The body has a protective system that promotes the production of antibodies in response to the penetration of pathogenic microflora. In the first years of a child's life, the immune system is not yet fully developed, so the growing body is not always able to cope with the disease on its own. For such purposes, "Anaferon" for children is often used. We will consider the instructions and reviews about the drug below.
Medication form
"Anaferon" for children is available in tablets and drops. The first dosage form is intended for older children, and drops for the smallest patients.

Specialists most often prescribe "Anaferon" in tablets, which are sold in blisters of 20 or 40 pieces.
Operation principle
Instructions for the use of children's tablets "Anaferon" speaks of immunomodulatory and antiviral effects.
The drug is active against the following microorganisms:
- herpes virus;
- enteroviruses;
- influenza and parainfluenza viruses;
- rotaviruses;
- tick-borne encephalitis viruses;
- coronaviruses and others.

When taking the drug, the concentration of viruses that cause the above diseases decreases, and the production of interferon increases. It strengthens the child's immunity and copes with viruses and bacteria. The drug stimulates the immune response to the effects of pathogenic microorganisms, both cellular and humoral.
At what age is allowed to receive
The manufacturer reports the safety of the drug even for babies. It is allowed to take, according to the instructions, "Anaferon" for children from the age of 1 month.
Indications for use
According to the instructions, "Anaferon" for children is prescribed in the following cases:
- In the treatment of colds, SARS, for their prevention in children.
- For the treatment of labial and genital herpes in combination with other drugs, in the treatment of diseases caused by viruses (chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis).
- In the complex treatment of rotavirus, enterovirus and other diseases.
- Treatment of certain types of immunodeficiency.
"Anaferon" has a sparing effect on the child's body and is part of the complex therapy of the above diseases.

The drug is allowed to be used for weakened immunity of the child and for the prevention of bacterial infections.
How to use "Anaferon"
The drug is allowed to be used by children older than 1 month. Babies from 2 months to 3 years should not be given "Interferon" in tablet form. It is best to purchase it in the form of syrup or dissolve tablets.
As for children over 3 years old, pediatricians recommend sucking the pills until completely dissolved. The drug is not taken during a meal. If the drug is prescribed to a young child, then the tablets can be dissolved in water and the resulting solution can be drunk by the baby. To do this, take 25 ml of boiled water at room temperature and stir the crushed tablet in it.
According to the instructions, "Anaferon" for children is started to be taken when the first symptoms of a cold and other viral diseases appear. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner full recovery will come.

According to the instructions for use of "Anaferon" for children in drops, a single dose is 10 drops. The scheme of drug treatment on the first day of illness is as follows: 5 doses every 30 minutes, then 3 more doses at regular intervals until the end of the day. On days 2-5, "Anaferon" is taken three times a day, 10 drops each.
The drug is best taken before meals. The optimal time isa quarter of an hour before or after meals.
According to the instructions, "Anaferon" for children in tablets is taken according to the scheme, depending on the indications:
- Influenza and SARS. Therapy will be most effective if it is started when symptoms of the disease appear: cough, sore throat and general weakness. Elevated temperature reduces the effect of the drug. In the first 2 hours, tablets are taken every half hour. In the next 2 days, take 3 tablets with a break of 8 hours. The drug is taken until all symptoms of the disease disappear.
- For rotavirus infection, the treatment regimen is the same as for influenza. However, it must be understood that intestinal problems can be caused not only by viruses. If they are provoked by bacteria, then Anaferon therapy is not advisable, therefore, before giving the baby the drug, you need to pass all the tests and get advice from a pediatrician. Remember that neglected intestinal infections can cause irreparable harm to a child's he alth.
- For the treatment of herpes, the drug is used every 3 hours for three days. Then, within a month, use 4 tablets per day. So that herpes does not bother the child in the future, "Anaferon" for prevention is taken 1 tablet for up to 6 months. This is determined by the doctor, taking into account the picture of the disease.
- For the treatment of a bacterial infection, 1 tablet of "Anaferon" is used per day. The course of therapy is determined by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the patient's condition.
- According to the instructions, "Anaferon" for children for prevention inthe period of colds is taken 1 tablet 1 time per day until the end of the epidemic.
- If the child has a weakened immune system, it is recommended that he take the drug for 3 months.
Contraindications and side effects
According to the instructions, "Anaferon" for children is prohibited in the following cases:
- for the treatment of a child under the age of one month;
- with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- in case the child is diagnosed with lactose intolerance.
If you take the drug correctly and use it exclusively according to the instructions, then side effects are practically not observed. It is best to start giving "Anaferon" to a child over the age of 1 year due to a severe reaction with individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug. It is allowed to use it for as long as the process of treatment or prevention requires, which cannot be said about other antiviral agents.

If a child has an individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug, then they stop therapy. When contacting a specialist, he selects another immunomodulating agent.
Cases of an overdose of "Anaferon" in the treatment of children have not been identified. According to the manufacturer, if a child accidentally takes several tablets, this can lead to symptoms of dyspepsia, which is caused by taking the filler in the composition of the drug. Overdosethe active substance does not contribute to the occurrence of a toxic effect.
Instead of Anaferon, a specialist may prescribe the following drugs to a child:
- "Ergoferon". The medicine belongs to homeopathic remedies, and includes antibodies to interferon gamma, supplemented with other components. In solution, the drug is given to children over 3 years old, and for resorption in the form of tablets, it can be used from six months.
- "Arbidol". The drug is prescribed for babies, starting from the age of 2 years. The basis is umifenovir, which is active against influenza viruses and coronaviruses. Release form of the drug: suspension, tablets and capsules. In solid form, prescribed to children over the age of 3 years.
- "Viferon". Rectal suppositories containing alpha-interferon have an effective effect in the treatment of viral hepatitis, influenza, candidiasis and other infections. They are prescribed even for premature babies. The drug is made in the form of an ointment or gel.
- "Orvirem". A drug based on rimantadine has an antiviral effect and is prescribed for influenza and other viral infections. It comes in the form of a sweet syrup that is given to children over 12 months old.
- "Grippferon". The basis of this drug is alpha-interferon, which has an immunomodulatory effect. Dosage forms include spray and drops. Under certain indications, it is used to treat infants.
- "Zovirax". The drug hasactivity against the herpes virus, so it is most often used when infected with this particular pathogen. It is available in tablets, ointments, creams, injections.

Analogues of "Anaferon" should be prescribed by a specialist taking into account a specific disease and as a preventive measure.
Interaction with other drugs
According to the instructions, "Anaferon" for children in drops and tablets can be combined with any means: antibiotics, with other antiviral drugs. No cases of incompatibility with other drugs have been identified.
According to many doctors, "Anaferon" is classified as a drug whose effectiveness has not been proven. Experts question its therapeutic effect due to the low concentration of the active substance. They compare the use of "Anaferon" in childhood with the placebo effect.

According to reviews, according to the instructions "Anaferon" for children is prescribed for rotavirus, at a temperature during SARS and other infections. There are both positive and negative opinions of mothers about the drug.
The advantages of the drug include low cost, pleasant taste, no adverse reactions and the ability to take for a long time for prevention purposes. Negative effects on the children's body when taking "Anaferon" parents practically did not meet.
Separatea group of parents claims that the drug did not give any positive effect during the treatment. They initially refuse "Anaferon" in favor of other antiviral agents that act on the causative agent of the disease, and not on the child's immune system.
"Anaferon" for children is an antiviral drug that increases the immunity of babies. With its proper use, the course of the disease is facilitated, its symptoms quickly disappear. Due to the absence of side effects, the drug is widely used for the treatment and prevention of SARS and influenza.