Which is better to choose birth control pills? Let's figure it out.
Most women claim that oral contraceptives are new and do not trust them. In fact, this was first talked about a hundred years ago, at the beginning of the 20th century. The first experiment on hormones was carried out by an Austrian doctor named Haberland. Thanks to his research, non-natural female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone were invented in the 1930s. And the American Pincus, in 1960, produced the first hormonal contraceptive pill, which they called Enovid.

High doses of hormones
The first such pills contained huge doses of hormones and were not reliable, so scientists continued to develop improved versions. As a result, hormonal dosages decreased, proportions improved, and the reliability of oral contraceptives increased. Nowadayshormonal contraception is considered the most reliable way to not get pregnant, its effectiveness has been proven, which reaches 99.9%.
In addition to conventional contraception, most drugs have therapeutic effects that allow you to restore hormonal balance. And therefore, some gynecologists advise them for diseases of the female genital organs, as well as for noticed metabolic disorders. Proper use of hormonal agents improves the appearance: eliminates acne and blackheads, copes with oily skin and hair. Choosing good birth control pills is not so difficult now.
Contraceptive drug groups
Despite the rich assortment of contraceptives available in the pharmacy, hormonal oral contraceptives take first place. But, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the side effects and contraindications to them, as well as the rules of admission and that they are forbidden to be taken for a long time. The choice of suitable oral contraceptives should only take place after a visit to the doctor and a diagnosis. All birth control pills fall into two categories: combined contraceptives (COCs) and mini pills.

Combined oral contraceptives contain substances such as: ethinylestradiol (an analogue of estrogen), progestogen. Also, COCs, depending on the various options for the content of hormones, are divided into: two-phase, three-phase and monophasic contraceptive pills. Which is better to take after childbirth, find outnext.
The key moment in the structure of the action of COCs is the blocking of ovulation, due to the inhibition of the occurrence of LH and FSH in the pituitary gland. Along with this, the activity of the ovaries is blocked. In addition, a “glandular regression” occurs in the uterus, which makes it impossible for a fertilized egg to attach. Changes also occur in the cervical canal, its mucus thickens, which contributes to the disruption of the movement of spermatozoa inward, into the uterus. Thus, COCs are divided into three types according to the quantitative content of active elements. Consider good birth control pills that every woman can get.
Microdosed oral contraceptives
The dose of hormones in these drugs is small, so they are indicated for young girls under the age of 25, they are also suitable for those who first thought about the need for contraceptives. Examples of drugs: "Klayra", "Zoeli" and other monophasic ones - "Logest", "Dimia", "Minisiston", "Jess", "Mersilon", "Lindinet", "Novinet". Are there any good birth control pills for young girls?
Low-dose oral contraceptives
Such tablets are indicated for both young and mature women. They are also prescribed by women who, when using microdose contraceptives, have spotting hemorrhages between menstruation. In addition, manufacturers' studies say that a group of low-dose agents has an antiandrogenic effect - hair growth stops in unwanted places, acne and oily skin are eliminated, and seborrhea decreases. To the list of contraceptivesincludes: Yarina, Regulon, Chloe, Diana, Trimerci, Silhouette, Janine, Femoden, Silest, Minisiston, Belara, Marvelon "," Demoulin. Good birth control pills don't end there.
High-dose oral contraceptives
The dose of hormones in these contraceptives is very high, so they are taken to treat gynecological diseases such as endometriosis, or to treat hormonal disorders. They are used solely as directed by a doctor.
Good non-hormonal birth control pills should be selected by a doctor.

Mini drank
About these drugs, we can say that it contains only progestogen. The device of his work lies in the local impact on the peripheral areas of the reproductive system. Mini-pills have an effect on the amount of cervical mucus and its content. Thus, in the middle of the cycle, the volume of this mucus decreases, but its viscosity remains high enough in each of the phases of the menstrual cycle, which delays the free movement of spermatozoa. Changes also appear in the biochemical and morphological structures of the endometrium, which cause unsuitable conditions for implantation. In almost all women, ovulation is frozen. Mini-pills include: Desogestrel (Charozetta, Lactinet), Linestrenol (Microlut, Orgametril, Exluton).
How to choose good birth control pills?
The question often arises which pills are better and more effective. FROMthese questions cannot be sorted out on your own, especially if you ask your friends or listen to the advice of a pharmacist. In order to find good contraceptive drugs, you need to visit a doctor. The doctor will collect an anamnesis, separately examine family diseases, identify existing or past diseases, because all this may be a contraindication to the use of a particular drug. After that, the gynecologist will conduct an examination during which he will evaluate:

- skin (petechiae, symptoms of hyperandrogenism, the presence of hypertrichosis, telangiectasia);
- measure blood pressure and weight;
- palpates the mammary glands
- test blood sugar, liver enzymes, blood clotting, hormones;
- study of ultrasound of organs in the pelvis and mammary glands;
- mammography;
- examination with smears.
In addition, the woman will need to see an ophthalmologist, because long-term use of oral contraceptives can increase the risk of developing glaucoma and other eye diseases. For the correct prescription of drugs that will be suitable for the patient, her constitutional biological type should be taken into account:
- growth;
- mammary glands;
- presence of pubic hair;
- skin condition;
- menstruation and premenstrual symptoms;
- disruption of the cycle or lack of menstruation;
- chronic diseases.
There are 3 types.
These are women of medium or short stature, very feminine in appearance. They have dry hair and skin, long periods with a lot of blood loss, a cycle of more than 4 weeks. Women with this phenotype are usually suitable for high- or medium-dose oral contraceptives. For example: "Milvane", "Trisiston", "Rigevidon".
Balanced type
Women of average height, feminine, mammary glands of medium size and fairly developed, skin and hair of normal oiliness, no premenstrual symptoms, menstruation lasts 5 days every 4 weeks. Second-generation products are more suitable for such women: Silest, Lindenet-30, Marvelon, Femoden.

Androgen predominance
These types of women are tall, their appearance is more like a man's, underdeveloped mammary glands, oily skin and hair, discomfort and frustration on the eve of menstruation with pain in the abdomen and in the lumbar region. Menstruation is not heavy, lasts less than 5 days, short cycle. In this case, the doctor prescribes hormonal tablets with an antiandrogenic component: Yarina, Janine, Jess, Diane-35.
Now let's look at good non-hormonal birth control pills.
Non-hormonal drugs
Today, women of reproductive age are increasingly using chemical protection against pregnancy, provided by non-hormonal drugs. They are not tablets as such. They need to be taken not inside, like traditionalhormonal contraceptives, and injected directly into the vagina. Examples:
- "Pharmatex" is one of the most popular due to its low cost, which is combined with high efficiency. Effective within 10 minutes after ingestion, does not lose its properties for several hours.
- "Ginotex" are tablets that have an annular shape. Introduced inside no later than 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. The tablet works for 4 hours.
- "Erotex" - are non-hormonal birth control candles, active after 10 minutes, work 3 hours.
- "Kontratex" - the principle is the same, active for 4 hours.
The best pills for women under 35
Before you buy any drug, you need to consult your doctor. Because when choosing contraceptives, you need to pay attention to the smallest nuances, for example, the age of a woman, the frequency of sexual intercourse and the number of partners, the general condition of the body. The best oral contraceptives that do not have side effects and are suitable for nulliparous young women are microdosed contraceptives, which have a minimal amount of hormones. These are drugs: Logest, Movinet, Yarina, Jess, Mercilon.
If drugs with small doses of hormones do not help, then it is necessary to use low-dose drugs: Belara, Regulon, Janine, Silest, Microgynon, Femoden. All of them are suitable for young women under 35.
What are the best birth control pillstaken by adult women?
Drugs for women after 35
Women who are of late reproductive age, sexually active and have given birth before, are recommended medium-dose oral contraceptives. They are able to give good protection and maintain a normal menstrual cycle. Some of the best contraceptives without side effects for women over 35 years old are: Triziston, Triquilar, Chloe, Femulen, Marvelon, Tri-Regol.
Good birth control pills for those who have given birth with a high content of hormones can only be taken for treatment and only as directed by a doctor. Also, such funds can be used in cases where medium-dose drugs do not cope with their task. Medicines with a high content of hormones are suitable for women who have several children and are in the late reproductive period.

Reviews of good birth control pills are at the end of the article.
How to correctly use hormonal oral contraceptives?
Typically, blister packs of birth control pills contain 21 pills. There are only a few exceptions, for example - "Jess", because this is a new generation of funds, they contain 24 tablets, and their doctors often prescribe them to young girls. And for women after 35 years, the gynecologist may advise the drug "Klayra" (also a new generation), which contains 28 tablets. How to use contraceptives correctly? You need to take pills every dayit is important to do this at the same time, the beginning of the application is the first menstrual day. In order not to forget to take another pill, it is best to put them in the place where a woman most often looks (on the kitchen table, in a cosmetic bag, in the bathroom, along with a fridge magnet).
Every day at the same hour you need to drink one tablet until the blister is over. After it is supposed to make a suspension for a week. Period-like bleeding will begin during the break.
After the end of 7 days, start taking oral contraceptives again, and it does not matter if the period has ended or not. If vomiting occurs, another tablet must be taken. If suddenly there was a missed pill, then you need to take it as soon as possible. And in these cases, it is necessary to protect yourself additionally during the day.
If the drugs have not been used before, it is necessary to protect yourself additionally during the first two weeks. Bleeding between periods is not considered a reason to stop taking the drug. Usually, such bleeding is observed in the first few months and speaks of the body's adjustment to hormones that are synthesized in the ovaries. What is better to choose birth control pills after 35 years, the doctor should tell.
Acceptance of combined hormonal agents after surgical termination of pregnancy should be started on the day of its occurrence or a month later, during the first menstruation.
The contraceptive effect of contraceptives may be reduced with simultaneoususe with other drugs. So before you start treating any disease, talk to your doctor about taking contraceptives and carefully read the instructions for using the drugs that you have prescribed. If these are drugs that reduce the effect of contraceptives, additionally use other methods of protection.
The best postpartum birth control pills are mini pills.
Standard blisters contain 28 tablets. They need to be drunk without interruptions in 7 days. Mini pills are suitable for women who are breastfeeding. If a woman prefers artificial feeding, then low-dose COCs are suitable for her. The best birth control pills are Regulon, Minisiston, Belara. You need to know that the contraceptive effect will begin to work only after two weeks of taking the contraceptive.

Reviews of good birth control pills
Pill reviews are mostly positive.
Everyone is concerned about the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking birth control. Of course, this situation is not an exception here, but still the probability is very small. Unwanted pregnancy occurs if the rules for taking contraceptives have been violated. Also, people in the comments write that it is necessary to take into account the possible occurrence of vomiting in case of various poisonings or simultaneous use with drugs that can reduce the contraceptive effect. And if pregnancy during the receptionbirth control pills happened, and she is desired, then there is no indication for its termination. Just need to stop taking birth control pills.