Pill "Taren" from radiation

Pill "Taren" from radiation
Pill "Taren" from radiation

Since the Cold War, every first aid kit given to soldiers has contained an antidote that could protect against the harmful effects of radiation. The most effective was considered the means of "Taren". Radiation pills are still used today. It will not be possible to use them without the recommendation of a specialist. The drug cannot be found on the open market.


The drug has a pronounced psychotropic effect. The tool serves as an antidote, an antidote when exposed to chemicals. Its principle is based on the inhibition of metabolic processes in the human body, which slows down the action of intoxication and the spread of toxic substances through the tissues and organs of the infected. For the first time the drug began to be produced in India.

taren tablet
taren tablet

The drug is produced in a hermetically sealed capsule. Each of them contains 6 tablets. Such a unique capsule was included in the AI-1 military first aid kit for individual use. It is also available in the AI-2 first aid kit. The medicine is intended for the civilian population in case of a nuclear war. Experts say that the Taren tablet should first of all remove a state of shock from a person if he got into the area where they were used.nuclear weapons.

Where can I find pills?

The drug is an antidote to all phosphorus-containing elements. Such a medicine was widely used during the war in Afghanistan. Samples of first aid kits are in all educational institutions where the subject "pre-conscription training" is taught.

taren pills clinic poisoning treatment
taren pills clinic poisoning treatment

Another AI-2 can be found at large enterprises and factories in civil defense departments. This set is designed for all employees of the enterprise without exception. At the signal of civil defense about the upcoming nuclear threat, adults need to take one pill, and children, depending on the age category, half or a quarter. How many Tarena tablets can I take per day? It all depends on the degree of chemical threat.

Is the Taren pill dangerous?

According to many scientists, these pills have a very strong psychotropic effect on the body and adversely affect he alth in the future. Already in the late nineties, this tool began to be produced in smaller quantities. A Presidential Decree was issued, according to which, without delay, all organizations had to remove the potent drug from the warehouses and destroy it. Many leaders of organizations canceled the first-aid kit with the remedy. However, there were those who ignored the order. At some enterprises, first-aid kits with a dangerous drug are kept to this day.

taren pills for radiation
taren pills for radiation

Now law enforcement officials are facing problems related todrug "Taren". A psychotropic drug is dangerous for people suffering from drug addiction. Using the medicine for other purposes can lead to serious he alth problems. It is necessary to take the Taren remedy strictly according to the instructions. How many tablets you can drink in a particular case, only a doctor can decide. The medicine is used in medicine today. However, getting it is not so easy.

What can the Taren tablet be substituted for?

The drug is based on aprofen. This component belongs to class 3 potent substances. In medicine, the drug "Aprofen" is also used, which has a composition similar to the "Taren" tablets. The drug has a wide spectrum of action. This tool was first produced by domestic scientists at the pharmaceutical plant named after Ordzhonikidze.

how many tarena tablets can i take a day
how many tarena tablets can i take a day

The action of "Aprofen" begins half an hour after taking it and lasts for 4 hours. There are such unpleasant symptoms as dizziness, dry mouth. Vision deteriorates significantly. It is not always possible to focus on one subject.

Taren drug and drug addiction

The drug can cause hallucinations. It is enough to take only two tablets to feel euphoria. In this condition, the patient's speech and coordination of movements are disturbed. In this case, the patient remains conscious. It is no coincidence that the drug is used by thrill-seekers. It should be noted that the tablets do not causedependencies. However, lovers of euphoria often return to taking the drug.

taren pills photo
taren pills photo

It is worth remembering that it should be used strictly for its intended purpose "Taren" (tablets). Clinic of poisoning, treatment is similar to other psychotropic substances. In case of poisoning, pain in the abdomen, head appears, convulsions begin. Assistance is provided only in the conditions of a special medical institution, it is impossible to act independently.

Side effects

Like many other groups of psychotropic substances, this drug has a detrimental effect on the human body. First of all, it concerns the nervous system, which, after such a strong excitation, is significantly depleted. After taking the drug in excessive amounts, the patient experiences aggressiveness, mood swings. Overdose can result in death.

taren how many pills can i take
taren how many pills can i take

Typical side effects are dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. In rare cases, there are malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys. Increased intracranial pressure, impaired vision. Glaucoma, renal failure, hypertension and hypersensitivity to the active ingredient are considered contraindications for use. Far from harmless are "Taren" tablets. A photo of the product is presented in the article.

Reviews about the drug

Interesting stories can be heard from men who once had to do military service in Afghanistan. The drug was given to soldiers toprotect them from chemical attack, as well as relieve fear. After taking just one pill, the guys changed before our eyes. Some became aggressive, others enjoyed life when there was a war around. All this is due to the hallucinogenic effect of the pills. In a state of drug intoxication, many soldiers committed terrible acts. If you believe the reviews, the effect of the drug lasted only a few hours. Further, the patient felt a terrible loss of strength.

However, in some cases it was not possible to do without the drug "Taren". The pills protected soldiers from radiation when chemical weapons were used by the enemy. In addition, only with the help of such psychotropic drugs was it possible to save soldiers from depression.

Taren tablet is a potent remedy. Its use is justified only in exceptional cases.
