Drug "Prostudox": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Prostudox": instructions for use, analogues, reviews
Drug "Prostudox": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

As a rule, a cold catches up at the most unexpected and inopportune moment. Most people with an incredibly fast pace of life simply have no time to get sick. That is why, when the first signs of a cold appear, it is very important to prevent the further development of the disease and alleviate the manifestation of existing symptoms.

Currently, there are a huge number of drugs, the action of which is aimed at combating colds. They not only differ in composition, but also belong to different price categories. One of these drugs is the combined medicinal pharmacological agent "Prostudox", which will help in the shortest possible time to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of colds and flu.

More about the drug "Prostudox". What helps

colds reviews
colds reviews

"Prostudox" is a combined drug that has antipyretic, analgesic, vasoconstrictive effects and eliminates the symptoms of a cold. The components that make up the drug contribute to the narrowing of the vessels of the nasalcavity, elimination of swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The medicine allows you to fill the deficiency of vitamin C in the human body, helps to get rid of the symptoms of colds and flu in the shortest possible time. "Cold" helps to eliminate the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache of various localization;
  • chill;
  • nasal congestion;
  • pain in the throat and sinuses.

With timely treatment, the above symptoms can be eliminated in a few days.


coldox instructions for use
coldox instructions for use

Cold can be de alt with very quickly thanks to the drug "Prostudox". Instructions for use, which can be found in the package, contains all the comprehensive information about the composition of the drug. The action of "Prostudox" is due to the components that make up the drug. One package contains:

  • 750 milligrams of paracetamol (the main active ingredient);
  • 10 milligrams phenylephrine hydrochloride;
  • 60 milligrams of ascorbic acid.

Auxiliary substances that catalyze the action of the drug are citric acid, sodium saccharinate. To improve the taste of "Prostudox", sugar and currant flavor are included in the composition.

Medication "Prostudox". Instructions for use

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colds analogues

The course of treatment with this drug is notmust exceed five days.

Adults should take one packet of powder every four to six hours. However, the maximum number of servings of "Prostudox" drunk should not exceed four sachets.

Children over 14 should take the drug one sachet. The interval between doses should not be less than six hours. During the day, the child is allowed to take no more than three sachets of the drug.

It is important to understand that, despite the fact that the instructions for use contain all the necessary information in the Prostudox package, only a qualified specialist can determine the exact dosage and duration of the course of treatment. Self-medication is strictly prohibited even in the case of a common cold.

An overdose of paracetamol, which is part of the drug and is one of the main components of the drug, is possible. After using 15-20 sachets, an overdose condition occurs, which is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • nauseous;
  • vomit;
  • pale skin;
  • hepatonecrosis;
  • appetite loss.

In case of an overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor, but it is better to call an ambulance. In case of untimely treatment, a manifestation of the clinical picture of liver damage is possible, which appears a few days after the use of an excessive dose of the drug.

The shelf life of "Prostudox" is three years. After three years, use the medicineis strictly prohibited.

Storage conditions are also prescribed in the instructions for use in the Prostudox package. The powder must be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees in a place protected from children and from direct sunlight.

How to use

The method of using "Prostudox" is no different from taking similar drugs. The contents of one sachet must be filled with hot water. Then you need to stir the drug in the liquid. It is allowed to add honey, sugar or lemon, depending on taste preferences, to improve the taste of the drug.

If the symptoms of a cold do not disappear after five days or, on the contrary, their manifestation has intensified, you should immediately contact a medical institution to prevent the development of complications.


coldox instruction
coldox instruction

It is worth reading the instructions carefully before taking Prostudox. Instructions for use can be found in the packaging of the drug. It is worth excluding all the contraindications prescribed in it, which include:

  • high sensitivity to one or more components that make up the drug, the presence of allergic reactions to them;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • heart disease, among which it is worth highlighting aortic stenosis, heart attack, tachyarrhythmia;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hyperplasiaprostate;
  • glaucoma;
  • pheochromocytoma.

It is forbidden to take the drug by persons whose age is less than 14 years. In addition, contraindications include the simultaneous use of other drugs, which include paracetamol. You should not take "Prostudox" immediately after the end of the course of taking inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants. The drug is allowed after 14 days and strictly after consultation with your doctor.

With caution, the use of "Prostudox" should be approached by persons who have one or more of the following diseases:

  • kidney failure;
  • chronic lung disease;
  • blood diseases.

Elderly and elderly people should also be very careful when using this drug, and again, strictly after consulting a specialist.

Possible side effects

The occurrence of side effects after the use of the drug is possible, but extremely rare. Side effects of using this medicine include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • changes in patient blood lab tests;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • appearance of allergic reactions;
  • appearance of rashes on the skin;
  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • difficulty urinating, urinary retention;
  • headpain.

If one of the above symptoms appears after using Prostudox, you should immediately contact a medical institution to consult your doctor.

Can I use Prostudox during pregnancy

coldox instructions for use reviews
coldox instructions for use reviews

It is strongly not recommended to use "Prostudox" during pregnancy. It is forbidden to use the drug during breastfeeding. To eliminate the symptoms of a cold, women who are carrying a child should give preference to other medicines that will be prescribed by a qualified specialist.


Like any drug, "Prostudox" also has analogues. These include the following medicines:

  • Coldrex.
  • "Antigrippin-ARVI".
  • "Feniprex-S".
  • "Lemsip Blackcurrant".
  • "Maxicold".
  • "Gripend HotActive".
  • "Neoflu".
  • "Flucoldex-S".
  • "Agycold Hotmix".

But before replacing a drug prescribed by a specialist with a similar remedy, you should consult a specialist.

The analogues include an identical set of components. This becomes clear after studying the instructions for use contained in the packaging of the drug "Prostudox". Reviews of analogues are mostly positive, but they havehigher cost. That is why people prefer "Prostudox".

Drug cost

"Prostudox" refers to drugs at an affordable price. A package with five sachets of medicine can be purchased at a price of 131 rubles. This is the average price of the drug. In some pharmacies, the cost of the medicine may be higher, in some - lower.

A package containing ten sachets of Prostudox can be purchased at an average price of 186 rubles. You can buy medicine at any pharmacy in the city, and without a doctor's prescription. You can also order the drug through online stores. However, you will need to pay extra for delivery of the medicine, and the waiting period can usually be up to five days.

Therefore, it is better to purchase a drug when you personally visit one of the city's pharmacies. So, a person can study when buying "Prostudox", instructions for use, reviews and possible contraindications, but also make sure that the expiration date of the purchased medicine has not expired and the drug is fit for use.

Patient testimonials

prostoloks instructions for use powder
prostoloks instructions for use powder

Reviews of most patients about the drug "Prostudox" are positive. People note the high effectiveness of a pharmacological agent in the early stages of a cold.

Occurring negative reviews are most often associated with an advanced degree of the disease. According to people, "Prostudox" copes well with a cold in the early stages, but withcopes with neglected colds much worse.

The opinion of experts about the drug "Prostudox"

prostoloks instructions for use reviews analogues
prostoloks instructions for use reviews analogues

Reviews of doctors are positive. Experts note the high effectiveness of the drug. Doctors prescribe "Prostudox" exclusively to persons over 14 years of age and not suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Specialists note that within 3-4 days after the start of the drug in a patient, the symptoms of a cold become less noticeable or disappear altogether. Doctors prescribe this drug in the initial stages of the disease. In advanced cases, the effectiveness of the drug is significantly reduced, and the specialist is forced to prescribe a stronger antiviral drug.


The "Prostudox" drug in a relatively short period of time has earned people's recognition due to its low cost and high efficiency. The medicine in a short time helps to get rid of the symptoms of a cold and prevent further development of the disease.
