One of the highly effective drugs for diseases of the respiratory system is the drug "Marshmallow" (syrup). The instruction contains all the basic rules for taking and dosing this drug.
Useful properties of the marshmallow plant
Marshmallow plants have been used in folk medicine since ancient times. Its roots have amazing healing properties. Based on them, preparations are made for various diseases of the respiratory system and gastric diseases. With the help of it, chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma are cured. The plant has a positive effect in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer. On the basis of the roots of marshmallow, the phytopreparation "Althea" (syrup) is made. The instructions include all the necessary information about this product.

It should be noted the rich chemical composition of the marshmallow root, it contains a huge amount of mucous substances. In addition, the composition includes starch, carotene, betaine, fatty oils, sugar and mineral s alts.
Preparation "Marshmallow" (syrup). Instructions forapplication
This medicine is available as a pale yellow syrup. In pharmacies, it is dispensed without a prescription, but you should still consult a doctor before using it. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and strong expectorant effect. Plant mucus, which is about 35 percent in the root of marshmallow, is able to cover the mucous membranes with a thin protective layer. This helps to reduce the inflammatory process and facilitates self-regeneration of tissues.

Althea Syrup is natural and effective. Reviews speak of its popularity and leadership among drugs used in the fight against respiratory diseases. The syrup is especially widespread in the treatment of colds in children. The drug "Althea" (syrup) has no contraindications, the instruction indicates only individual hypersensitivity to it, which is extremely rare. Today, in a pharmacy, you can purchase this remedy in combination with other medicinal herbs, such as thyme, calendula, oregano. Such an additional composition enhances the effect of the drug "Althea syrup". The method of application and dosage will be individual for each case, depending on the age and nature of the disease. For children under seven years old - take one teaspoon twice a day. From seven to fourteen - three times a day in the same amount. For adults, it is recommended to take 10 ml three times a day.

Folk recipes from the rootmarshmallow
Also, the plant is used to prepare decoctions and infusions at home. By pouring two or three teaspoons of dry marshmallow root with boiled water (one glass) and insisting for several hours, we get an excellent remedy that is used for lotions for inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, and even myositis. Prepare and tincture of marshmallow root on vodka. To do this, take 20 grams of raw materials (marshmallow root) and half a liter of vodka, mix and infuse in a dark place for ten days. Take fifteen drops before meals for pneumonia and bronchitis.