Dietary supplements are increasingly prescribed to patients. Such funds not only have a positive effect on the work of the organs and systems of the consumer, but are also safe. One of the types of dietary supplements is called the drug "Nefrosten". Instructions for use, price, consumer reviews will be presented below. You will also learn about the features of using the drug.
General characteristics
About the Nefrosten medication, the instructions for use say that this remedy contains the following components: centaury, rosemary, hydroquinone, lovage. There are no additional components. The medicine is available in 60 tablets per pack. The cost of medication depends on where you live. The average price per pack is 170 rubles.
Important information
About the drug "Nefrosten" instructions for use reports that in some situations the use of this medication is unacceptable. Consumers should be sure to read the contraindications. This will help to avoid a negative reaction to the ongoingtreatment.

It is forbidden to use the product during pregnancy and lactation. Only in some cases, a specialist can prescribe tablets under such conditions. A contraindication to treatment is hypersensitivity to any of the constituent components.
Indications for use
Before starting treatment with Nefrosten tablets, the instructions for use should be carefully analyzed. It indicates the main indications for which the drug is prescribed. The supplement is recommended for patients who are at risk of developing urinary tract infections. Also, the medication is prescribed for pyelonephritis, bacteriuria, difficulty in passing urine. Often the drug is used simultaneously with other drugs.
"Nefrosten": instructions for use
The daily dose of the drug for an adult is from 2 to 4 tablets. They can be taken at once or divided into several parts. It is preferable to use the medicine during meals. You need to drink the medicine with clean water. The duration of therapy is determined individually by a specialist.

In order to prevent the drug is used for about one month. If there have already been problems with the urinary system, then the minimum course of admission should be three months.
Reviews on biological supplement
We reviewed what Nefrosten tells the patient about the druginstructions for use. Consumer reviews are also often studied by experts. They say that the drug is in most cases effective from the first days of treatment. The remedy relieves inflammation, improves kidney function. Tablets have a diuretic effect. This, in turn, helps to relieve swelling, improve blood circulation. The consumer begins to feel much better.

Due to its complex action, the drug reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. The drug often allows consumers to dispense with antibacterial agents. Patients say that the tablets are very convenient to take. After all, a person can choose the frequency of use of the medicine. It is also impossible not to mention the affordable price of the drug. The medicine, unlike many analogues, can be purchased by almost everyone.
Some women report having to take the supplement during their pregnancy. However, no negative effects on the fetus were observed.
Small summing up
Are there any additional conditions for using Nefrosten? Instructions for use, the price of the drug and reviews of people are presented to your attention in the article. Doctors say that when using the supplement, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. Thus, the patient will be able to normalize the functioning of the urinary system.

It is a mistake to believe that whenthe occurrence of edema, you need to limit yourself to drinking. If you are prescribed this drug, then be sure to check with your doctor all the nuances of its use. All the best to you!