Drugs 2024, October

Chlorophyllipt solution. Chlorophyllipt solution for gargling

Chlorophyllipt solution. Chlorophyllipt solution for gargling

Chlorophyllipt solution is an inexpensive drug that is very popular with those who seek to put their nasopharynx in order, namely: get rid of pain, cough, purulent plugs formed on inflamed tonsils, swelling of the mucosa and other manifestations tonsillitis, pharyngitis and their numerous complications and varieties

"Natural tear" - drops for moisturizing the eyes

"Natural tear" - drops for moisturizing the eyes

Natural tear eye drops are quite often used in modern medicine. This drug does not have any medicinal properties, but it is an excellent lubricant used to additionally moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye. And the absence of contraindications and the minimum number of side effects make this medicine really indispensable

The medicine "Candibiotic" - ear drops from otitis media

The medicine "Candibiotic" - ear drops from otitis media

The drug "Candibiotic" is a combined antibacterial and antifungal drug with a local anesthetic effect, used to treat diseases in otolaryngology. Produced in the form of ear drops

Drug "Gramicidin C": description, indications, recommendations for use

Drug "Gramicidin C": description, indications, recommendations for use

Medication "Gramicidin C" is an antimicrobial drug that is part of the group of biological antiseptics of microbial origin. The tool is widely used in dentistry, ophthalmology, ENT practice. Read more about the drug in the article

Pseudoephedrine-containing drugs: list, indications and instructions for use

Pseudoephedrine-containing drugs: list, indications and instructions for use

In this article, we will consider drugs containing pseudoephedrine. This substance is an organic chemical compound, a derivative of phenylethylamine. Contained in preparations that are aimed at treating diseases of the upper respiratory canals. This element has a constricting effect on blood vessels, reducing blood flow to swollen nasal passages and other tissues, which reduces the volume of secretions and reduces swelling of the mucous membranes

"Formetin": instructions for use, reviews

"Formetin": instructions for use, reviews

Currently, there are many people suffering from diabetes and complicated type of obesity. There are many drugs for the treatment of these ailments. One of them is the drug "Formetin". Its characteristic features will be further described in this text

Effective drugs to improve cerebral circulation. Folk remedies to improve cerebral circulation

Effective drugs to improve cerebral circulation. Folk remedies to improve cerebral circulation

The presence of a blood flow disorder can manifest itself at different ages. There are various drugs to improve cerebral circulation. They can be recommended not only to the elderly, but also to fairly young patients. Many may experience cerebrovascular accident

"Farmadipin" (drops) from what?

"Farmadipin" (drops) from what?

Currently, there are many different remedies for hypertension and angina attacks. One of them is "Farmadipin" (drops) medicine. From what this drug will be considered further in more detail

"Theophylline": instructions for use. "Theophylline": indications for use, analogues

"Theophylline": instructions for use. "Theophylline": indications for use, analogues

If a person suffers from airway obstruction, this may indicate the presence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This disease is quite common. Often the occurrence of this pathology is observed in smokers

An effective cure for constipation. constipation medicine for adults

An effective cure for constipation. constipation medicine for adults

Many know firsthand about such a negative manifestation as constipation. Various factors influence the occurrence of this disease. Currently, in pharmacies, the medicine for constipation is available in a considerable assortment. However, it is not recommended to independently prescribe a safe and effective remedy of this type

The best medicine for nerves and stress

The best medicine for nerves and stress

There are a lot of surprises in life, both pleasant and not quite. Sometimes it is completely impossible to cope with the problems that have piled up on your own. In order to strengthen the nervous system and support the emotional component in a stressful or tense state, a wide variety of medicines are released. More on this later

Medicine "Cyclophosphamide": instructions for use, price, analogues, manufacturer and reviews

Medicine "Cyclophosphamide": instructions for use, price, analogues, manufacturer and reviews

"Cyclophosphamide" is an alkylating compound. It is an anticancer drug. Available as a white or nearly so crystalline powder. Learn more about this drug

Drug "Corvalol": from what and how to apply?

Drug "Corvalol": from what and how to apply?

There are many drugs that can be purchased at pharmacies without a special prescription. These are, as a rule, non-steroidal drugs (aspirin, citramon), vitamins and various drops. For example, the drug "Corvalol". From what this remedy, we will consider in this article

What is a carminative prescribed for?

What is a carminative prescribed for?

Often a carminative is prescribed for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. What is this drug and how does it work - this will be discussed in the article

"Spazgan": analogues, composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

"Spazgan": analogues, composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

In acute pain attacks, medications come to the rescue, which relieve discomfort in a few minutes. One of these tools is Spazgan. Analogues of the drug also exist, but before buying, you should familiarize yourself with their composition and instructions for use. This will help to avoid side effects of drugs on the body

Gel "Chondroxide": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

Gel "Chondroxide": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

In the treatment of diseases of the joints and cartilage tissue, "Chondroxide" gel is used as part of complex therapy. Instructions for use, price and reviews - this information should be studied before purchasing a medicine. Is this drug as effective as advertised, what side effects and contraindications does it have, and can it be replaced with a cheaper analogue?

Medicines for concussion: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

Medicines for concussion: purpose, features of administration, dosage, composition, indications and contraindications

A hit, a fall from a height, an unsuccessful trick - all this can lead to a concussion. In this condition, a qualified first aid should be provided to a person, otherwise complications may be encountered in the future. Medicines for concussion relieve symptoms, vasospasm, normalize blood circulation

Antifungal drugs for nails: list, description, reviews

Antifungal drugs for nails: list, description, reviews

Fungus treatment is a long process and not always successful. Medicines on the shelves of pharmacies are presented in huge quantities, but not all of them cope with the task quickly and efficiently. To choose an effective antifungal drug for nails, you need to pay attention to the instructions for use and read customer reviews

Alzheimer's medicine: description and instructions for use

Alzheimer's medicine: description and instructions for use

Despite the latest developments of pharmaceutical companies and scientific research, there are still diseases that cannot be completely cured. A cure for Alzheimer's has not yet been invented, so the therapeutic complex includes drugs that reduce the severity of symptoms and slow the progression of the disease

"Daflon 500": instructions for use, composition, analogues, manufacturer, reviews

"Daflon 500": instructions for use, composition, analogues, manufacturer, reviews

Sometimes doctors prescribe the drug "Daflon 500" as part of complex therapy for their patients from varicose veins. Instructions for use positions it as an effective venoprotective and venotonic agent. Who manufactures this medicine? What is included in the composition of the drug and what do specialists and patients think about it?

What drops from the common cold can be during pregnancy at different times?

What drops from the common cold can be during pregnancy at different times?

Colds from time to time occur in every person, and the period of pregnancy is no exception. How to treat a runny nose for women who are expecting a baby? What drops from the common cold are possible during pregnancy, and which are categorically contraindicated? What do doctors think about the treatment of the common cold in pregnant women?

Chickenpox vaccine for adults: drug names, vaccination conditions and doctors' reviews

Chickenpox vaccine for adults: drug names, vaccination conditions and doctors' reviews

Chickenpox is a disease called "childhood" because the vast majority of people get it before the age of twelve. Do adults who have not had this disease before need a vaccine against chickenpox? Why vaccinate those who have already encountered chickenpox in childhood. Vaccination contraindications and adverse reactions

Ledifos: reviews, instructions for use, manufacturer

Ledifos: reviews, instructions for use, manufacturer

This article talks about a drug like Ledifos, its use, price and reviews

Opiates are the narcotic alkaloids of opium. Opiates - features of use, types and effect

Opiates are the narcotic alkaloids of opium. Opiates - features of use, types and effect

Everyone knows about the dangers of drugs, they cause addiction, lead to complete degradation of the individual. For the sake of a dose, the addict is ready for anything. However, opiates are substances that not only harm humanity, but are also actively used in medicine, helping to relieve pain in cancer patients and after operations

Liquid amino acids: instructions for use

Liquid amino acids: instructions for use

For the formation of protein in the body, amino acids are needed - organic compounds containing amine and carboxyl groups. To restore strength after exercise and training, it is recommended to take liquid amino acids, which are quickly absorbed by the body

Hyaluronic acid injections: description, reviews, contraindications

Hyaluronic acid injections: description, reviews, contraindications

Today, aesthetic medicine uses a lot of modern tools and procedures that improve skin condition and prevent wrinkles. And injections of hyaluronic acid are very popular among those who want to stop the aging process

Balm "Golden Star": composition, properties and instructions for use

Balm "Golden Star": composition, properties and instructions for use

Golden Star balm has been one of the most popular and sought-after products on the pharmacological market over the past decades. Low cost, efficiency and natural composition make this tool really indispensable

Main indications for the use of folic acid during pregnancy

Main indications for the use of folic acid during pregnancy

Indications for use of folic acid show that it is the first drug to be taken in the earliest stages of pregnancy. Otherwise, the growth and development of the child may go with violations

From what pills "Ranbaxi", all about them

From what pills "Ranbaxi", all about them

The company "Ranbaxi" ranks 2nd in the world in the creation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics and 20th among all pharmaceutical companies in the world. Her wide range of medicines is astounding, and research is on the rise

Citicoline drug: instructions for use, composition, description, reviews

Citicoline drug: instructions for use, composition, description, reviews

Citicoline is a nootropic. It is used to treat disorders of the brain: various injuries, strokes, complications. This drug can restore impaired attention and memory, and it also improves the function of neuronal membranes, thereby helping to reduce cerebral edema

Anticoagulants of direct and indirect action. Indirect anticoagulants: list of drugs, mechanism of action, classification. Overdose of indirect anticoagulants

Anticoagulants of direct and indirect action. Indirect anticoagulants: list of drugs, mechanism of action, classification. Overdose of indirect anticoagulants

When the balance of functioning of the systems is disturbed in favor of increased blood clotting, conditions arise that can lead to excessive clotting. Indirect anticoagulants are one of the groups of drugs used to restore internal disorders

"Trivit" (for animals: properties, indications for use, instructions, owner reviews

"Trivit" (for animals: properties, indications for use, instructions, owner reviews

All animals, including our pets, need vitamins for normal development and well-being. Today, veterinarians have a large selection of such drugs at their disposal. Today we will present you one of them - "Trivit" (for animals). This complex-vitamin preparation will help keep your pet in shape

"Calcide + Magnesium" - a natural prophylactic against osteoporosis and rickets

"Calcide + Magnesium" - a natural prophylactic against osteoporosis and rickets

The drug "Calcide + Magnesium" - an assistant in the normalization of calcium levels in the body. The drug is recommended as a prophylactic against severe pathologies

"Nefrosten": instructions for use. Reviews about the medication

"Nefrosten": instructions for use. Reviews about the medication

Dietary supplements are increasingly prescribed to patients. Such funds not only have a positive effect on the work of the organs and systems of the consumer, but are also safe. One of the types of dietary supplements is called the drug "Nefrosten"

"Phytomucil Slim Smart": reviews, description, instructions

"Phytomucil Slim Smart": reviews, description, instructions

Which of us doesn't want to be as he althy as possible for as long as possible and not have any topics to communicate with he alth workers? Someone to achieve this goal regularly goes in for sports, someone sits on strict (and not always safe) diets. And someone entrusted their he alth to biologically active food supplements, which, as a rule, consist of natural ingredients

BAA "Evalar Theanine": reviews, composition and application features

BAA "Evalar Theanine": reviews, composition and application features

Stressful situations and nervous overstrain that accompany a person almost constantly reduce the quality of life and negatively affect well-being. In order to minimize anxiety symptoms, the dietary supplement "Theanine" from "Evalar" is used. Reviews about it are in large numbers on various forums. This dietary supplement is positioned by the manufacturer as a source of calm and cheerful mood

Potassium and magnesium for the heart. Potassium and magnesium tablets

Potassium and magnesium for the heart. Potassium and magnesium tablets

Diseases of the vascular system and the heart, as a rule, are more susceptible to older people. But today these ailments are noticeably “younger”. An unbalanced diet makes it impossible for the body to receive important vitamins and minerals, in particular potassium and magnesium. For the heart, these substances are essential. In this article, we will talk about the role these elements play in the body and how to replenish its content

Potassium-containing drugs: why are they needed, features of use and description

Potassium-containing drugs: why are they needed, features of use and description

Vitamins, minerals and nutrients are necessary for the full functioning of the body. Particular attention is paid to the cardiovascular system. Potassium-containing preparations, which are necessary with an insufficient amount of the substance included in the composition, will help to support its functions. it is important to choose the right drug as prescribed by the doctor

"Enterosgel" for acne: instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

"Enterosgel" for acne: instructions for use, composition, analogues, reviews

One of the effective drugs included in the combined treatment regimens for most diseases is the modern adsorbent "Enterosgel". For acne and other inflammatory rashes, doctors recommend it quite often. Does Enterosgel help with any acne? Dermatologists warn that the result of treatment depends on the cause of acne

"Prevenar" (vaccination): reviews, application, price

"Prevenar" (vaccination): reviews, application, price

"Prevenar" (vaccination) protects against pneumococcal infection in both children and adults. Children should be vaccinated strictly according to the scheme