Bacteria are known to be the most common causative agents of inflammatory diseases and infections. To rid the body of them, various antibiotics are used. There are several groups of medicines, the action of which is directed against bacteria. One such agent is nalidixic acid. It is the active ingredient in many antibacterial drugs. One example is Nevigramon tablets. This drug belongs to quinolones, pharmacological group - antimicrobial agents. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to take tests to identify the pathogen and check its sensitivity to the drug.

Nalidicic acid - what is it?
Surely everyone is familiar with drugs containing nalidixic acid. This substance has been used in medicine for many years as an antimicrobial and antiparasitic agent. Nalidixic acid, as noted, belongs to the group of quinolones. Medical sources associate these substances with antibacterial drugs. Nalidixic acid is classified as a synthetic medicine, that is, created in the laboratory. She isIt is a light yellow powder that cannot be dissolved in water. The main scope of acid is medicine. It is part of some antibiotics.

Action of nalidixic acid
In order to know in which diseases to use nalidixic acid, it is necessary to study the mechanism of its action. The main effects of this drug are the suppression of bacterial growth and their destruction. The mechanism of its action is to stop the synthesis of DNA of microorganisms by polymerization. Nalidixic acid preparations act selectively against Gram(-) bacteria. They are effective against microorganisms of the genus Proteus, Escherichia coli. Therefore, suppress the inflammatory diseases that are caused by these bacteria.
The effect of the drug depends on its concentration in the body. In small doses, it has only a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it inhibits DNA replication. Large concentrations of the drug also affect the synthesis of protein and RNA. Therefore, long-term use or administration of tablets in large doses leads to a bactericidal effect. It should be remembered that Gram (+) microorganisms and anaerobes are insensitive to nalidixic acid. Therefore, before prescribing it, it is necessary to perform a bacteriological examination of biological material (urine, blood) and conduct an antibiogram.

Indications for the use of nalidixic acid
There are many inflammatory diseases in whichnalidixic acid is used. The instruction in the package with the drug indicates exactly which infections the active substance is directed to. However, it should be borne in mind that these diseases are not always caused by Gram (-) flora. Therefore, if the drug is ineffective, it must be replaced with another drug after 3 days. Acute inflammation of the kidneys is the main spectrum of diseases in which nalidixic acid is prescribed. The use of drugs containing this substance is common not only in nephrology, but also in other areas of medicine. The main indications are:
- Cystitis. Inflammation of the bladder is most often caused by Escherichia coli and Proteus, so drugs from the quinolone group are prescribed, which are highly effective against these microorganisms.
- Pyelonephritis. Inflammation of the renal tubules responds very well to treatment with nalidixic acid, especially in the acute phase.
- Diagnosis of infections of the urinary system. In this case, drugs are prescribed before urological manipulations and operations.
- Acute otitis media.
- Cholecystitis.
- Inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines (enterocolitis).
- Urethritis and prostatitis.
Also, nalidixic acid can be prescribed for other infections caused by Gram (-) microorganisms.

What drugs contain nalidixic acid?
There are many preparations containing nalidixic acid. All of them have the same effect andindications for use. In some cases, the dose of the main active substance differs. Different names and prices for these drugs depend on the country of manufacture and the company that produces the drug. The most famous representative is the drug Nevigramon. This drug has many analogues. Among them are medicines: "Negram", "Nalid", "Cistidine", "Vintomilon", "Urogram" and others. All of these drugs have a similar effect on the body.
Nalidic acid: instructions for use of the drug
Preparations containing nalidixic acid should be taken at a dosage of 500 mg 3-4 times a day. In most cases, this amount of active ingredient is contained in one tablet or capsule. For severe inflammation, you can take 1000 mg 4 times a day. In children, the dosage should be calculated (60 mg/kg body weight).

Contraindications and side effects
Like most antibacterial drugs, nalidixic acid is contraindicated in women in the first trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, these medicines should not be used by children under 2 years of age. Other contraindications include kidney and liver failure.
Side effects include disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, nausea, vomiting), dizziness, allergic reactions. Nalidixic acid should be used with caution in people suffering from neurological pathologies (Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, stroke).