescribed

Spray for sore throat - fast, easy and reliable

Spray for sore throat - fast, easy and reliable

How to quickly get rid of a sore throat? It's very simple! You just need to choose the right throat spray. And how to do it right, is described in this article

Drug "Prostudox": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Prostudox": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Prostudox is a medicine for alleviating the symptoms of colds, which has been recognized by a large number of people due to its high efficiency and low cost

What is Piracetam taken for? Instructions for use "Piracetam"

What is Piracetam taken for? Instructions for use "Piracetam"

Why is Piracetam prescribed to patients? You will learn the answer to this question from this article. We will also provide you with information on how to take this remedy, in what form it is produced, whether it has side effects and contraindications, whether it can be used during lactation and during pregnancy

"Bronchovax": reviews of the drug

"Bronchovax": reviews of the drug

Immune-boosting drugs are still the subject of massive controversy. Some experts say that such medicines are necessary for people. Others argue that due to the use of drugs, the body's own immune defenses are weakened. This article will tell you about the drug "Broncho-Vaxom"

Meglumine acridone acetate, immunostimulating agent: instructions for use

Meglumine acridone acetate, immunostimulating agent: instructions for use

In this article we will tell you about what is meglumine acridone acetate. The trade name of this medicine, its price and instructions for use will be described below

Sodium deoxyribonucleate: analogues, reviews, prices, instructions

Sodium deoxyribonucleate: analogues, reviews, prices, instructions

What drugs have been recognized as the most popular in recent years? The answer to this question is given by doctors and pharmacists. They say that antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are becoming the most common. Many compounds can be attributed to such agents, including sodium deoxyribonucleate. It will be discussed further

Grape seed extract: useful properties and reviews. Tablets with grape seed extract

Grape seed extract: useful properties and reviews. Tablets with grape seed extract

Everyone knows that grapes are tasty and he althy, but few people know that the main part of the useful ingredients is not in the pulp of the berry, but in its bones. Why, it never occurred to anyone to chew the bones. They are generally either swallowed or spit out. And they don't even know they're losing

"Bifidumbacterin" for children: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

"Bifidumbacterin" for children: purpose, form of release, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is very important for the he alth, growth and development of the baby. It is important for adults to help the child's body cope with the problems that have arisen in time. If the baby does not have enough beneficial bacteria, you can consult a doctor and safely use Bifidumbacterin. The drug will become an indispensable assistant in the first-aid kit of parents whose children suffer from dysbacteriosis and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract

Anspasmodics (drugs): a list with names

Anspasmodics (drugs): a list with names

Pain accompanies many diseases of the internal organs. In most cases, it is associated with spastic muscle contraction. To cope with such pain, special drugs have been created - antispasmodics. These drugs act either on the very smooth muscles of the internal organs, or on the process of transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. Due to the relaxation of the muscles, the pain goes away, in many cases this happens quite quickly

Hopantenic acid: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Hopantenic acid: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Hopantenic acid, a substance used to produce some nootropics, has a neurotrophic and neuroprotective effect

Drug "Sodium hydrochloride", application, release forms

Drug "Sodium hydrochloride", application, release forms

Currently, there are a large number of different substances that have a multilateral purpose and application. This includes sodium hydrochloride

Pill "Taren" from radiation

Pill "Taren" from radiation

The drug "Taren" was widely used during the war years. Today, the drug is used only in exceptional cases. You won't be able to find it in a regular pharmacy

Pills for acne on the face. Acne and acne pills: reviews

Pills for acne on the face. Acne and acne pills: reviews

Acne on the face can be the result of many diseases. Before fixing a cosmetic problem, you need to find out its cause. The doctor will help you choose effective acne pills, which, in combination with other activities, will give an excellent result

Drops "Alkostop": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

Drops "Alkostop": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

As the instructions show, "Alkostop" is a dietary supplement, the action of which is aimed at eliminating alcoholism, as well as getting rid of a hangover. When used as a course, taking the supplement becomes costly, but the manufacturer promises that the result is worth it

"Umckalor": reviews. "Umckalor": treatment and prevention for children and adults

"Umckalor": reviews. "Umckalor": treatment and prevention for children and adults

Medication "Umckalor" is a natural-based anti-cold drug produced by a well-known German company. It is effectively and safely able to eliminate the symptoms of various colds and support the body with any ailments of this type

Ointments for back pain: which one is better?

Ointments for back pain: which one is better?

Back pain can affect anyone. In recent years, this disease has become much younger. And if earlier only elderly people suffered from sciatica or osteochondrosis, now back problems can arise already in youth. This is due not only to a sedentary lifestyle, but also to an abundance of stress, as well as malnutrition. In most cases, special ointments for back pain can help the sufferer

"Anaferon" for children: instructions for use, release forms, reviews

"Anaferon" for children: instructions for use, release forms, reviews

The body has a protective system that promotes the production of antibodies in response to the penetration of pathogenic microflora. In the first years of a child's life, the immune system is not yet fully developed, so the growing body is not always able to cope with the disease on its own. For such purposes, "Anaferon" for children is often used. We will consider the instructions and reviews about the drug below

Fenspiride hydrochloride: trade names, instructions for use

Fenspiride hydrochloride: trade names, instructions for use

Medications with the same active ingredient may have different trade names. Manufacturers of drugs and their cost also differ. Despite this, the same component has an identical effect on the human body in different medicines. This article will focus on such a compound as fenspiride hydrochloride

Grippol Plus vaccine for children: reviews, contraindications. Influenza shots

Grippol Plus vaccine for children: reviews, contraindications. Influenza shots

Various infectious diseases and epidemics are constantly breaking out in the world. Some of them are vaccinated, while others are not. Children are especially affected by these diseases

"Xanthinol nicotinate": instructions for use, analogues, composition, reviews

"Xanthinol nicotinate": instructions for use, analogues, composition, reviews

The drug "Xanthinol nicotinate" belongs to the group of vasodilators. It is used in medicine in the treatment of various vascular pathologies. The drug is available in the form of a solution intended for intravenous and intramuscular administration, and in the form of tablets. Glass ampoules with a solution contain 0.2 milliliters of the drug

Amino acids in the pharmacy as dietary supplements

Amino acids in the pharmacy as dietary supplements

Amino acids are the most important components of various body systems. They are catalysts and are necessary for the synthesis of proteins, they play a special role in reactions associated with the release of energy. Today, you can buy various amino acids at the pharmacy. These are substances that are vital for the body

"Altey" (syrup). Instructions for taking the drug and its medicinal properties

"Altey" (syrup). Instructions for taking the drug and its medicinal properties

Based on marshmallow roots, preparations are made for various respiratory and gastric diseases. With its help, chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma are cured. The plant has a positive effect in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer

"Indomethacin" (ointment): instructions for use, composition and properties of the drug

"Indomethacin" (ointment): instructions for use, composition and properties of the drug

One of the most popular drugs prescribed to eliminate pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system is the drug "Indomethacin"

Sinaflana ointment. Application and mechanisms of action

Sinaflana ointment. Application and mechanisms of action

The drug "Sinaflana ointment" perfectly fights inflammation on the skin, the use of this drug is common in the treatment of allergic skin diseases. This drug belongs to the group of topical glucocorticosteroids and is intended for external use only