Drugs 2024, October

"Dimexide" (gel): indications for use, instructions, analogues, reviews

"Dimexide" (gel): indications for use, instructions, analogues, reviews

Transdermal drug administration is considered an effective and safe way to treat patients. It is in this way that a unique organic solvent, dimethyl sulfoxide, is introduced, which perfectly penetrates through the epithelial cells into the body. It also enhances the transport of a variety of active ingredients through the skin and enhances their effectiveness

Pills for pressure in diabetes: a list of drugs, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Pills for pressure in diabetes: a list of drugs, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Hypertension is an increase in blood pressure, in which medical manipulations will bring the patient much more benefit than unwanted side effects. Blood pressure readings of 140/90 or more should be treated as hypertension greatly increases the risk of blindness, kidney failure, stroke, and heart attack

List of broad spectrum antibiotics

List of broad spectrum antibiotics

The list of broad spectrum antibiotics is very long and varied. These drugs are active against a large number of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and can have either a bactericidal effect, which causes the death of microorganisms, or a bacteriostatic effect, as a result of which their reproduction stops

Broad-spectrum antimicrobials. Antimicrobials in gynecology

Broad-spectrum antimicrobials. Antimicrobials in gynecology

Bacteria, microbes and fungi can mercilessly attack our body. To combat them, antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal drugs are used. These funds are able to block the spread of disease-causing agents or have a detrimental effect on them

Rubella vaccine: name of drugs, composition. Rules for vaccination against rubella

Rubella vaccine: name of drugs, composition. Rules for vaccination against rubella

The danger of rubella is that it has a teratogenic effect. That is, if a woman falls ill during pregnancy, it causes various pathologies of intrauterine development and deformity of the fetus. The rubella vaccine can help prevent this problem. For prevention, girls aged 13-15 are vaccinated, which contributes to the development of resistance to infection over the next 10 years

Vaseline oil: application, reviews

Vaseline oil: application, reviews

Vaseline oil is often sold in pharmacies, the use of which is not known to everyone. It is a colorless oily liquid that is odorless and has a pronounced taste. This tool is also called liquid paraffin

The best heart pills: list, comparison and reviews

The best heart pills: list, comparison and reviews

In no case should you choose all of the above funds on your own, since this can negatively affect the activity of the heart and lead to very dangerous conditions, even death. When symptoms of a cardiovascular disease appear, it is necessary to undergo certain diagnostic procedures, after which the specialist will prescribe those drugs that are suitable for a particular patient with his pathology

"Muk altin": indications for use, instructions, composition, reviews

"Muk altin": indications for use, instructions, composition, reviews

In the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by a cough with poorly separated sputum, expectorants called secretolytics are often prescribed. One of these means is "Muk altin", indications for the use of which are pathologies in the lungs and bronchi of varying severity

Device "Ereton": negative and positive reviews

Device "Ereton": negative and positive reviews

Thanks to the creation of modern devices, even rectal massage (which is rightfully considered the main help for such a disease) can really be done at home and without outside help. Moreover, the result will not be long in coming, at least those who used the Ereton apparatus say so. Reviews negative and positive today can be found about him, but where is the truth, we will try to find out now

Multivitamins. Instructions for use "Combilipen"

Multivitamins. Instructions for use "Combilipen"

Drug "Kombilipen" - a multivitamin remedy of the combined type. Therapeutic efficacy is due to the properties of the components present in the composition. Instructions for use "Combilipen" contains information on the use of the drug in the complex therapy of a number of neurological pathologies

"Kombilipen": application, instructions, analogues

"Kombilipen": application, instructions, analogues

With a deficiency of vitamins of group B, the body works "for wear and tear": the nervous system suffers, the functionality of the digestive system decreases, a person suffers from problems with the condition of the skin and hair. If there is a risk of vitamin B deficiency, you should choose a quality drug to eliminate it as soon as possible. Instructions for use and reviews of Kombilipen injections indicate that this drug allows you to get rid of the main symptoms of vitamin deficiency in a short time

Analogue "Livarola" is cheaper

Analogue "Livarola" is cheaper

Many doctors prescribe quite expensive drugs to their patients. Unfortunately, today, in a world of unstable economy, prices change almost every day, and ordinary people's salaries are barely enough to live on. Getting sick is expensive

The use of the drug "Zovirax" during pregnancy: doctor's recommendations

The use of the drug "Zovirax" during pregnancy: doctor's recommendations

During the period of formation and growth of the fetus in the womb, it is contraindicated to use many drugs. However, in some cases, circumstances are such that there is a need for treatment. In this article we will talk about a medicine called "Zovirax"

Drug "Normodipin": analogues and reviews

Drug "Normodipin": analogues and reviews

With arterial hypertension, Normodipin tablets will become a real helper. As prescribed by the doctor, you can also use cheaper analogues

The most effective way to lose weight, or how to lose weight without dieting

The most effective way to lose weight, or how to lose weight without dieting

In order to lose a few pounds of excess weight, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with daily exercises in the gym. After all, you can achieve an ideal body with the help of pharmaceutical developments

Cough pills: a list of drugs and reviews about them

Cough pills: a list of drugs and reviews about them

The article will help the reader to understand the types of cough and the variety of drugs for its treatment, as well as to choose an effective medicine in accordance with the symptoms

"Pair Plus": instructions for use and reviews

"Pair Plus": instructions for use and reviews

Lice were very common at the beginning of the last century. This was due to the living conditions of that period: revolution, famine, war and stress. Currently, people's lives are more comfortable than before, but the spread of lice in children is still gaining momentum. To combat these parasites, many products are produced, for example, one of them is "Pair Plus"

"Antiangin" (spray): instructions for use, reviews

"Antiangin" (spray): instructions for use, reviews

Colds are often accompanied by an unpleasant sensation in the larynx. It can be irritation, itching or pain. It is worth saying that these symptoms can greatly spoil the rhythm of a person's life. That is why they need to be felt and stopped in a timely manner. One of the drugs that help in this case is Antiangin (spray)

Pastilles "Doctor Mom": instructions for use, reviews. Is it possible for children?

Pastilles "Doctor Mom": instructions for use, reviews. Is it possible for children?

Almost every case of a cold or infectious inflammation of the respiratory organs is accompanied by the appearance of discomfort in the throat. The main symptom of damage to the respiratory system is coughing. Experts distinguish between two types of cough. It can be dry or, on the contrary, wet and productive. To eliminate the symptoms of inflammation, the patient should consult a specialist to determine the cause of the disease and the subsequent prescription of drug therapy

Inhaler CN-233: description, features, reviews

Inhaler CN-233: description, features, reviews

Do you often get sick? Are there children in the house? Is your body prone to viral or chronic respiratory diseases? If so, then the CN-233 inhaler will be a lifesaver for any exacerbations

Liquid coal (complex with pectin): reviews, instructions, analogues

Liquid coal (complex with pectin): reviews, instructions, analogues

Problems with the work of the intestines, intoxication, violations of the digestive processes - almost every person faces similar situations, regardless of age and gender. Of course, modern medicine offers a lot of remedies to eliminate such symptoms. And quite a promising novelty in the pharmaceutical market is the drug "Liquid Coal" (complex with pectin). So what is the tool and in what cases is it appropriate to use it?

Antibiotics for skin infections: a list of effective drugs, reviews, photos

Antibiotics for skin infections: a list of effective drugs, reviews, photos

Quite often, dermatological diseases cause severe discomfort to the patient, as they manifest themselves externally. Doctors prescribe antibiotics for skin infections along with topical antibiotics

Eleutherococcus: reviews, instructions for use and indications

Eleutherococcus: reviews, instructions for use and indications

This pharmacological product is considered a biological food supplement. For its manufacture, the roots and rhizomes of the Eleutherococcus plant are used, which contain a special kind of glycosides - eleutherosides. The medicinal product enhances the body's nonspecific resistance to negative environmental influences, positively affects adaptive resources

Calcium antagonists: list of drugs, mechanism of action

Calcium antagonists: list of drugs, mechanism of action

Calcium channel blockers are effective drugs with a wide range of pharmacological actions. The list of calcium antagonists contains more than twenty substances, each of which affects the body of an individual in a different way. They have been used in practical medicine for a long time

Hellebore (tincture): instructions, reviews. Hellebore tincture: use in veterinary medicine

Hellebore (tincture): instructions, reviews. Hellebore tincture: use in veterinary medicine

Don't think that all herbs are so safe. There are also poisonous ones among them, which can only be used externally or in strict dosage and under the supervision of a doctor. One of these plants is hellebore. The tincture of this herb is sold in pharmacies, but most often it is used in veterinary practice

Cure for alcoholism: price, reviews, effectiveness, description

Cure for alcoholism: price, reviews, effectiveness, description

Alcoholism is a serious problem that not everyone can cope with. You should know what drugs will help overcome cravings for alcoholic beverages. They should only be taken with the advice of a doctor

Sodium humate - growth stimulator

Sodium humate - growth stimulator

The use of sodium humate has a beneficial effect on all stages of plant growth: from soaking seeds to treating an adult from fungal and viral diseases

An ointment that draws out pus. Ointment for drawing out pus and healing wounds

An ointment that draws out pus. Ointment for drawing out pus and healing wounds

Which ointments are considered the most effective? How does it work and when can ichthyol ointment be used? How does it work and when can Vishnevsky's ointment be used?

What is treated with Shostakovsky's balm. Application, composition of Shostakovsky's balm

What is treated with Shostakovsky's balm. Application, composition of Shostakovsky's balm

Shostakovsky's balm is an antiseptic medicine. With its help, wound surfaces, ulcerative lesions of the skin and mucous membranes are treated. In medicine, it is also called "vinylin"

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Oxolinic ointment during pregnancy: instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Expectant mothers need to carefully monitor their own he alth. Most medications are prohibited during pregnancy. The ideal way out of such a difficult situation could be the prevention of the disease. You can strengthen the immune system and prevent possible infection with the help of oxolin ointment, which has an antiviral effect

Comb "Anti": customer reviews. How much does an anti-lice comb "Antiv" cost and where can I buy it?

Comb "Anti": customer reviews. How much does an anti-lice comb "Antiv" cost and where can I buy it?

It's no secret that today such a delicate problem as lice can appear in everyone: even a "weekday" trip in public transport can cause it to arise. In this regard, information about the most effective methods of combating pediculosis is always relevant

Medications for the treatment of prostatitis in men. Medical treatment of prostatitis

Medications for the treatment of prostatitis in men. Medical treatment of prostatitis

Prostatitis and its treatment is one of the most painful topics for men who suffer from this disease. Treatment of prostatitis, according to experts, is a process consisting of many completely different procedures: physiotherapy, medication, massage

How to give activated charcoal to children? Instruction

How to give activated charcoal to children? Instruction

In the first-aid kit of any family, there will certainly be activated charcoal. It is also prescribed for children, and the list of recommended conditions includes more than twenty items. The popularity of the drug is due to its unique ability to absorb and gently remove toxins, pathogens, heavy metal s alts and gases from the body

Sodium acetate trihydrate: instructions for use

Sodium acetate trihydrate: instructions for use

Sodium acetate trihydrate is a regulator of water-electrolyte and acid-base balance. Plays an important role in the body. The substance is responsible for the replacement of sodium s alts and acetate ions. According to the instructions for use, it is known that the drug is used intravenously, under the control of laboratory parameters

Analogue "Pantovigara" cheap: reviews

Analogue "Pantovigara" cheap: reviews

Analogue of "Pantovigar", cheap and effective, will help restore the function of the hair follicle. Its action is practically not inferior to the well-known vitamin complex "Pantovigar"

The best ointment for nipples when breastfeeding

The best ointment for nipples when breastfeeding

It is not uncommon for a young mother to be unable to cope with pain and discomfort during feeding. This process becomes so painful that the woman simply stops feeding. However, there are many ways to manage fissures, minimize pain, and make breastfeeding fun for both mom and baby

What are intimate lubricants, what are they for

What are intimate lubricants, what are they for

Intimate lubricants are special products used during sex and designed to additionally moisturize the genitals. They can also be found under the name "lubricants". These funds have different purposes and will help make lovemaking more vivid and passionate, and if there are unpleasant sensations during intimacy, they will get rid of them and allow you to enjoy

Preparation "Quickgel": analogues and features of the application

Preparation "Quickgel": analogues and features of the application

Of the large number of drugs for the treatment of articular pathologies, "Bystrumgel" is most often used. Its analogues may be cheaper or more expensive, but the effect is almost the same

Thrombolytic drugs: a review of manufacturers, features of use, reviews

Thrombolytic drugs: a review of manufacturers, features of use, reviews

Various chemical reactions are constantly taking place in the body. Blood is a specific liquid, which is characterized by certain processes: thrombus formation and liquefaction of clots that have appeared. When the body's reserves are running out, thrombolytic drugs come to the rescue

Hemostatic drugs: list, names and methods of application

Hemostatic drugs: list, names and methods of application

The ability of blood to clot prevents blood loss. This process functions due to the balance of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems. However, in some situations, the individual's body can not cope and hemostatic drugs come to the rescue, i.e. hemostatic agents