Ledifos: reviews, instructions for use, manufacturer

Ledifos: reviews, instructions for use, manufacturer
Ledifos: reviews, instructions for use, manufacturer

One of the analogues of the antiviral drug called Harvoni is the modern medicine Ledifos Hetero. This drug was created for those people infected with viral hepatitis C. Before releasing serial Ledifos tablets, its manufacturers conducted many different clinical studies that made it possible to verify the effectiveness and possibility of using the drug as an alternative means of its prototype. This article will talk about the use, contraindications, effectiveness and reviews of Ledifos. What should the patient know about this drug? Let's figure it out together.

ledifos reviews
ledifos reviews


At various stages of the disease with hepatitis C1 or C4 genotype, patients are prescribed a drug called Ledifos ("Ledifos"), consisting of ledipasvir and sofosbuvir. The drug is also used in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver. The ledipasvir contained in the product stops the spread of the disease and prevents infection of he althy cells in the body. The drug Ledifos from India should be purchased only on consultation with a doctor. To select analogues, you should also contact an infectious disease specialist.

Description, release form and composition

Ledifos is officialgeneric drug "Harvoni". It is an inhibitor of specific proteases involved in the biochemical process of viral RNA duplication. This effect is due to the components of "Ledifos". The composition of the drug includes sofosbuvir in a dosage of 400 mg and ledipasvir in an amount of 90 mg.

The drug is available in the form of tablets. All tablets "Ladyfos" are labeled Nl18. This allows you to distinguish a fake from a high-quality original drug. The package of the drug contains 28 active tablets, which are coated with a glossy shell. The manufacturer of "Ladyphos" is the Hetero company, which is located in India. Currently, the company is a leader in the production of effective and not too expensive means to combat a variety of genotypes of the hepatitis C virus.

ledifos manual
ledifos manual

Drug action

Ledipasvir and sofosbuvir, being the active components of Ledifos tablets, block the enzymes that provoke the development and reproduction of the hepatitis C virus when they enter the body. Clinical trials were conducted, in which more than 1,500 people participated. 95% of the subjects made a full recovery after 8 weeks with a sustained immune system response. 97% of people have positive results 12 weeks after starting treatment. A sustained virologic response was seen after 12 weeks of therapy in 99% of patients with cirrhosis. With and without cirrhosis of the liver, the effect was achieved in 95% of people through thatsame period of time. The study found that the combination of ledipasvir and sofosbuvir, without the use of ribavirin, is excellent in treating hepatitis C virus of the first genotype.

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ledifos price

Indications for use

Ledifos drug is a ready-made working combination that allows you to effectively fight the pathogens of chronic hepatitis C (C1 and C4 genotype). The correct combination of active substances in the preparation helps to avoid the use of ribavirin and alpha-peginterferon.

Ladyphos is indicated for the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis C in patients with and without cirrhosis of the liver. Apply Ledifos according to the instructions. The drug is suitable for patients who are undergoing therapy for the first time, as well as for patients in whom the treatment of hepatitis C with ribavirin and interferon has not brought the expected effect. The drug is also indicated for intolerance to these funds.

ledifos tablets
ledifos tablets


In what cases can not apply "Ledifos"? Contraindications are listed below:

  • Children under 18 years of age (reaction to the drug in childhood has not been studied).
  • Having an allergic reaction to one of the substances in the drug.
  • It is forbidden to take funds with tenofovir, elvitegravir, emtricitabine.
  • Do not take the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The simultaneous use of another medicine that contains sofosbuvir is prohibited becausepossible increased side effects and overdose.
  • Don't use Ladyfos with rifampin, carbamazepine, phenytoin, St. John's wort, tipranavir and rosuvastatin as they reduce the effectiveness of using Ledifos.
  • Use with caution if you have liver or kidney failure.
  • The medication must be taken under the supervision of the attending physician.
  • Compatibility of Ledifos with alcohol - no.
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ledifos from india

When using Ladyphos, women should not forget about reliable contraceptives. The drug adversely affects the development of the fetus and is not recommended when planning pregnancy. The effect of this drug on pregnant women has not yet been fully studied. It is worth giving up breastfeeding for the period of therapy, since the drug passes into the milk. It is recommended to transfer the baby to artificial formula until the course of treatment is completed.

The effect of the drug on the child's body has not been studied, so it is not prescribed for children.

If you experience severe side effects or an allergic reaction while using the drug, the course of treatment should be interrupted immediately. You should inform the doctor about the use of other drugs - "Ledifos" is far from compatible with all medications.

Side effects

Generic Ledifos is well tolerated and rarely causes adverse reactions. In some cases, against the background of the use of the drugthere are side effects such as:

  • Fatigue and fatigue.
  • Headache and dizziness.
  • Apathy.
  • Severe skin allergic reactions.

You need to carefully listen to your feelings during the first dose of the drug. If you experience severe shortness of breath, swelling of the tongue, lips, face, as well as severe itching, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor immediately.

The patient immediately after the first dose of the drug feels a slight malaise, lethargy and headache. After adaptation to the drug, these symptoms will disappear. It is important to complete the treatment.

The number of side effects increases when using the drug together with the drug "Ribavirin".

"Ladyphos" is approved for use in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, but therapy should be carried out with extreme caution. The drug is generally well tolerated and significantly increases the chances of a full recovery.

ledifos ledifos
ledifos ledifos

Using Ledifos: instructions

"Ladyphos" is applied strictly according to the scheme recommended by the doctor. The drug should be taken once a day on a tablet, washed down with water. It is not recommended to drink the medicine with tea, fruit juice or coffee. Tablets should be taken at a strictly defined time, so that the active ingredients of the drug are evenly distributed throughout the body.

Duration of treatment with the drug is 12 weeks in the absence of signs of liver fibrosis orfatty hepatitis. The course of therapy is extended up to 24 weeks with a compensated form of liver cirrhosis. A similar scheme is used for simultaneous infection with viral hepatitis C and HIV infection.

Accurate recommendations on dosage, frequency of taking pills and duration of therapy can be obtained from your doctor.

"Ladyphos": analogues

Drug Ledifos has a small list of analogues that have a similar mechanism of action with this drug. The following drugs stand out:

  • "Viropack plus".
  • "Heterosophyre".
  • "Alpha Peginterferon".
  • "Hepcinat LP".

The most popular of these is Hepcinat LP as it is a structural generic of the original Harvoni.

ledifos alcohol compatibility
ledifos alcohol compatibility

How much?

The price of Ledifos from India is between $430 and $550 for a package containing 28 tablets. The original Harvoni product costs $22,500 per pack. Such a significant price difference between Ledifos and Harvoni explains the increase in demand for analogues of antiviral drugs for the treatment of hepatitis C.

In Russia, there are a large number of official intermediaries who sell this product through pharmacies and online stores, so the drug "Ledifos" is not too difficult to purchase.

Reviews about Ledifos from doctors and patients

Indian "Ladyphos" gained a reputation as a highly effective antiviral drug from the very beginninghis release. If you believe the reviews about Ledifos, this drug makes it possible to completely get rid of hepatitis C. Some patients were initially treated with Ribavirin and Interferon, but the therapy was unsuccessful. And only treatment with Ledifos, according to reviews, helped them completely get rid of the disease.
