Drugs from the group of neurometabolic stimulants can have a specific effect on brain performance. They are used to treat various neurological disorders and to improve mental capabilities. Hopantenic acid, a substance used for the production of some nootropics, has a neurotrophic and neuroprotective effect. Let us consider in more detail the mechanism of action and the most popular medicines based on it.
What is hopantenic acid?
Nootropic drugs in modern neurology are used quite often. Hopantenic acid may be present as the main active ingredient in preparations. Instructions for use informs that this substance is most often represented by a calcium s alt. A white powder, in the form of which this substance is synthesized, dissolves well in pure water. Medicinal medicines based on the component have a moderate sedative and stimulating effect.

Calcium s alt of hopantenic acid is rapidly absorbed in the gastric tract and excreted unchanged after 48 hours (mostly in the urine).
Nootropic drugs containing hopantenic acid have neurotrophic, neuroprotective and neurometabolic properties. The substance significantly improves the mental performance of the brain, reduces excitability and normalizes the level of aminobutyric acid. Against the background of therapy, physical and mental performance is significantly increased.
The substance also has an anticonvulsant effect, increases the ability of brain tissue to withstand toxic effects. The oxygen demand of the brain is also markedly reduced. According to the manufacturers, hopantenic acid has an analgesic effect. However, in the process of treatment, this property is weakly manifested.
Indications for appointment
Mental he alth is an integral part of normal human development and life. Medicines from the category of nootropics are designed to eliminate cognitive deficits. Although you can buy them without a doctor's prescription, it is not recommended to self-prescribe such drugs.

Nootropics based on calcium s alt have a very wide range of indications for use. These medicines can have a therapeutic effect if the patient has the following disorders:
- delayed physical (or speech) development;
- vaccination encephalitis;
- cerebrovascular insufficiency;
- Parkinson's disease;
- neuroleptic extrapyramidal syndrome;
- epilepsy;
- urinary incontinence disorderurination;
- Huntington's chorea (hereditary pathology of the nervous system);
- impaired concentration;
- psycho-emotional overload;
- cerebral organic failure (most common in patients with a history of schizophrenia);
- residual brain damage;
- severe traumatic brain injury;
- residual effects of neuroinfection;
- oligophrenia;
- subcortical hyperkinesis.
Is hopantenic acid used to treat children?
Instructions for use allows the appointment of drugs based on calcium s alt for the treatment of children. The main indications for the use of nootropics in pediatrics include attention deficit disorder, inhibition of speech development, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, clonic stuttering, perinatal encephalopathy.

Hopantenic acid for children can be used in the form of syrup or tablets. Many specialists and parents have already been convinced of the effectiveness of nootropics and their safety. Side effects during therapy with calcium s alt preparations and other nootropics develop extremely rarely. This makes it possible to prescribe medicines for the treatment of the smallest patients.
The effectiveness of calcium s alt preparations
Neurological abnormalities affect intelligence and development. To a greater extent, memory, the ability to concentrate, the ability to perceive information, quick wits,speech. If indicated, a specialist may recommend therapy with nootropic drugs. The most effective drugs are based on hopantenic acid.
Instructions and recommendations of a specialist should inform the patient about the correct use of a neurometabolic stimulant. Only by following all the prescriptions can a positive result be achieved in the treatment process. The ability of drugs to act on brain structures is successfully used to eliminate various neurological disorders. Positive dynamics is observed both in the treatment of adults and in pediatric practice.
Before you start treatment with the remedy, you should study the contraindications described in the instructions. Hopantenic acid is not used for treatment in the first trimester of pregnancy. The drug is not suitable for patients with severe kidney pathologies and in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components.
Preparations based on calcium s alt
Pharmaceutical companies offer several drugs based on hopantenic acid. All of them have a nootropic effect and almost the same indications for use. Such medicines are produced in liquid form (syrups) and tablets. The following preparations of hopantenic acid have a beneficial effect on intellectual abilities:
- "Calcium hopantenate".
- Pantogam.
- "Pantocalcin".
- Gopantam.
- Kognum.

Accept anyNootropics should be discussed with your doctor first. With long-term treatment with medicines based on calcium s alt, it is forbidden to take drugs with a similar mechanism of action. Hopantenic acid practically does not cause side effects, however, the dosing regimen must be strictly observed.
Nootropic Pantogam
One of the most popular means to improve brain function is Pantogam. For quite a long time, the nootropic has been used to eliminate neurological disorders in children of the younger age group. The therapeutic effect is provided by the active substance - calcium hopantenate (hopantenic acid). The instruction says that Pantogam is available in the form of syrup and tablets.

Tablets for oral use may contain 250 or 500 mg of the active ingredient. In this form, the drug is preferable to take adult patients and children older than three years. For babies from birth, experts prescribe medication in the form of a syrup.
Reviews about the drug
Many neurologists recommend taking this particular nootropic to normalize cognitive functions. Decrease in motor excitability, moderate sedative (sedative) effect, activation of anabolic processes, reduction of convulsive syndrome occurs due to the presence of calcium s alt (hopantenic acid) in the composition. The majority of patients' reviews confirm the improvement in well-being after undergoing special therapy.
The drug has been proven to significantly improvememory, mental abilities, increases vitality. The drug has earned positive recommendations mainly from parents whose children suffer from neurological disorders. Only in rare cases, the absence of the therapeutic effect declared by the manufacturer is recorded.
How to take hopantenic acid?
The dosage of the substance will depend on the age of the patient. For adults, it is recommended to take from 500 mg to 1 g of the drug (at a time). In this case, the daily dose should not exceed 3 g of the active substance. In pediatric practice, the dose of the drug is reduced to 250 mg at a time. The dosage regimen at its discretion can only be adjusted by the attending physician.

Duration of therapy is usually at least 2-3 months. In more severe cases, such as epilepsy, treatment should continue for at least six months. Hopantenic acid (in syrup and tablets) is taken half an hour after a meal. Tablets for children can be crushed and mixed with water.
Calcium s alt is a low-toxic substance, well tolerated by the body during treatment. However, side effects can still be observed. Basically, the negative effect manifests itself in the form of insomnia, skin allergic reactions, and the appearance of drowsiness.
Hopantenic acid: analogues
On pharmacy shelves you can see a wide selection of nootropic drugs that can replace hopantenic acid. All of them have the same therapeutic effect - they improve andstimulate the brain. The drugs of this group are really able to positively affect the rate of transmission of impulses to the central nervous system, enhance protein synthesis. It should be borne in mind that only a neuropathologist should select a remedy with such a therapeutic effect.

The progenitor of all neurometabolic stimulants is "Piracetam", which is based on the active ingredient of the same name. Currently, this tool is considered one of the most effective nootropics. The tool has its own indications and contraindications for use, which should be read beforehand.
Glycine shows a high therapeutic effect. The tool can regulate metabolic processes, improve mental abilities, relieve psycho-emotional overstrain. The active substance of the sedative drug - glycine - is an amino acid. The drug has an antioxidant and antitoxic effect. It is often prescribed to patients with various vegetovascular disorders. If necessary, "Glycine" can replace a drug based on hopantenic acid. Reviews of specialists and many patients indicate that one of the safest medicines of the nootropic group, which is often prescribed for the treatment of children of different age categories.