Back pain can affect anyone. In recent years, this disease has become much younger. And if earlier only elderly people suffered from sciatica or osteochondrosis, now back problems can arise already in youth. This is due not only to a sedentary lifestyle, but also to an abundance of stress, as well as malnutrition. In most cases, special ointments for lower back pain can help the sufferer. The use of local remedies is considered not only more effective, but also safer. After all, no more than 10% of the active ingredients of the ointment are absorbed into the blood through the skin. But despite this, only a doctor can decide which drug is better. After all, back pain can be caused not only by problems with the musculoskeletal system, but also by diseases of the heart, intestines or genitourinary system. And there are so many remedies for back pain that a non-specialist simply cannot choose a more suitable one.
What are the ointments for back pain
Modern medicine offers a wide range of local remedies for the treatment of back pain. Ointments for back pain can be used both as part of complex therapy, and as an independent treatment. They differ according to the active ingredients they contain. Now there are such groups of drugs:

1. Homeopathic remedies are highly effective in inflammatory diseases. They are easily tolerated by patients and have almost no contraindications.
2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for back pain of any etiology. But you need to use such ointments only as directed by a doctor, as they have many contraindications and side effects.
3. Warming, or, as they are also called, local irritants, help well if the back hurts after an injury, strong physical exertion, or from hypothermia.
4. Chondoprotectors are drugs that contain substances that protect cartilage from damage and have anti-inflammatory properties.
5. In recent years, combined ointments have become more popular, which include various active ingredients. Therefore, they act in several directions at once.
Anti-inflammatory ointments
These drugs are considered the most effective when the lower back hurts. An ointment containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances quickly relieves pain. But such drugs can have many side effects even when applied topically. Therefore, in the choice of medicine it is necessaryrely only on the advice of a doctor. Commonly used ointments are:
- "Ketoprofen", also known under the names "Fastum Gel", "Ketonal" or "Flexen". It is effective in any inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as after injuries. It is used for osteochondrosis, bruises, radiculitis and inflammatory processes.
- "Nise" is by far the best ointment for lower back pain. Effective for any disease, but the drug can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

- "Diclofenac", or "Diklak", or "Voltaren". These ointments have the same composition and effectively relieve pain and inflammation in the back.
- Preparations based on ibuprofen: "Finalgel", "Piroxicam" or "Ibuprofen" have a similar effect.
Warming ointments for the lower back
Such preparations contain irritating substances that cause a rush of blood to the place of their application, dilation of blood vessels and activation of blood circulation. This gives them a local anesthetic effect. Such an ointment for the lower back is most often used after hypothermia, sports injuries, pinched nerves, with lumbago and myalgia. They are not used to treat children, with allergies or damage to the skin. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be applied with the help of an applicator and only as directed by a doctor. The most famous ointments for back pain with a warming effect are:
- "Finalgon" - contains chemicals that have a vasodilating effect and activate the metabolismsubstances.

- "Kapsicam" in addition to chemical components contains camphor and gum turpentine. The drug effectively relieves inflammation and pain.
- "Efkamon" contains many natural ingredients: pepper tincture, menthol, essential oils of cloves, eucalyptus and mustard. This ointment warms well, relieves inflammation and relaxes muscles.
- "Viprosal" is an ointment with a completely natural composition. Contains snake venom to quickly relieve pain and inflammation.
- "Chondroitin sulfate" is created on the basis of cartilaginous tissues of cattle. The drug effectively restores destroyed ligaments and cartilage, has a beneficial effect on bone tissue. It is used for osteochondrosis and other degenerative diseases of the spine.

- "Teraflex M" in addition to chondroitin contains glucosamine, which also has chondroprotective properties. Both substances in this preparation enhance the effect of each other.
Combination drugs
- "Sofya" - ointment for back and lower back pain has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and chondroprotective properties, thanks to its unique composition, which includes many herbal ingredients.
- The most popular combined preparation is Dolobene gel. It relieves pain and inflammation, restores cartilage tissue and has a thrombolytic and absorbable effect.
- One of the most effective remedies for back painis the gel "Artrocin". It contains cartilage-repairing chondroitin, essential oils with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, and pepper extract to warm and improve blood circulation.
Homeopathic remedies
Such ointments contain substances that, in addition to the analgesic effect, improve metabolism and help restore cartilage tissue. Not all doctors believe that such an ointment is effective for back and lower back pain. But as an aid in the complex treatment of diseases, if they are at the initial stage, they can be used. There are currently two homeopathic remedies:
- "Goal T" is used for osteochondrosis, polyarthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other bone diseases. After all, this ointment has an analgesic, chondoprotective and regenerating effect.
- "Traumeel" better helps with inflammatory processes of soft tissues: sciatica, lumbago or sciatica.

How to choose the right drug
In many cases, with back pain, a person does not go to a doctor, but to a pharmacy. Some follow the advice of pharmacists, others buy the often advertised ointment for back pain. Reviews of patients who have tried many drugs note that their effectiveness does not depend on the price or fame of the manufacturer. In addition, what often works for one person turns out to be useless for another.

Therefore, when choosingmedicines for a sore back should first of all be guided by the recommendations of a doctor who will prescribe the drug in accordance with the cause of the disease. In addition, the medicine is chosen necessarily taking into account individual tolerance and the presence of allergic reactions.
Contraindications and side effects of local remedies
The most common local allergic reactions, especially after the application of warming ointments. Such drugs can cause not only hives, but even tissue swelling and bronchospasm. Therefore, it is recommended to first try the ointment on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. But side effects can cause any means. The most dangerous in this regard are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which, if released into the blood, even in small quantities, can adversely affect internal organs. Therefore, it is contraindicated to use any ointments for kidney pathologies, bronchial asthma, intolerance to any component. Most drugs are also not prescribed for children under 14 and pregnant women.
Application features

- Usually, the course of treatment with local remedies for diseases of the back does not last more than 10 days.
- Apply ointments 2-3 times a day with light rubbing movements. Only homeopathic remedies can be used up to 6 times.
- In some cases, it is necessary to additionally wrap the sore spot over the applied ointment.
- To enhance the effect of treatment, before applying the product, you need to wash the sore spot with warm water withsoap.
- When using warming products for the first time, test for reaction to it on a small area of skin, usually on the inner surface of the elbow.
- Warming ointments should be used with caution for back pain, as they can be caused by inflammation in the internal organs.