"Lugol" with pharyngitis: treatment and reviews of the drug

"Lugol" with pharyngitis: treatment and reviews of the drug
"Lugol" with pharyngitis: treatment and reviews of the drug

Pharyngitis is a fairly common disease, which is characterized by an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the back wall of the larynx. Very often, this disease is accompanied by tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Pharyngitis can go from acute to chronic, and then treatment with powerful antibiotics will be required. "Lugol" with pharyngitis has an antiseptic effect and helps to ensure that the disease does not become chronic. The article describes the principles of using the drug, as well as provides information on the symptoms and causes of pharyngitis.

Causes of pharyngitis

In traditional medicine, it is generally accepted that the cause of pharyngitis is the pathogenic activity of viruses and bacteria. If the patient's immunity is not able to withstand their onslaught, but the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynxis an excellent breeding ground for this kind of microorganisms.

Viral pharyngitis is a very common disease, its frequency is about 70% of all inflammatory processes in the pharyngeal mucosa. What microorganisms usually cause the development of pharyngitis? These are parainfluenza virus, coronoviruses, adenovirus, rhinovirus. Pharyngitis of a bacterial nature is usually triggered by pathogenic activity and excessive reproduction of streptococci on the mucous membrane of the back wall of the larynx. Otorhinolaryngologists also distinguish between fungal pharyngitis, which develops due to the inability of the body to resist the reproduction of pathogenic fungi.

Local immunity can be reduced by prolonged use of antibiotics or other medications with a pronounced toxic effect on the body, or by prolonged overwork, chronic stress, and the presence of bad habits. Heavy smokers in general very often suffer from chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitis, since local immunity is almost completely suppressed by the regular intake of toxic cigarette smoke into the nasopharynx.

A relatively rarer cause of acute or chronic pharyngitis is surgery or trauma. In some cases, pharyngitis may develop due to exposure to the back wall of the larynx of alkali, steam, hot liquid.

The risk of developing both acute and chronic pharyngitis increases in women during premenstrual syndrome. Almost all of the fair sex these days, immunity is somewhat reduced, which makes the bodyan easily accessible target for pharyngitis and other inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

Rhinitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis often go hand in hand with pharyngitis and tonsillitis. Viruses can migrate along the wall of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, so in many patients the otorhinolaryngologist immediately diagnoses a "bouquet" of diseases of the nasopharyngeal cavity.

how to treat pharyngitis
how to treat pharyngitis

Symptoms specific to pharyngitis

How can a patient understand that he has pharyngitis, and not, for example, tonsillitis? An exact answer can only be given by an otorhinolaryngologist after a diagnosis and examination. Acute pharyngitis is usually accompanied by a number of other diagnoses. Chronic pharyngitis can occur in isolation, that is, not accompanied by tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.

Symptoms characteristic of pharyngitis (both acute and chronic):

  • feeling of rawness and discomfort in the larynx;
  • stabbing pain when swallowing;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the mucous membrane of the pharynx;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes of the pharynx;
  • even swallowing saliva causes pain;
  • irradiation of pain in the ears;
  • body temperature rises to subfebrile, but rarely higher.

In children and persons with reduced local and general immunity, the inflammatory process in pharyngitis almost always extends to the nasopharynx and nasal mucosa. Therefore, diseases associated with pharyngitis develop - sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, etc.

pharyngitis symptoms
pharyngitis symptoms

Classification of pharyngitis in medicine

Otorhinolaryngology distinguishes the following types of the disease:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • catarrhal, atrophic.

According to the nature of the course of the disease, pharyngitis can be acute or chronic. Acute pharyngitis is characterized by a diffuse course, it covers not only the back wall of the pharyngeal mucosa, but also neighboring areas.

Chronic pharyngitis can take months to develop and is more localized. In the pharyngeal mucosa, the inflammatory process affects the upper, middle or lower sections. The classification of certain types of chronic pharyngitis, depending on the localization, is always made with a degree of convention, since the treatment and its duration will be approximately the same regardless of the process.

"Lugol": composition and form of release of the drug

To date, "Lugol" has only one form of release - a solution for local external use. The area of action is the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, pharynx and nose, as well as the skin. Previously, the drug was produced in the form of a spray, but now the release has been suspended. If at the pharmacy the patient is offered to purchase "Lugol" in the form of a spray, then the expiration date should be checked. This is most likely a product from past shipments.

Of course, the drug in the form of a spray is more convenient to apply to the mucous membranes of the larynx, but with this method of application, there is no accuracy in getting the drug to the desired area. And the solution has to be applied to a cotton pad, then apply it toaffected areas of the mucosa. In fact, there are no differences between the solution and the spray, except for the different method of application. Lugol's solution is packaged in dark glass bottles of 20 ml, 30 ml, 50 ml and 60 ml.

The main active ingredient of the drug is iodine. It is quite soluble so as not to cause burns of the mucous membrane. It is due to iodine in the composition of "Lugol" with pharyngitis and other inflammatory processes in the larynx that brings relief to the patient. In second place in terms of effectiveness in the composition of the drug is glycerin. This component provides a mild effect of iodine, reduces the risk of side effects. also contains: potassium iodide, water.

does lugol help with pharyngitis
does lugol help with pharyngitis

Indications for the use of "Lugol"

Many patients use Lugol for pharyngitis. Instructions for use reports that the drug is very effective in other inflammatory processes:

  • tonsillitis, laryngitis, chronic and acute tonsillitis;
  • atrophic and chronic rhinitis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • ulcers of knots in varicose veins;
  • wounds on the skin ("Lugol" accelerates their healing);
  • purulent otitis media;
  • burns, in which the inflammatory process in the tissues began;
  • infectious and inflammatory skin lesions, such as erysipelas, boils, purulent cuts, scratches, etc.;
  • 1st and 2nd degree thermal burns;
  • myalgia of various etiologies.

But still most often appoint "Lugol"with pharyngitis. Reviews of otorhinolaryngologists about the drug report that this is one of the cheapest and most effective means. Already on the second or third day, the symptoms almost completely disappear. Is it possible to combine "Lugol" with pharyngitis with other antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs? Yes, such a complex treatment will help get rid of even neglected chronic pharyngitis.

Lugol's solution
Lugol's solution

Contraindications and possible side effects

Iodine is a mineral that has a rather strong effect on the human body, and not always positive. "Lugol" is a solution of iodine. Therefore, when using "Lugol" with pharyngitis, complications can be obtained. In particular, the liver and kidneys may not respond well to the relatively small doses of iodine that are absorbed into the bloodstream when the affected area is rubbed with iodine solution.

"Lugol" should be used with caution in persons with decompensated pathologies of the liver and kidneys, thyrotoxicosis, dermatitis herpetiformis. The use of "Lugol" during pregnancy is also prohibited. During breastfeeding, the use of the drug is possible after consulting a doctor.

"Lugol" with pharyngitis can be used only if there are no obvious contraindications. In some cases, even the use of a relatively harmless iodine solution can aggravate the condition of people with chronic liver and kidney pathologies.

Possible side effectsactions

"Lugol" is usually well tolerated and does not cause side effects. The exception is intolerance to iodine and glycerin. If the patient is allergic to these components of the solution, then the use of Lugol can provoke side effects such as swelling of the larynx, increased pain, severe itching on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and larynx.

An overdose of the drug is accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • Upper respiratory tract irritation (laryngospasm, bronchospasm, mucosal burns).
  • If the drug is ingested, there is a high probability of irritation of the stomach and intestines, destruction of red blood cells, hemoglobin in the urine.

Special instructions for use

Most patients use only Lugol in therapy. Treatment of pharyngitis involves an integrated approach - as a rule, the use of iodine solution alone gives only temporary relief, and after a while the symptoms return. In order to competently combine "Lugol" with other medications, you should familiarize yourself with the features of their interaction.

When using Lugol externally, part of the iodine is absorbed and enters the bloodstream. This should be taken into account by patients with pathologies of the thyroid gland. If a person takes drugs ("Thyroxin", "Eutiroks", etc.), the purpose of which is to regulate the production of thyroid hormones, then it is better for him to stop using Lugol.

For chronic pharyngitis and tonsillitisantibiotic drugs are often prescribed. They, while using Lugol, increase the toxic load on the liver and kidneys.

how to treat pharyngitis
how to treat pharyngitis

Using "Lugol" for pharyngitis

The tool has repeatedly proven its effectiveness in combating the symptoms of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. "Lugol" with granulosa pharyngitis should be applied to the affected area of the throat with a cotton pad, abundantly moistened with the drug. Granular pharyngitis differs from other courses of the disease in that, due to inflammation, rather painful lumps form on the mucosa. We must try to treat them with the drug as abundantly as possible.

With atrophic pharyngitis, "Lugol" should be used in complex therapy. An experienced otorhinolaryngologist usually draws up a course of treatment, which consists not only of topical agents, but also of immunomodulatory drugs. In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are also required.

"Lugol" with pharyngitis in children should be used with caution, since the mucous membrane of a child's throat is very sensitive and can give an unpredictable reaction to the drug. Parents should not self-medicate. The child should be shown to a specialist. As a rule, otorhinolaryngologists prescribe "Lugol" for the treatment of a child's throat in a diluted form. The drug can be diluted with both saline and distilled water. Otherwise, the application algorithm is the same as for adults: moisten a cotton pad with plenty of water.disk in solution and treat the laryngeal mucosa by swallowing part of the drug - so it gets on the area of the mucosa, which is difficult to reach with your hand.

lugol for children from pharyngitis
lugol for children from pharyngitis

"Lugol" with pharyngitis: patient reviews

Judging by the numerous reviews, the drug has long won the trust of consumers. Its simple composition and low cost (only about 50 rubles per 30 ml bottle) make the medicine a leader among competitors with a higher cost. One of the most popular medications used for pharyngitis is Lugol spray.

Reviews about him say that spraying the spray deep into the throat is very convenient, and you do not have to waste time blotting a cotton pad and processing the larynx. However, the spray has a significant disadvantage: irrigation occurs randomly. For example, with granulosa pharyngitis, this is not only not useful, but also pointless: after all, the most precise, targeted application is required.

treatment of pharyngitis with lugol
treatment of pharyngitis with lugol

Reviews about Lugol's solution of patients with pharyngitis are mostly positive. Many people do not like the method of applying the solution: it requires patience. It is not enough just to apply the solution on a cotton pad and wipe the mucosa with it. We must also try to make sure that more of the solution gets directly to the area of maximum inflammation.

Reviews of patients with pharyngitis report that the pain recedes after the first application. After two to three days of therapy, patients are sure that the pharyngitis has receded. But do not rejoice too early andstop processing the mucous! This may lead to a relapse. Otorhinolaryngologists usually prescribe treatment for seven to ten days. Moreover, in parallel with the use of Lugol, other medicinal anti-inflammatory drugs should be used.
